Richard Talmadge
Рождение : 1892-12-03,
Смерть : 1981-01-25
From Wikipedia
Richard Talmadge (Sylvester Alphonse Metz, Camburg, Germany, December 3, 1892 – January 25, 1981) was a German-born American actor, stuntman and film director. Alberta Vaughn and Richard Talmadge share a cigar in The Live Wire (1935) When he arrived in Hollywood in 1910, he began his career as a stuntman for Douglas Fairbanks, before becoming an actor himself. His films include American Manners, Dancing Dynamite, Speed Madness, and the Pirate Treasure series. He was the lead in The Cavalier (1928), film released by Tiffany Pictures with only a music and sound effects soundtrack. He never got rid of his German accent, so with the advent of the talkies, he started working behind the cameras - as assistant director, stunt coordinator and director. His later work included How the West Was Won, The Greatest Story Ever Told and Casino Royale. He was also the stepfather of legendary polo player Sue Sally Hale.
Second Unit Director
Самый известный шпион в мире возвращается к зрителю - и к началу своей бурной деятельности на службе Ее Величества! Первая же миссия в качестве агента 007 становится его величайшим испытанием: ему выпадает сразиться с международной террористической организацией, опутавшей своей сетью всю планету. Используя богатый шпионский арсенал - от верного пистолета до навороченного спортивного авто - Джеймс Бонд вступает в поединок с ключевой фигурой сил зла, финансовым гением преступного мира Ле Шиффром. Но пули хороши лишь для приспешников Ле Шиффра: генеральное сражение против негодяя можно выиграть лишь силой ума - и не на поле боя, а на зеленом сукне роскошного казино «Рояль»…
Самый известный шпион в мире возвращается к зрителю - и к началу своей бурной деятельности на службе Ее Величества! Первая же миссия в качестве агента 007 становится его величайшим испытанием: ему выпадает сразиться с международной террористической организацией, опутавшей своей сетью всю планету. Используя богатый шпионский арсенал - от верного пистолета до навороченного спортивного авто - Джеймс Бонд вступает в поединок с ключевой фигурой сил зла, финансовым гением преступного мира Ле Шиффром. Но пули хороши лишь для приспешников Ле Шиффра: генеральное сражение против негодяя можно выиграть лишь силой ума - и не на поле боя, а на зеленом сукне роскошного казино «Рояль»…
Second Unit Director
В 1820-х годах Эбнер Хэйл, целеустремлённый и лишённый чувства юмора миссионер, женится на прекрасной Джеруше Бромли и отвозит её на экзотические Гавайи, где ему предстоит работать. Однако разрыв между двумя культурами слишком велик, и вместо понимания приходит трагедия.
Second Unit Director
Патологический бабник Майкл всеми силами пытается сохранить верность своей девушке, но у него ничего не получается. От отчаяния он начинает ходить к психоаналитику. Но доктору самому нужна срочная психиатрическая помощь, как, впрочем, всем героям этой безумной комедии, снятой по первой пьесе Вуди Аллена.
Second Unit Director
During the Cold War, John Goldfarb crashes his spy plane in the Middle East and is taken prisoner by the local government. His captor, King Fawz, soon discovers that Goldfarb used to be a college football star. So he issues him an ultimatum: coach his country's football team, or Fawz will surrender him to the Russians. Goldfarb teams up with undercover reporter Jenny Ericson, and together they plot to escape their dangerous situation.
Second Unit Director
По замыслу сценариста, Пресли наполовину индеец (мать-индианка) и наполовину белый(отец и сводный брат). Их презирают и мучают белые. В герое Пресли говорит кровь индейца, не давая ему покоя, в нем эти корни слишком сильны. Вот Пресли и вынужден метаться между одним лагерем и другим, в зависимости откуда подуют ветры предрассудков и гордости.
Rival horse traders clash in the Old West.
Американское правительство приняло решение о строительстве военных баз на Луне. С этой целью на Луну отправляют трех космонавтов для предварительного обследования наиболее подходящих территорий. Но вскоре выясняется, что один космонавт оказывается шпионом иностранной разведки. И вот уже не только цель экспедиции, но и все будущее человечества оказывается под угрозой…
Western tale of a special agent (Bill Edwards) unravelling a series of rustlings on and around Cooley's dude ranch
Black Eagle is based on The Passing of Black Eagle, a short story by O. Henry. William Bishop stars as Jason Bond, who stays out of trouble by the simple expedient of avoiding other people. Unfortunately, the plot dictates that Bond must come into contact with several characters, all of whom end up fleecing our hero in one way or another. Even so, Jason manages to enjoy a brief romance with pretty Ginny Long (Virginia Patton) before returning to his life of carefree vagabondage. A very minor film, The Black Eagle makes the most of its excellent supporting cast, including Gordon Jones, Trevor Bardette, Will Wright and stuntman extraordinaire Richard Talmadge.
