Meg Gibson

Meg Gibson

Рождение : 1955-08-24, Bridgeton - New Jersey - USA


Meg Gibson was born on August 24, 1955 in Bridgeton, New Jersey, USA as Margaret Elizabeth Gibson. She is an actress.


Meg Gibson


The Surrogate
Jess is thrilled to be the surrogate for her best friend and his husband, but when a prenatal test comes back, it creates a moral dilemma that threatens their friendship.
Estella Scrooge
Estella Scrooge is a Wall Street tycoon with a penchant for foreclosing. A hotelier in her hometown of Pickwick, Ohio has defaulted on his mortgage and as a Christmas gift to herself, Estella decides to deliver the sad news in person. Arriving at the Harthouse Hotel on Christmas Eve, Estella discovers that the mortgage holder is none other than her childhood sweetheart, Pip Nickleby. Always the humanitarian, Pip has generously transformed the property into a refuge for the distraught, disabled and displaced. A freak snowstorm forces Estella, much to her dismay, to take refuge at Harthouse. That night, as it happened to her ancestor Ebenezer long ago, she too is haunted by three visitations. And oh what uninvited overnight houseguests they are!
Химические сердца
Gloria Page
17-летний Генри Пейдж - самопровозглашённый романтик, который еще никогда не влюблялся. Он ждёт свою единственную, а пока всё свободное время посвящает школьной газете. Однажды в школе появляется новенькая Грейс Таун, и Генри понимает, что в скором будущем его жизнь изменится навсегда.
Вокс люкс
Mrs. Montgomery
История женщины, которая, словно Феникс, восстает после случившейся с ней трагедии и становится суперзвездой.
Good Enough
Woman who slaps
This is a comedic drama that follows New York City based flight attendant Lorna Flynn on her obsessive journey to find her long lost relative after her absent father passes away. In the hopes of finding out more about her family and herself, what she discovers is more than she could have imagined.
Women of a Certain Age
Karin Gabriel
Eight months after we first meet the Gabriels, Patricia, the family matriarch, joins her children and daughters-in-law as they prepare a meal from the past and consider the future of their country, town and home. Paying tribute to the difficult year behind them, the Gabriels compare notes on the search for empathy and authenticity at a time when the game seems rigged and the rules are forever changing.
What Did You Expect?
Karin Gabriel
Back in the kitchen of the Gabriel family, the country is now in the midst of the general election for President. In the course of one evening in the house they grew up in, history (both theirs and our country's), money, politics, family, art and culture are chopped up and mixed together, while a meal is made around the kitchen table.
Karin Gabriel
Hungry is the first in a three-play cycle introducing us to the Gabriels of Rhinebeck, New York. These three plays unfold in real time and track the lives of the Gabriels throughout the coming presidential election year. To the rhythm of peeling, chopping and mixing, Hungry places us in the center of the Gabriel’s kitchen. The family discusses their lives and disappointments, and the world at large and nearby. As they struggle against the fear of being left behind, the family attempts to find resilience in the face of loss.
Jill Boyer
Молодой и талантливый подающий терпит на поле провал за провалом из-за психологической травмы. Юношу направляют к спортивному терапевту, который выводит наружу его демонов прошлого, а в первую очередь - воспоминания о жестоком отце.
Her Composition
A college music student turns to prostitution to make a little cash and look for inspiration, as she has blocked on a major musical composition that she must create in order to graduate.
Amira & Sam
VA Administrator
Sam, a soldier who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq, meets Amira when he visits her uncle, Bassam, who had served as Sam's Iraqi translator. Bassam and Sam have a special bond due to their time together in the war. Initially Amira does not trust him because he was an American soldier and her brother was killed by a bomb from American troops in the war. Sam's cousin, Charlie, asks Sam to help him with illegal hedge funds unbeknownst to Sam at the time. Amira is staying with her uncle Bassam since her father died. She sells bootlegged films on the street corner but is forced to stay with Sam after getting busted; immigration officials begin pursuing her. As the film progresses, Sam and Amira fall in love.
Вероника решает умереть
После неудавшейся попытки самоубийства Вероника оказывается в сумасшедшем доме. Когда она окончательно приходит в себя, врачи сообщают ей неутешительную новость: у нее неисправимые проблемы с сердцем и жить ей осталось не так уж и долго. Удастся ли Веронике победить болезнь и вновь обрести желание жить и любить…
Tiger: His Fall & Rise
A small rubber frog named Tiger becomes a major singing star overnight and has to cope with the trappings of stardom.
Кейт и Лео
Executive's Wife
Сквозь прореху во времени Лео, герцог Олбанский, попадает в будущее, а точнее — в современный Нью-Йорк. Обаятельный джентльмен XIX столетия неожиданно оказывается в стремительном мире, где успешно завоевывает высоты деловая женщина — Кейт Маккей.Невероятное случилось, и они встретились! Теперь Лео нельзя оставлять без присмотра ни на минуту! Во всяком случае, до тех пор, пока он не сможет вернуться обратно…
В начале 20-го века двое братьев с Дикого Запада полюбили одну и ту же девушку. Она выбрала младшего Элайджу, а старший брат Люк покинул родину в поисках счастья. Так он оказался на пылающих огнем Балканах, «Диком Востоке» Европы, в восставшей против турецкого ига Македонии...
Girls Night Out
On a Friday evening, Manhattan gallery owner Jack meets Claire and Victoria on a Soho street and invites them up to his loft "to see his Max Ernst collages." What ensues is an unexpected and intimate exchange of secrets, dreams, and regrets between strangers.
Портрет совершенства
Mrs. Davenport
Так уж повелось, что боссы крупных компаний любят серьезных, обстоятельных и остепенившихся сотрудников. Очаровательная сотрудница рекламного агентства Кейт, при всех ее талантах и достоинствах, к сожалению, не одна из них. И это обстоятельство, при всем страстном желании Кейт сделать карьеру, очень мешает ее продвижению по служебной лестнице. Девушка решает разыграть маленький спектакль, представив шефу «доказательство» своей стабильности, в виде престижного — клипмейкера по имени Ник. Ник же, на самом деле, скромный парень, зарабатывающий себе на жизнь съемками свадеб и едва знающий Кейт. Однако, это обстоятельство не помешает ему весьма увлечься девушкой и повлиять на ее честолюбивые планы…
Top of the World
One parting married couple, plus two guys and two gals, interact during a Thanksgiving weekend at a roomy home in the Colorado Rockies.
People Like Us
Violet Bastito (as Margaret Gibson)
When a wealthy scriptwriter and socialite's daughter is murdered, he feels let down by the courts, and so decides to use his powerful position to enable his own form of justice.
Deadly Deception
Laurie Shoat
Laurie Shoat, a young mother, struggling with post-partum depression, is found dead and her baby is missing. The police assume it was a murder-suicide, but her husband Jack isn't convinced. He believes that his baby may still be alive and begins a search to clear his wife's name and to find the infant.
The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James
This movie looks at the last years (not days, as implied in the title) of famous outlaws, Frank and Jesse James. The film opens in 1877 with the brothers trying to settle down after 15 years of thievery. Frank is shown to be a book-loving and family-oriented man, while brother Jesse is a money-hungry womanizer. The movie follows their lives through Jesse's death at the hands of the "rotten little coward" Bob Ford and Frank's death in 1892.