Gilbert Gil

Gilbert Gil

Рождение : 1913-09-07, Goussainville, France

Смерть : 1988-08-25


Gilbert Gil


L'assassin viendra ce soir
Paul Roubais
A woman's father, a scientist, receives repeated death threats and eventually ends up dead. Receiving no help from the police, the woman begins to realize that she is next.
Le temps des copains
Веские доказательства
Garat, a journalist
Интрига этой истории закручена вокруг загадочной смерти и завещания Поля Дюпре. Загадки следуют одна за другой: месье Дюпре умирает после укола, сделанного его любовницей — медсестрой Джиной Бианки, в пользу которой он переписал завещание, тем самым лишив наследства жену — мадам Дюпре. Жена находится в любовной связи с известным адвокатом Кассиди, и в день смерти мужа будто бы подменила ампулу с лекарством на мгновенно действующий яд. Обе дамы находятся под подозрением у чудаковатого, но справедливого следователя.
Double Verdict
Когда б Париж поведал нам
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
Louis Bonaparte (uncredited)
The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.
Тайны Версаля
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Остроумная история Версальского Дворца, основанного королем Луи XIII, разросшимся при деспотичном Луи XIV, разграбленном во время французской революции, после рассказа о которой фильм переносит нас в современность.
Born of Unknown Father
Raymond Denis
By taking the defense of Raymond Denis, accused of having killed his mistress, when she committed suicide because he did not want to recognize his child, the lawyer Claude Nogent, learns that he himself was born of unknown father.
The Murdered Model
Commissioner Malaise investigates a strange crime: a mannequin, stolen from the window of a tailor, is found stabbed... But his face of wax has the features of a certain Gilbert, who died a year earlier in a family, all of whose members will become more or less suspicious to the Commissioner. He thinks that, in spite of Dr. Furnelle's conclusions, Gilbert's death was not natural. But finding the cause of death and the identity of the possible culprit will require more than a mere intuition.
The Eleven O'Clock Woman
Charles Pescara, le fils
Stanislas Oscar Seminario, aka SOS, is a young explorer, just back from Africa, visiting old friends: the Pescara's. But the father keeps receiving anonymous letters. And soon a mysterious murder is committed. SOS begins to investigate...
Criminal Brigade
Michel Perrin
After the discovery of two murders, Commissioner Chabrier, of the French secret services, is investigating the disappearance of plans affecting the national defense of the country robbed by a gang of international spies.
Criminal Brigade
After the discovery of two murders, Commissioner Chabrier, of the French secret services, is investigating the disappearance of plans affecting the national defense of the country robbed by a gang of international spies.
Monsieur de Falindor
A time lord of Valois must go to war. He learns by a prophecy that his honor risks being affected. He entrusts his wife to Maxime de Falindor who, despite the temptation, will know how to restore her wife and honor intact.
We Request a Household
Pierre Larrieu
Pierre and Jacques, one of them being disguised as a woman, work for a wacky scientist to find a treasure hidden in his property by Pierre's uncle.
Driving Lesson
Micheline is a pretty girl but rich, spoiled and whimsical as well. Jacques, the brother of her friend Danielle, is so exasperated by her behavior that he decides to give her a chance to learn about good manners. To that effect, he kidnaps her and detains her in a hut on the edge of a wood. He starts "taming the shrew" but the situation soon gets out of control when criminals - real ones this time - abduct Micheline in earnest... and for ransom!
The Last Penny
Pierre Durban
Pierre risks being taken advantage of by an agency that sets up financial scams, he escapes thanks to Marcelle, the secretary of the director of the agency, who is a childhood friend. She does her best to keep the young man away from the scams of his boss. However, the director, in love with Marcelle and jealous of Pierre, succeeds in trapping and ruining him. Marcelle will then denounce him to the police, but before being arrested he will kill her.
Pierre and Jean
Alice, an unhappy young woman in the household, is the mother of a little boy, Pierre. She falls in love with a young doctor and plans to run away with him and his son. Finally, not considering the right to deprive Pierre of his father, she gives up. Twenty years pass, Pierre has grown up, he suspects his little brother, Jean, of just being his half-brother. His suspicions gnaw at him, his mother confesses to him her past fault. Faced with this confession, Pierre will abandon the one who sacrificed her life for him.
