Nathalie Pownall

Nathalie Pownall


Nathalie Pownall


Wake - Up
Wake - Up (2021) Nathalie Pownall 'School is over and the summer lies casually ahead for 16 year old JR (Kai Francis-Lewis) and Jordan (Niyi Akin). Their care free plans of shooting breeze, playing hoop and finding some sweet 'tings' is abruptly interrupted by the pressures of life, provoking them both to make choices that could change their friendship and potentially their futures forever...'
A boy writes a comic book with his best friend, and finds situations depicted in the comic book coming to life. Along with the appearance of a mysterious girl, the boy is forced to face the reality of what he has written, and begins a battle to attempt to rewrite death.
A scout's outing to the woods is interrupted by somebody with a large mallet.
The White Box
The Agent
The White Box is coming, the government is on lock-down and their diplomat has vanished. On the ground a single agent races against the clock to find out if they are facing Scenario A or Scenario B - either means the end of the world as we know it but only one is a positive answer for mankind.
Six Degrees
Cocktail Party Host
A short film.
Знак тьмы
Кабалистический ритуал, проведенный молодыми священниками, решившими доказать существование ада, привел к ужасному результату. Всех участников тайного обряда следующим утром нашли мертвыми. Несмотря на усиленные поиски, полиции так и не удалось поймать убийц. Годы спустя несколько подростков попадают в заброшенное общежитие семинарии, где с появлением людей оживают призраки и кошмары прошлого. Прямо на глазах мир вокруг превращается в настоящий ад…