Jorge Sabaté

Jorge Sabaté

Рождение : 1947-03-04,


Jorge Sabaté


Florencio Varela
Правдивая история клана Пуччио. Эта семья похищала и убивала людей в 1980-х.
Quiero morir en tus brazos
La última mirada
The Speed of Thought
Joshua Lazarus (Nick Stahl) is a telepath who has been raised in a NSA foster home. Lazarus helps the government by using his abilities. He is told by the agency that the telepathy is a side effect of Widmann's Disease, and that he will become insane in time and eventually die from the illness. However, Lazarus meets a woman with similar powers (Mía Maestro) who does not have any sign of the disease, launching Lazarus to confront the lies he has been told
Sticky Fingers
Padre Carmet
To carry out the "robbery of the century", Charles recruits the friends with whom he made the 400 blows. The night of the robbery, they get caught by police, but one of them runs away with the $2 million. Upon their release from prison, the thieves are shocked to learn that they will get their money back on two conditions and, ultimately, they must mostly have changed their ways...
Night Runner
Eduardo, manager of an insurance company, is under a lot of stress and that's why he runs, especially when he is about to explode. One day, returning from an unsuccessful business trip, he meets a mysterious man at the airport who presents himself as a friend and benefactor and encourages Eduardo to change his life and be free
¿Dónde estás amor de mi vida... que no te puedo encontrar?
A woman and a man known through a radio program dedicated to unite in their lone pairs listeners.
Обнаженное танго
Ослепительно красивая юная француженка Стефани, путешествующая вместе с супругом — богатым судьей преклонного возраста в самом изысканном светском обществе на роскошном океанском лайнере в Буэнос-Айрес, пускается в отчаянную авантюру. Она занимает место Альбы — беженки из Польши, бросившейся в океан с палубы лайнера. И из-за своей склонности к рискованным приключениям оказывается в ловушке. Зико, жених Альбы по переписке, с которым встречается Стефани, отправляет ее в один из борделей Буэнос-Айреса. Владельцем Стефани становится загадочный гангстер Чоло, пробуждающий в ней жгучую страсть, которая мешает ей вырваться из плена, хотя Стефани понимает, что ценой этой нервной роковой любви может оказаться ее жизнь.
Warriors and Prisoners
Patagonia, Argentina, 1880s. During the Conquest of the Desert, Marguerite, the French wife of Colonel Garay, in charge of protecting a new railway, discovers that a French woman is being held captive by the local natives.
The Girlfriend
Since childhood, Raquel and Maria have been close friends. Now all grown-up, Raquel has fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress, while Maria has married a handyman, given birth to three children and runs the family household. In the wake of the Argentine military coup of 1976, Maria's oldest son Carlos is abducted. Desperate, Maria turns to her prominent friend for help. Yet the more Raquel gets involved in the search for Carlos, the more she becomes herself a target of the junta. Finally, she flees from Argentina to Berlin. Meanwhile Maria joins a group of women who investigate the fate of their disappeared relatives. In 1983, after the fall of the dictatorship, the two friends meet again.
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