L'Auteur - William
После кончины отца четверо братьев, находящихся не в ладах друг с другом, собираются провести несколько дней в летнем семейном доме на островах Магдалены. Каждый из них должен вспомнить, что такое быть счастливым.
Étienne Brasseur
A professor of philosophy teaches lessons to his awakened students. One day, one of his students decides to put his lessons into practice, and she goes on a journey that shakes her deepest convictions.
Charles Devline
Georges (Grégory Gadebois), teaches school in Montreal – he and wife Emma, (Monia Chokri) have just moved to the countryside. One day, he surprises a young intruder Zack, (Noah Parker), rummaging through his things.
Montreal, June 1995. Miron is a young delinquent who parties instead of going to school. His parents, both university professors, force him to move to the countryside in the hope that the remoteness of the city's distractions would allow him to concentrate and eventually succeed in high school. After a week at the cottage, Miron meets Florence, a 73-year-old neighbor. It's love at first sight between the two. Strongly in disagreement with this romance, Miron's parents forbid her to see her beloved 56 years older. But Miron, determined to live this love story to the end, will make every effort to see Florence again.
Coach Lapointe
Жано Трудель — молодой парень, который решил посвятить свою жизнь хоккею. На международном юношеском турнире его команда вышла в финал, но проиграла решающий матч. Привезя домой серебреные медали, парни чувствовали себя настоящими героями и решили отметить это событие в ночном клубе. Там появилась и лучшая подруга Жано, Джули, на которую он впервые посмотрел совершенно с другой стороны, но побоялся признаться в этом даже самому себе. Отметив завершение турнира, Жано отправился домой на машине вместе с пьяным партнером по команде Джо. По пути он заметил приближающуюся полицейскую машину и пересадил спящего друга за руль. К счастью, им повезло и их отпустили, а на следующее утро им позвонил агент...
Martin Germain
A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.
Реми, Матьё и Кристиан — братья, чья гиперактивность доставляет массу неприятностей им самим, их ревнивым женам и подружкам. Всё только усложняется, когда Доминик, жена Реми, выставляет мужа за дверь и не прочь завести интрижку с его братом…
Paul à Québec is quite simply about life, at its happiest and at its most challenging. Paul and his in-laws offer us a window onto the everyday life of the Beaulieu family, but we also witness the decline of his father-in-law, Roland. Paul à Québec is a hymn to life that reminds us, among other things, of the beauty of those small moments when, in spite of the farewells, life shows us how important it is to savour every instant.
Фильм Мираж - это перспектива человека в тридцатые годы, спрашивающего себя: «Чего я гонюсь?» Наше общество стало все о потребительстве, если не превышении. Успех определяется тем, что и сколько у нас есть, и «материал» становится полосой помощи бессмысленному существованию. Материал заполняет пустоту того существования, которое мы не должны были вести.
Julie, star cyclist, is two races away from winning the World Cup. It is the culmination of years of effort. Julie loves the spotlight. Her entourage too. Encouraged by her coach and doctor, she has been doping since the age of 14. When her doctor denounces her, she manages to hush up the case, but the extent of the mess leads to abuse, lies, and treason. Caught in a gear that goes beyond her, will she succeed in finding a way out?
Two isolated Canadian soldiers come to grip with a difficult order: launch a nuclear strike against the former USSR, some 25 years after the end of the Cold War.
In order to to see his idol, Jimi Hendrix, a twelve year old boy attempts a journey from his Quebec village to Woodstock.
1665 год в Новой Франции в то время, когда часть Канады была колонизована Францией. Джозеф Куте сбегает из тюрьмы, чтобы избежать виселицы. Преследуемый солдатами, он скрывается в синьоре Буфо, под именем Иезуит, где большинство мужчин ждёт «дочерей короля». (Французские женщины, которых послали в Канаду, чтобы найти мужа.) Ночью Джозеф узнаёт, что существуют оборотни, которые терроризируют деревню. Кроме того, он влюбляется в одну из «дочерей короля» Мэри Лаботт, на которой никто не желает жениться. И теперь, чтобы защитить свою возлюбленную и спасти деревню, он начинает охоту на оборотней…
Lorsque vous rencontrez Réjean, (Rémy Girard) il est impossible de séparer le monde réel de son imaginaire. Biographe de métier, son rôle est d’embellir la vie de ses clients. Très bientôt, Réjean sera confronté au même problème sur le site de rencontre Réseau Contact. Il doit faire parvenir une vidéo qui parle de lui, de sa vie. Bref, d’être vendeur. Hésitant, il commence à raconter sa vie à la caméra. Tant bien que mal, il essaye désespérément de reconstruire sa vie tel qu’il s’en souvient. Malheureusement, sa profession déteint sur sa propre histoire. Pris au jeu, il choisira la facilité en se cachant derrière sa technique, pour faire de sa vie une aventure rocambolesque digne d’un auteur à succès. Une histoire à la fois drôle et poignante remplie d’intrigues où le spectateur tentera de discerner le vrai du faux. Y’en aura pas de facile.
Donald Quintal
To carry out the "robbery of the century", Charles recruits the friends with whom he made the 400 blows. The night of the robbery, they get caught by police, but one of them runs away with the $2 million. Upon their release from prison, the thieves are shocked to learn that they will get their money back on two conditions and, ultimately, they must mostly have changed their ways...
Jos Louis
Raymond is a jealous, misanthropic, couch potato. Angèle is a sexy TV star, childish and disillusioned. One Halloween, their mother, Solange, suddenly dies. Raymond calls his sister for the first time in 10 years. She agrees to meet him and begins to investigate their mother's death, all in keeping with her TV role of police commissioner. But nothing is simple with the Marchildons. Between a dithering Raymond, the ghost of Solange who continues to haunt her children, and Angèle who's going crazy interviewing suspects, one more bizarre than the next, and the bodies that are filling up the basement, it's hard to keep their love straight. But then, love was always a little twisted in the Marchildon household.
Martin is 12 years old and dreams of playing on the neighbourhood baseball team. When he doesn’t make the cut, his father steps in and organizes a B team. Father and son spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, surprises and foul balls.
Six people, some more depressed than others, living through the worst day of their lives.
After spending a decade in prison, Annie returns to her hometown, and tries to reconnect with her now-adolescent daughter Sophie.
Armand Despas
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?
The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
Invitée, Joueur de cartes
After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Granby where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.