Duncan Regehr
Рождение : 1952-10-05, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
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Duncan Peter Regehr (born October 5, 1952) is a Canadian writer, multi-media artist, and film and television actor. He has also been a figure skater, an Olympic boxing contender, and a classically trained Shakespearean stage actor in his native Canada, before heading to Hollywood in 1980.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Duncan Regehr, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Count Dracula (archive footage)
The third entry into the Born to Lose video mixtape series, once again packed to the brim with dumb videos and childish humor.
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
В колледже Кортни и Джейн были очень близкими подругами, и тяжёлым ударом для Кортни стало неожиданное и необъяснимое самоубийство Джейн всего за несколько дней до окончания учёбы. Сейчас, спустя семнадцать лет, Кортни — известная писательница и живая легенда. Её роман о смерти Джейн стал бестселлером. Обстоятельства сложились так, что Кортни вновь оказывается в том же колледже, но уже в качестве преподавателя живописи. С её появлением здесь начинают происходить жуткие пугающие события. В той самой комнате, где произошла давняя трагедия, сейчас живёт девушка, так похожая на Джейн, и, судя по всему, трагическая история может повториться. Прошлое и настоящее сплетаются в мистическом головокружительном клубке. Кортни пытается его распутать, но чем ближе к разгадке, тем ужаснее правда, скрытая за дверью комнаты в конце коридора.
This is a feature-length look into the creation of the 20 year old cult-classic, Monster Squad, including interviews with writer/director Fred Dekker, stars Tom Noonan, Duncan Regehr, Andre Gower and more.
Seth Harmon
A famous crime novelist's protigie disappears before the release of author's first new book in years. Is the seeming crime an elaborate publicity stunt, or was this author so desperate for material that he created his own sinister inspiration? Despite his cunning defense on trial (the trial that made his book a best seller), Detective Cooper suspects the latter. She's determined to separate fiction from reality, but the deeper she gets in the story, the more twisted the plot becomes.
An art professor is informed that the husband she thought died ten years before has just been murdered. So she starts to research her husband's secret life in search of the reason he disappeared and who might have killed him.
After a series of Amazonian Indian attacks on US owned petroleum installation in Brazil, both governments start a secret 'special program'. In fact colonel Ezekial's men use GM killer bees to eradicate the tribes. During an Indian attack, reporter Ann Bauer is stung, yet survives after a mysterious rescue. Dr. Stephen North realizes the venom has priceless healing powers and smuggles the bee aboard a flight to New York. Bauer, her nearly-divorced husband, Martin, who is aboard and her friend, US State Department project representative, Scotty, face potential mass-killing after turbulence releases the bees aboard.
John Dirks
A sleazy producer develops a concept he dubs "blood surfing" -- tossing bloody fish remains into the water to lure sharks and then surfing through the animals as they chomp about. Along with his camerawoman, the producer brings two thrill-seeking surfers to the coast of Florida to capture some gnarly footage. But, as they blood surf, they encounter something even more deadly: a colossal prehistoric crocodile intent on devouring them.
Yuri Malenkovich
Во время литературной конференции при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает один из участников, советский диссидент Юрий Маленкович, автор книги, разоблачающей деятельность КГБ. Список подозреваемых в убийстве Маленковича внушителен и включает как тех, кому писатель посвятил свою книгу, так и тех, с кем он успел поссориться за один день пребывания на конференции.
Mitch Graham
A precocious youngster's visions of a mysterious woman and a series of child murders leads her mom to seek help from the authorities.
В далеком будущем, где фантастические путешествия в виртуальном мире становятся реальностью, юный Джесси становится супермастером виртуального пилотажа. Переходя в параллельные миры, он отправляется в захватывающее дух путешествие во времени и, попадая в различные эпохи, помогает лучшим героям прошлого и настоящего.
