В будущем человечество нашло способ, как избавиться от ненужных эмоций. Решившись на очистку ДНК, Габриэль начинает путешествие по своим прошлым жизням, в каждой из которых встречает Луи. Она ощущает мгновенное взаимное притяжение, но её преследует предчувствие, что произойдет нечто страшное...
Группа мстителей под названием "Табачный отряд" распадается на части. Чтобы восстановить командный дух, их лидер предлагает собраться на неделю в отпуск, а затем вернуться, чтобы спасти мир.
Patricia Coma
Из-за пандемии коронавируса 18-летняя девушка сидит в своей комнате, ограничив общение социальными сетями. В какой-то момент она подписывается на блогершу по имени Патриша Кома, которая рекламирует своё изобретение, «разоблачитель».
April 24, 2022, second round of the French presidential election. Felix, who has been living in Melbourne for several years, returns to his childhood village in Lot-et-Garonne after the death of his mother to deal with administrative matters, and with the firm intention of voting against Marine Le Pen. He is welcomed by Julien, his older brother, who has remained in the family home. Despite the past complicity and the emotion of the reunion, many things now oppose them
Antoine, an international wine negotiator in his fifties, receives an unusual phone call from Moscow. No voice, just a breath. Shaken, he leaves everything behind, his job, his partner, to go immediately to Russia to look for the woman he loved passionately and who has mysteriously disappeared for four years.
Antoine, a history teacher in his early 50s, learns that he has become very hard of hearing. Unable to own up to his handicap, he resigns himself to living in his bubble, even though his entourage finds his behavior increasingly odd. His encounter with Claire, widow and mother of a young girl who has stopped speaking, will lead him to open up to the world.
Like tears in the rain, water is the metaphor for growing pains and so much more in these four tales about young boys coming to terms with a host of emotions for the very first time. These polished productions and festival favourites are brought to you by a host of talented directors from across Germany, Denmark, France and the Netherlands. The short films are: Ocean [Océan] (2013); Go Daan Go! [Daan Durft] (2014); The Boy in the Ocean (2016); Beach Boy (2011).
Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.
Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David's a financier at the European Bank of Strasbourg. Working on a project for a motorway across Romania, David asks Roxana for some help.
Victim 4
Мужчина попадает под влияния своей новой куртки из оленьей кожи, которая заставляет его тратить все сбережения и совершать преступления.
It could have been a normal day for Virgile, but that's not the way it turned out. After being the victim of a strange attack, the young man is then forced to share a dressing room with Robert Lesmur, the main actor of the play in which he plays an extra. A disturbing character, Robert stimulates feelings in Virgile that will quickly overwhelm him.
When Caroline arrives for her grandmother's funeral, she and her daughter find the church empty.Odile, her mother, has postponed the service as she is not yet ready for the burial.
A middle-class house in the middle of nowhere. A council estate in Sète. A mother and daughter. Two childhood friends. A vanishing. Blackmail. A clash between two worlds.
Anna-Maria / Mlle Valérie
Coco Baisos, a mature woman who likes to lead a big train, finds herself once again a widow, the fifth to be more precise. Bursting with energy and natural optimism, Coco is firmly determined not to be put down by fate. She immediately starts looking for a new companion, preferably a billionaire, so as not to have to give up her habits of luxury and pomp. She would indeed be very unhappy if fate forced her to modify her lifestyle. But the wallets trimmed do not run the streets. This manhunt, longer than expected, will hold many surprises for him ...
Nora is a bright young professional whose new job at a financial firm turns out to be a trial by fire when she learns that her bosses share a tumultuous history with her prickly mathematician father. Meanwhile, an interoffice romance with a competitive colleague leads to even more complications, leaving Nora to navigate a minefield of delicate relationships as she climbs the corporate ladder.
Melanie Florian
Paul Berthier, an ambitious public prosecutor, is witness to the accidental drowning of a young girl in the Charente but does nothing to help. It starts to look like the girl was murdered, and the case lands on Berthier's desk. Suspicion turns to Guillaume Vauban, the rich son of a local industrialist and ex-boyfriend of the dead girl. Paul Berthier finds himself entangled in a web of lies as he opens the case against Guillaume, who has now been arrested. With a conscience far from clear, Berthier agrees with the judge's decision to remand the young man in custody. Through cowardice Berthier clings to his reputation, determined to save face at any cost. Drunk with judicial power, he's caught in a downward spiral.
A shady businessman ,about to be arrested after ruining his country (and more) ,has to get away from his native France ;he meets a dry cleaner,William ,who's got a private plane and they crash on an island.
One winter evening, at an empty gas station, young country musician Sami meets beautiful Julia, who has run out of gas. Sami, who’s been living alone in his car since his ex kicked him out, invites Julia back to “his place” for the night.
Raised to believe in performance and in the idea that all abilities must be optimized, Emma is a young, methodical woman who appears determined and relatively sure of herself. But two consecutive failures (real or imagined) lead her to believe that she has a real problem: she is useless in bed. Because she is more fragile than she appears, Emma hence decides to become... the best lay in Paris! She then sets out on a formidable plan of action (theory, practical, validation of acquired knowledge), which soon provokes a series of misunderstandings and disasters within her immediate vicinity. For one thing, her method doesn't turn out to be really adapted to her field of investigation. And Emma has probably also forgotten a little detail: love doesn't obey any plan. In this absurd and nutty quest, Emma will learn to let go, to lose control, and, to finally win her freedom.
Summer 79, holidays, Ocean. Jean, about 10 years old, realizes that his mother and father don't love each other anymore. Suddenly, the family is confronted with death. Jean discovers the ambivalence of life, its violence, human weakness, something like the end of childhood...
В центре фильма Эрик и 16-летняя Камилла. Они страстно влюбляются друг в друга, и в молодом возрасте у них рождается дочь. 25 лет спустя Эрик уходит от Камиллы к молодой женщине. Вечером 31 декабря Камилла внезапно попадает в прошлое. Ей снова 16. Она заново «открывает» своих родителей, своих друзей, свою молодость и Эрика. Будет ли она избегать его или попробует изменить их жизни? Влюбится ли она в него снова, если знает, что их любви через 25 лет придёт конец?
An actress
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
Sophie's Sister
Судьба свела их не зря: вдвоем они составили странную, но гармоничную пару. Они родились великими выдумщиками, такими, от которых стонала школа. Их проделки можно было бы осудить и окрестить их закоренелыми хулиганами, если бы эти двое не были просто маленькими детьми. Они придумали игру, такую, которую могли придумать только они, игру «осмелишься — не осмелишься». Они брали друг друга «на слабо». Игра росла вместе с ними, и однажды они стали взрослыми. Все изменилось, но они уже не могли отличить игру от жизни, потому что игра была их жизнью. Никто не хотел уступать. Они шутили и смеялись, они делали друг другу больно, они страдали и теряли годы… Они знали, что любят друг друга, они произносили эти слова, но игра возвращалась, не позволяя им стать просто мужчиной и женщиной… Однажды изменилось и это…
Between a conversation on seduction and moments of her intimate life, Julia's attitude to love and to her own contradictions.
A movie director does a new film against heroin consumption, and the producers are heroin dealers.