Michel Aylias
A penniless private tutor is hired by a wealthy family in Provence. The brat is a reluctant pupil, but Michel, without any magic power, turns out to be a wonderful teacher and he wins them all over,not only the student but everyone, from the grumpy dowager to the clueless gorgeous blonde girl. But the best is yet to come:the boy's mother -a married woman- falls in love with the newcomer. And she becomes jealous of her young blonde goddaughter who has a romance with Michel
Господин Мышь
Господин Мышь, доброжелательный старый клошар, бывший преподаватель сольфеджио, разорённый женщиной, побирается у входа в кабаре. Он находит труп в машине. Пока он соображает, кому бы сообщить о находке, машина уезжает. Мышь подбирает бумажник, содержание которого - крупную сумму денег - сдаёт в полицию, надеясь получить деньги обратно через год и один день. Дальше его ждут необыкновенные приключения...
Haut le vent
In 1906, François left the Basque country with his father, who had decided to settle in Argentina following an incident between him and Esteban. Having become a powerful industrialist, he returned to France in 1940 on the occasion of the signing of a contract. He learns that the Haut-le-Vent estate, occupied by his aunt Anna, is his. Greeted with mistrust by the villagers, he manages to make himself sympathetic and decides to stay on the estate with Gisèle, Esteban's daughter.
L'assassin a peur la nuit
Having pulled off a robbery with his friend Maurice, Olivier leaves his mistress Lola and hides out in a small village in the country. He finds work, thanks to a young man named Gilbert, who introduces him to his sister, Monique. Once the robbery has been all but forgotten, Olivier intends to head back to Paris, but before he goes, he steals money from his employer. In Paris, Olivier wants to say a proper goodbye to Lola, but she is being blackmailed by Jérôme, an antique dealer who has recognized a necklace stolen by Olivier. Before returning to Monique, Olivier calls on Jérôme to recover the necklace.
The Law of Spring
Hubert Villaret
The children born from a first marriage of a widower and a widower who have remarried do not get along. Frequent quarrels break out in the household which finally finds calm thanks to the presence of a new little girl.
La Symphonie fantastique
Louis Berlioz
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
L'âge d'or
Véra, a vivacious woman, and her alleged brother Boris, are both hired by the Dubelairs as their chambermaid and caretaker. But Dubelair has done bad business while his wife Juliette plays at the races and... loses ! So when it comes to paying their domestics wages, Dubelair gives them lottery tickets. Chance has it that one of them is winning...!
Foolish Husbands
Achille Ballorson
By mutual agreement, a man and a woman are separated to allow the wife to join her lover.
Portrait of Innocence
Monsieur Morin, l'instituteur
A student from an elementary school accidentally breaks the glass roof of his school. His comrades decide to support it by working during the summer holidays in order to pay for reconstruction.
Night in December
Jacques Morel
In 1919, Pierre Darmont, a handsome, much-loved piano virtuoso, falls in love with Anne Morris, a young woman who shares his tender feelings. But, quite inexplicably, after an unforgettable night, Anne vanishes without trace. Twenty years later, Pierre, at the peak of his glory, has become embittered. Unable to recover his unhappy love affair, he has collected women without ever committing himself to any. Until some night he meets the eyes of a beautiful young lady, who happens to be the spitting image of his great love...
От Майерлинга до Сараева
Франц Фердинанд, наследник Австро-Венгерской империи, выбирает себе в жены особу некоролевских кровей. Этим, а также своими политическими взглядами, он развязывает руки недругам. В июне 1914 года он и его жена Софи едут в Сараево, где и находят свою смерть.
Nightclub Hostess
Pierre Noblet
The young Suzy is a nightclub hostess in a cabaret in which Frehel is the star. Because one night she gets propositions from a rich widower who would like to have her as his girlfriend, Suzy wishes to leave this place, where she has no future, for a better one. Abandoned by her protector, a young hoodlum named Robert, she gets the occasion to get away from it. She decides to go on vacation on the Riviera and stay at the Chateau des Cedres, the former residence of a noble family that has been transformed into a bourgeois guest house by the baroness Saint-Leu. Shy and elegant, in her modest suit, Suzy stays there under the name of Suzanne Michelet and soon makes new friends among the young people of very wealthy families.