Justin Wakefield
Начав писать по совету своего покойного мужа, Дафни Филдс добивается большого успеха, одновременно воспитывая своего глухонемого сына. Успех приводит Дафну в Голливуд, и она на время оставляет сына в престижной школе. Голливуд полюбил книги Дафни, а Дафни полюбила исполнителя главной роли в фильме по ее роману. Но, вернувшись на Рождество в Нью-Йорк, Дафни попадает под машину. Оказавшись на больничной кровати, она вспоминает всю свою прошлую жизнь. И этот неожиданный поворот судьбы приводит ее в объятия мужчины, с которым ее свяжет искренняя любовь.
Charles Armstrong
A tomboyish juvenile delinquent, Paschal Draney, is sent to live in a foster home run by a well-known horse breeder where he befriends a Thoroughbred seemingly crippled by a congenital eye defect.
Spaulding Osbourne
Лос-Анджелес объят страхом: обнаружено несколько трупов проституток со страшными отметинами на коже. Капитан полиции Ллойд Хьюз объявляет войну маньяку. Он полагает, что убийца — психически неуравновешенный человек.
Pat Garrett
Gore Vidal's historical novel is brought to life in this television production of Turner Network Television's Billy the Kid.
Commander Jacob Brown
In 2088, when the Earth is heavily polluted and the atmosphere is becoming unbreathable, title starship is launched to investigate whether a planet in a solar system some eighteen light years from Earth would be suitable as a new home for the human race, which would migrate there en mass, a process that would take several decades, as forty years would be required to build the fleet of starships needed. This planet, called Demeter (the Greek goddess of corn, grain and the harvest) was discovered by an earlier mission which took some fuzzy video footage and sent it back to Earth before vanishing without trace. As the round trip would take twenty-five years at near-light speed, many of the crew members that have been selected are teens and young adults. In many ways their voyage is a leap into the unknown as their mission is plagued by a host of problems shortly after they leave Earth behind.
Jacob Brown - Former Commander
In the late 21st century, planet earth's natural resources are near depletion, and problems like acid rain and limited breathable oxygen abound. In response to the environmental decline, the Earth Star Voyager is created as an experimental space ship that sends the brightest young crewmen and women on a quest to find a new planet that human beings can colonize. Along the way, they find the long lost Jacob 'Jake' Brown, find a world with hostile aliens, and learn that the star craft's top secret purpose was not just a peaceful space exploration mission, but also potentially the critical piece of a super weapon.
Count Dracula
Юные друзья состоят членами клуба, посвященного монстрам. Им, можно сказать, крупно повезло, так как они столкнулись с монстрами в реальной жизни. В их город прибыл сам граф Дракула с чудовищем Франкенштейна, Мумией, Человеком-оборотнем и прочими милашками на поиски амулета, жизненно необходимого для его, графа, существования
Errol Flynn
The life and wanton times of Errol Flynn
Amalthor (voice)
Three aliens from an unknown planet, who bear a strong resemblance to the Biblical Magi, visit earth to know the true meaning of Christmas. Peter, a young boy, and Lucy, his goose, are the first to encounter them. Unable to find the true meaning of Christmas in town, Peter takes them to his family's house in the woods. While Peter's grandmother tells the aliens about her memories of Christmas, Marvin, one of the town's bullies, steals Lucy. In the chase to rescue Lucy, Marvin falls through the ice in a lake. Peter attempts to rescue him but falls into the lake as well. The townsfolk, who were out searching for the aliens, attempt to save the boys but their human chain isn't long enough to reach them. The three aliens, who had sworn not to interfere with events on earth, decide to help in order to learn the meaning of Christmas.
Robert Fiori
Lawyer Lilian Reynolds would like to become a judge, an ambition which obliges her to work hard during a complex trial-at least,that is, until she falls hopelessly in love with Roberto Fiori, a cabinet maker who is remodeling her office. Roberto threatens Lilly's career, but Lilly is not concerned about this as she overcomes the social barriers posed by their love.