James Mathers

Рождение : 1955-05-05,


James (Jim) Mathers (born May 5, 1955 in Los Angeles, California) is a former child actor, who developed a career as a cinematographer and director of photography. He is the younger brother of former child television star Jerry Mathers of Leave It to Beaver fame. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jim Mathers, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


The Patent Scam
Director of Photography
The corruption runs deeper than you'd ever imagine. A multi-billion dollar industry you've never heard of. This is the world Patent Trolls thrive in: A world created for them by our own U. S. Patent system. You can be sued for clicking on a hyperlink, using your own scanner, or sharing your Wi-Fi! It sounds insane, but the reality is even crazier. Patent Trolls look for obvious ideas, patent them, and then sue anyone they claim is infringing on their idea. People's lives and businesses are being destroyed.. and they have no way out. “The Patent Scam” exposes the underbelly of this system, and the people that commit this practice.
1000 to 1
Ed Welch
Cory Weissman is a college basketball player who suffers a devastating stroke. He perseveres to find new meaning in his life both on, and more importantly, off the court.
Director of Photography
Секретного агента Джереми Рейнса похищают загадочные незнакомцы. Одного из лучших мастеров своего дела обвели вокруг пальца и используют в качестве приманки в террористической операции. Жизнь Джереми и всей его семьи — на волоске. Счет идет на минуты, и у него остается все меньше и меньше времени, чтобы сдать похитителям секретную информацию, которую он поклялся хранить ценой собственной жизни.
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?)
Director of Photography
The life and work of the enigmatic singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson.
The Television Revolution Begins:
Director of Photography
DVD featurette documenting the success of "All in the Family".
Fatal Secrets
Director of Photography
"BALANCING THE BOOKS" is a character-driven suspense drama about an attractive woman who enlists the help of her two best friends to confront a traumatic experience she can no longer deny. Julia, divorced and successfully self-employed, seems to have it all - except the right guy in her life. Her friends urge her to "get back out there." But they don't yet know about Scott - a charming man with a secret background whose true colors paint a streak of pain and fear through Julia's life. When Scott's effect on Julia reaches the breaking point, she and her friends take matters into their own hands... and underestimate the consequences. The outcome forces all of them into a desperate situation. Everyone pays the price.
Director of Photography
Долгие годы Джонни кропотливо выстраивал схему становления на путь, ведущий к исполнению Американской Мечты. И все складывалось весьма успешно до момента, пока он не решил устроить вечеринку для своего лучшего друга Билла.Под эгидой этой гениальной идеи на вечеринку стягиваются в высшей степени эксцентричные персонажи (включая транссексуала легкого поведения, сбежавшую девственницу, бывшего мошенника и короля Порно). Неистовый вечер еще не подошел к концу, а все тщательно спланированные проекты Джонни начинают терпеть крах. Одна сумасшедшая ночка — и жизнь катится в тар-тарары…
Ghost Dog: A Detective Tail
Director of Photography
A loyal police dog's spirit takes control of a criminal's body to search for its killer.
Trapped: Buried Alive
The management of a ski resort blatantly ignores a local expert's warning that a mass of snow has build up which is just waiting to come down the ski slopes in a terrible avalanche. Instead of clearing the endangered area, skiers are allowed to remain 'for the rest of the day'. Nature doesn't wait till after business hours, so the crystallized wave rushes down and crushes everything on its path, including a brand new hotel; among the guests is the architect Michael Cooper's own family, which now tries to remember the plans well enough to find the way out, as he tries to instruct the rescue operation above, where a second, even larger avalanche is expected.
XCU: Extreme Close Up
Director of Photography
An unpredictable and irresistible thriller about instant celebrity, primetime morality and America's endless appetite for junk food TV. Television producer Karen Webber has built her career on her ability to create top-rated primetime TV. But as housemates and crew start turning up dead on the hit show XCU, Karen and her cast of instant celebrities can't possibly anticipate just how extreme their reality show is about to become!
St. Patrick: The Irish Legend
A young Christian boy attends a druid worship that is attacked by invading Irish tribes. Taken captive, he is taken back to Ireland to become a slave. Enduring many hardships, he finds comfort and eventually salvation in his faith. After several years, he escapes back to England, where he joins a convent to prove his faith. His greatest desire is to return to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity. Years later, he is given the opportunity. Upon setting foot on the Irish soil, all snakes are aitomatically driven from the land. He then overcomes many obstacles, including disagreements with the British Cardinal (Malcolm McDowell), to fulfill his destiny and ultimately being given Sainthood.
Beetleborgs Metallix: The Movie
Taking its inspiration from season two of the popular live-action Fox series, this movie continues the adventures of a lovable group of teen heroes who have the ability to change into exoskeletal superheroes named Beetleborgs. They use said powers to defeat evil in all forms.
Hey, Hey, It's the Monkees
Hey, Hey, It's the Monkees is a one-hour comedy special televised on the ABC Network on Monday February 17, 1997. The show features all four of the original Monkees and would be the last time Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Michael Nesmith, and Peter Tork would appear together. Michael Nesmith wrote and directed the program.
Sexual Malice
Director of Photography