A small town gentleman learns that his prim and proper wife was once a showgirl, and that, even worse, he had enjoyed a one night stand with her in the Orient.
La Glu
A young Breton sailor falls in love with a visiting stranger called 'La Glu'. He drops his betrothed, mother and friends so that he can live with her. La Glu is murdered. Who did it? Relatives and friends are all suspects.
The Woman Thief
Pierrot (French version)
The woman thief evades a young lady who is onto his game, but then tries his wiles elsewhere on a married woman by attempting to compromise and ruin the husband she is happy with.
Le chanteur de minuit
Jean Bonnefoy, who has a talent for singing, is unemployed. So he is very happy the day he is offered a post as a music teacher in a college for young women. But he soon realizes the job is only a mixed blessing as a group of girls have set about making life tough for him. Among them is Anny Laforcade, a student who finally changes sides, taking pity on her teacher and falling in love with him. At one point, Jean meets Zébulon, a talent agent who decides to launch his singing career. Zébulon has a far-fetched idea: He asks Anny to disappear for a few days thus making people believe that she has committed suicide out of love for Jean. The latter, who is not aware of the scheme, is devastated.
Abused Confidence
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Claude Morestan
Camille Morestan serves as a jury member at a court in Paris. The attractive Natalie Roguin is accused of murder. Morestan doesn't want to believe she really killed her lover. He succeeds in convincing the other jury members she was innocent. After her acquittal he takes her into his house. While he tries to keep her identity a secret for his family her presence leads to a number of unfortunate incidents.
Colonial Canteen
Our hero is the canteen man of the regiment ;with his bossy missus,as infuriating as his military superiors,he reigns ,so to speak ,over the grunts' grub. One fine day,opportunity knocks: his brother has just died;would you believe it,he made a fortune in America ,and our canteen man is the sole legatee: 100 million bucks. Overnight,his life (and his wife's ) change:not only his mates tell him stories to make his heart bleed to get some dough,but two aristocrats,a marquis and an earl,short of the readies,want the canteen man's daughter, a wise girl in love with a deserving young lawyer doing his military service,to become their daughter-in-law ,and to latch on to the girl's dowry.
A Woman of No Importance
A young lord who has abandoned his pregnant mistress hires his son, twenty years later, as secretary. He will try to fix his mistake.
Пепе ле Моко
Главарь большой и опытной банды по имени Пепе ле Моко умен, хитер и очень авторитетен среди своих подельников. Но таким людям, как ни странно, надоедает однообразие типа: украл — выпил — в тюрьму. Да еще эта дура Инесс, с которой ужасно надоело жить. Наплевав на опасность и забыв об элементарных правилах нормального вора, Пепе находит себе новую зазнобу — очень стильную и красивую Габи Голд. И нам становится понятно, что этот парень долго не протянет — на «хвосте» у Пепе обнаруживается его старый заклятый «друг» — инспектор полиции Шлиман…
Jérôme Forgeat
A man from a wealthy family falls in love with a florist, but the lover has to go to war and to leave his darling crying... and giving birth to a child.
Girls of Paris
A few colorful characters, with very different social origins and whose destinies are not always glorious, will parade before our eyes, for our greatest pleasure. Turning among characters such as : an alcoholic bum, a rich banker, an eccentric old lady, a working class girl, a poor lover, and a hypocritical bourgeois.
Forty Little Mothers
Robert Bourgeon, the father
After finding and adopting a child, a man gets a job at an all-girls school which doesn't allow families. Once the girls find the baby, they become his forty little mothers. At the same time, the child's true mother searches for him.
The Seniors
A high school in the thirties: most of the students are leaving for the Easter holidays. However, one of them,Brassier, an A -student ,stays for sentimental reasons. He is desperately in love with the principal's wife who does not want to cheat on her husband, and, above all, does not want the young man to ruin his good prospects. On a night he calls on her, a theft is committed, in the principal's office. Although completely innocent, the good lad stands accused. He's got an alibi, but it would compromise the reputation of the woman he is in love with.