Vanessa Howard

Vanessa Howard


Vanessa Howard
Vanessa Howard
Vanessa Howard
Vanessa Howard
Vanessa Howard


The Shoplifting Pact
After being home-schooled, Sky can't wait to get back into the high school experience and make some friends. But, when her new gang seems to prefer shoplifting to hanging out, Sky wonders whether she's fallen in with the wrong crowd.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Sybil Vane
Adaptation of the novel by Oscar Wilde.
What Became of Jack and Jill?
Jill Standish
Two young people plot to get their hands on grannie's money, but rather than simply pushing her down the stairs they hatch an elaborate plot to convince her that radical youth have taken over England are planning to do away with "oldies" like her.
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer
Patricia Cartwright
Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Мамочка, нянечка, сыночек и доченька
Подростки брат с сестрой любят приводить к себе в особняк, где ещё живут мама и няня, различных людей и играть с ними в игры. А если новые друзья не следуют правилам, то они отправляются к праотцам. Впрочем, даже если они им следуют, в итоге они всё равно отправляются туда же. Но однажды у их очередного друга появляется интересная идея для новой игры.
All the Way Up
Avril Midway
Fred Midway may be a bit short on brains but he's got plenty of ambition. However, before he can gain promotion as a salesman he must make his family more socially acceptable.
A Promise of Bed
Three part comedy. A fading sex symbol attempts to win the lead in a movie by seducing the son of a film producer. A depressed middle aged loner whose suicide attempt is interrupted by the arrival of a hippy girl.An avid sex film fan and taxi driver, crashes his cab after being distracted by the leggy charms of his latest passenger.
Lock Up Your Daughters
Three sailors on leave turn a British town upside down.
Некоторые девушки могут
Robot No. 7
Тайный агент расследует причины неожиданных смертей среди людей, связанных с созданием нового трансконтинентального авилайнера.
Доктор-хирург находит способ вернуть красоту обезображенному шрамами лицу своей подружки. Проблема в том, что для этого ему требуется отнимать жизни у других девушек, а эффект от восстанавливающей процедуры очень недолговременный.
The Blood Beast Terror
Meg Quennell
A Scotland Yard Detective must investigate a series of murders perpetrated by a giant blood-sucking moth that can take human form.
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
Jamie McGregor (Barry Evans) is a virginal sixth-former in suburbia delivering groceries for the local supermarket, but he is more interested in other matters - Mary, Linda, Paula and Caroline. He tries to seduce the girls of his dreams in the swinging sixties.