Unsatisfied by her boring marriage, Christine begins an affair with a seductive, mysterious stranger named Quinn. But they get carried away with their passion, when lust becomes obsession ... and murder. It seems someone wants to frame Christine who could it be?
Знак Дракона
Director of Photography
Однажды ночью в спальню к благополучной семье врываются вооруженные люди. Жестоко расправившись с матерью и отцом, они похищают маленькую дочь. Испуганному ребенку выжигают на теле таинственное клеймо — Знак Дракона, которым в древности на Востоке метили рабынь-наложниц.
L.A. Goddess
A stuntwoman on a western picture takes over the lead role when the star's alcohol problems prove too much, and she finds herself gradually falling in love with the film's producer.
Дикий кактус
Director of Photography
Гэри Хадсон вышел из тюрьмы и сразу позвонил узнать о своей старой любовнице. Женщина, прелестей которой увлеченный работой муж не замечает, ответила, что подруги его (а он, между прочим, из-за нее и угодил за решетку) здесь нет, да и вообще она уже вышла замуж. Истосковавшись по твердой мужской руке, она его пригласила. Хадсона после отсидки долго уговаривать не пришлось. Сделав свое дело, он задушил ее и «одолжил» машину. Проезжая через пустыню, убийца подобрал симпатичную попутчицу, с которой нашел общий язык — она оказалась такой же уголовницей, если не покруче. Одна эротическая сцена сменяет другую. А в чем же сюжет? В ту же самую пустыню поехали отдохнуть муж и его красавица жена. Там они и познакомились.
Play Nice
Director of Photography
A serial killer is on the loose, and a cop must track him (or her) down.
Тихая ночь, смертельная ночь 5: Создатель игрушек
Director of Photography
Злой кукольный мастер Джо Петто и его странный сын Пино делают рождественские игрушки-убийцы и рассылают их по всему городу…
The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe
Director of Photography
The filmed version of the one-woman stage show written by Jane Wagner and starring Lily Tomlin, which won the Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience. The film stays true to the original stage performance. For her efforts on film and stage, Tomlin received a Tony Award, and Funniest Actress in a Motion Picture in the American Comedy Awards.
Rock 'n' Roll High School Forever
Director of Photography
Those rambunctious kids are back in school and back in trouble in a smash sequel to the 1978 worldwide hit. Corey Feldman leads a rock and roll rally at Ronald Reagon High, but must triumph over the evil plans of the school's fascist principal, Vadar, who wants to halt the school dance and run their school like a prison.
Last Call
Director of Photography
As a little girl, Cindy had to witness how the shady estate agent Jason Laurence killed her mother. In the 22 years since then, he was never called to account for this crime. So Cindy decides to take vengeance herself.
Женские игры
Director of Photography
Частный детектив Фикс Клири берется за расследование загадочного дела. Владелица престижного салона, сексапильная красотка Рики Ренник оказывается свидетельницей зверского убийства. Волею судьбы девушка — единственная подозреваемая в этом чудовищном преступлении. Сами того не подозревая, очень скоро Фикс и Рики становятся пешками в страшной игре, ставки в которой — их собственные жизни.
Director of Photography
Учёные международной корпорации «Нортон Кибердайл» произвели на свет синтезированный генетический организм СИНГЕНОР. Этот биоробот предназначен для боевых действий. Но он оказывается раньше времени на свободе и уничтожает нескольких служащих компании, включая своего создателя Итана Валентайна. Его племянница Сьюзен находит своего дядю мёртвым, при этом она сама чудом спасается от монстра. Полиция не верит в существование чудовища, и только репортёр Ник Кэри соглашается ей помочь, надеясь при этом получить хороший материал для репортажа. Но даже фотографии, сделанные Ником, не убеждают полицию. А тем временем в лаборатории дяди появляется на свет новое чудовище…
Ночное наблюдение
Молодая красавица, оскорбленная изменами мужа, подает на развод. Чтобы не делить с ней имущество, тот нанимает частного детектива, надеясь уличить жену в неверности. Но детектив влюбляется в свою «жертву».
Down the Drain
Director of Photography
A dishonest lawyer devises a scheme to rob a bank by recruiting criminals he has represented to do the job for him. When the robbery is completed, he learns that the "loot" from the vault is in fact a microchip containing top-secret information.
Take Two
Director of Photography
A dying woman tells her son, Barry Griffith, she had been a surrogate mother for a millionaire, and that he is a twin to that baby. He seeks out his twin, Frank Bentley to get a bite of his inheritance, but he's not the first long-lost brother to call. Barry stakes out across the street from Frank's home so he can spy and release the story to a tabloid paper. In the process, he begins an affair with Frank's mistreated wife.
Outlaw Force
Some punks go into a small town and start hassling the gas station owner; Billy Ray Dalton a friend of the owner pulls a shot gun on them and tells them to go away. Later they go back and force the owner to tell them where Dalton lives. Now, Dalton a part time musician's out on a gig, when they go to his house and kill his pregnant wife, and take his daughter. Dalton follows them to try and get his daughter back.
Резня в Мемориальной долине
Director of Photography
Campers on a holiday are terrorized by an axe-wielding maniac.
The New Interns
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
Mail Order Bride
Matt Boley (as Jimmy Mathers)
Elderly Will Lane arranges marriage of wild son of dead friend to tame him.
Summer Magic
Peter Carey (as Jimmy Mathers)
Disney musical about Mother Carey, a Bostonian widow and her three children who move to Maine. Postmaster Osh Popham helps them move into a run-down old house and fixes it up for them. It's not entirely uninhabited, though; the owner, a Mr. Hamilton, is a mysterious character away in Europe, but Osh assures them he won't mind their living there, since he won't be coming home for a long time yet. The children and a cousin who comes to live with them have various adventures before an unexpected visitor shows up