Two young men set out on a fishing trip. They run into a gang of criminals who are menacing two young women.
A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a "stay-way" message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.
A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a "stay-way" message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.
A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a "stay-way" message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Lupe Vélez plays a dual role, twin sisters Rita and Elaine. After escaping a torpedoed ship, Rita shows up in Manhattan, where she takes the place of her Broadway-star twin sister Elaine, who's having problems with her marriage and needs to make a getaway. Neither Elaine's husband or Rita's saxophone-player boyfriend are aware of the switch.
Chorus girl Gloria Carroll inherits one million dollars from Broadway playboy Herbert Dinwiddle. Producer Ned McLane persuades her to advance him the money on a production called "Lucky Legs" that will star her. Unfortunately, the money has "made the rounds" prior to reaching Gloria and several less-than-scrupulous characters set out to separate Gloria from her inheritance.
Second Unit Director
Центральным персонажем этой истории является Майкл по прозвищу «Красавчик», самый старший из трех братьев, которых воспитывает дальняя родственница леди Брэндон. Когда драгоценный камень сапфир, известный под названием «Голубая вода», вдруг пропадает в комнате, где присутствовали только члены семьи, подозрение падает на «Красавчика» и он утром покидает отчий дом и Великобританию, чтобы присоединиться к французскому Иностранному легиону, воюющему в Северной Африке. Туда же устремились за старшим и младшие. Уходя из дома, каждый из них оставил записку и каждый брал вину на себя.
Second Unit Director
A cocky new West Point cadet from Cambridge is given the cold shoulder by his classmates because of his rule-breaking antics.
Dick Lawrence
Spectacular stunt work by Richard Talmadge, circus acrobat and stunt man for Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., highlights this expose of a big city criminal mastermind.
Испокон веков враждуют два семейных клана в горах Кентукки. Никто уже и не помнит, что именно не поделили Толливеры и Фэлины, но жить они продолжают по законам кровной мести. В разгар одной из стычек в городок прибывает Джек Хэйл, инженер, приехавший строить железную дорогу. Волей судьбы он спасает одного из Толливеров — Дэйва. Прошло несколько лет. Предприятие железной дороги приносит большие доходы. Но и профессиональному делу мешает неприязнь семей:на лагерь рабочих нападает клан Фэллинов, в столкновении погибает один из Толливеров. Хэйл продолжает взывать к миру и благоразумию. Дэйв решает послушать его.
Assistant Director
Испокон веков враждуют два семейных клана в горах Кентукки. Никто уже и не помнит, что именно не поделили Толливеры и Фэлины, но жить они продолжают по законам кровной мести. В разгар одной из стычек в городок прибывает Джек Хэйл, инженер, приехавший строить железную дорогу. Волей судьбы он спасает одного из Толливеров — Дэйва. Прошло несколько лет. Предприятие железной дороги приносит большие доходы. Но и профессиональному делу мешает неприязнь семей:на лагерь рабочих нападает клан Фэллинов, в столкновении погибает один из Толливеров. Хэйл продолжает взывать к миру и благоразумию. Дэйв решает послушать его.
Larry Evans
A cop is fired from the force and attempts to solve a string of truck holdups.
Det. Dick Manning
A young man gets mixed up with a stolen necklace and a gang of ruthless jewel thieves.
2nd Mate Dick Nelson
A sailor (Richard Talmadge) journeys to a remote island in search of a rare urn. The film also stars Alberta Vaughn, Charles K. French and Martin Turner.
Dick Rainey / Norman Gray
A visitor to a big city gets involved in intrigue when a look-alike jewel thief sets out to doublecross his gang.
Hal Foster
An inventor develops a new type of aircraft. A crooked businessman attempts to buy it but the inventor refuses to sell it to him, whereupon the rejected businessman and his henchmen steals the plane and its blueprints. The plane's test pilot, who is the boyfriend of the inventor's daughter, and his sidekick set out to get the plane, and the plans, back.
A 12-episode serial in which a son avenges the death of his father at the hands of corrupt politicians. He develops a wide variety of complex devices in his crusade . . . ray guns, robots and a 'vanishing belt.'
Dick Moreland
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
The Frisco Kid
An ex-con makes for a backwoods town intending to rob the bank, and becomes involved in protecting three orphans from land swindlers instead.
Bob Norton, seeking his brother's killer, tangles with outlaws, wild horses, and a "wild" boy.
Bob Stuart
More mile-a-minute action with the stunt ace Richard Talmadge playing the loafer son of a shipbuilder facing financial ruin. Bob Stuart takes charge of the company's development of a new speedboat - unaware that gangsters and saboteurs want to thwart them and won't stop at murder. Filled with gymnastic action-packed fights, Speed Madness is "a knockout for fans who cheer the hero and hiss the villain.
Dick Bartlett
A young girl, who is about to receive a large inheritance, is abducted to an isolated sanitarium where a crazed doctor is performing strange experiments.
A young girl, who is about to receive a large inheritance, is abducted to an isolated sanitarium where a crazed doctor is performing strange experiments.
Dick Carsey
A crook on the run from the law in New York flees to Mexico, where he falls for a beautiful young Mexican girl and tries to help her father save the family estate from a gang of criminals.
Dr. James Leland
Doctor James Leland is a successful doctor engaged to nurse Marion Nord. Working late one night he discovers his assistant stealing the supply of cocaine. The doctor is knocked unconscious and his body is dump assuming, incorrectly, that the good doctor is dead.
Stunt Coordinator
A ship captain's beautiful daughter and a wealthy playboy who is searching for buried treasure find themselves stranded on a desert island.
A ship captain's beautiful daughter and a wealthy playboy who is searching for buried treasure find themselves stranded on a desert island.
Robert MacKay
A ship captain's beautiful daughter and a wealthy playboy who is searching for buried treasure find themselves stranded on a desert island.
John Drake
Richard Talmadge plays John Drake, a safe expert who gets work managing a safe company in South America. On the way to his new job, he gets into a fight with Dynamite Diaz (Dick Sutherland), a prize fighter who thinks that Drake has flirted with his wife (Peggy Shaw). Drake has found love on board, but it's with Dolores D'Arcy (Lorraine Eason), the daughter of a banker (Charles Hill Mailes). Once he lands in South America, however, he discovers the job was a fake and is robbed of his money and passport.
Richard Jones
Richard Jones is the assistant to the district attorney. He decides to single-handedly expose a drug ring that is terrorizing Madison, a reformer. Madison's son, Bob, has become a hophead because of the ring, and Greer, Jones' rival for the hand of Madison's daughter, Constance, is the ring's leader. The district attorney himself is in league with Greer as well. Jones disguises himself as an Asian, leaps over tenement roofs, beats up a mob of Chinese gangsters, and performs several dozen other daredevil feats.
Alan Remington
A young fellow, down in the dumps after a belle breaks his heart, believes his father is setting up staged escapades and dangers in an attempt to get him out of his rut. His father isn't, and the dangers-- a cadre of hoods, car chases, a death ray-- are real!
Perry Whitman Jr.
Richard Talmadge as a man who loves to live the fast life which often results in him getting in trouble. Be it throwing wild parties, losing money, getting in the boxing ring and running from gangsters. There's always something.
Harry Willis
A scientist attempts to transplant a gorilla's brain into a man.
Barry Macklin
The no-good son of a company owner is sent to investigate a problematic business deal.
The no-good son of a company owner is sent to investigate a problematic business deal.
Bruce Randall
Produced by low-budget entrepreneur Phil Goldstone, this silent action melodrama starred Richard Talmadge, a German-born former stunt double for Douglas Fairbanks.Talmadge played Bruce Randall, a wealthy young man supposedly killed during a robbery in his home. But Bruce has survived and is instead wandering about in a state of amnesia.
Jimmy Martin / King Charles
Jimmy Martin, king of the motorcycle speedsters, visits the Kingdom of Mandavia for a race. There he is persuaded to impersonate the king by a traitor, Rodolph D'Henri, who intends to annex part of Mandavia for neighboring Selmarnia. The real king is in jail. D'Henri's plot is successful until Martin falls in love with Princess Margaret of Alvernia. Then he discloses his true identity, releases the real king, exposes the traitor, earns knighthood, and marries Margaret.
Eccentric inventor Charlie Jackson tries to interest wealthy investors in his girlfriend's plan to help children from poor neighbourhoods.