Don Enright


More Sex & the Single Mom
Executive Producer
Single, divorced lawyer Jess Gradwell returns in this sequel as she tries to raise her new three-year-old son, Jake, while dealing with her teenage daughter, Sara's, growing carnal desires with a photographer she meets while planning her high school graduation. It all comes to a head when Jess' former flame and father of Jake, Alex Lofton, returns never knowing he has a son out of his and Jess' lustful fling and wants to be a part of her life again, despite Jess not wanting anything to do with Alex.
За гранью смерти
После того, как жених секретного агента Джули Косгроув погибает на военном задании, она покидает работу в правительстве США и желает начать жизнь с начала. Но на пороге новой жизни её поджидает самая опасная миссия. Проезжая через небольшой городок, Джули знакомится с группой местных жителей, невольно связанных с флоридской мафией. После того, как погибает один из её новых знакомых, Джули вспоминает свои навыки защиты. Теперь ей приходится бежать от федералов и мстить за убитого друга.
After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
What Kind of Mother Are You?
Executive Producer
Kelly keeps getting into trouble with the police. Her mother agrees to her going into a juvenile detention center overnight. She is kept there for much longer. During her incarceration, she is assaulted by inmates and abused by the system.
The Deliverance of Elaine
Executive Producer
A small town schoolteacher is hunted by a paroled con who holds the secret of her dark past.
Picture Perfect
Executive Producer
Two teenagers (with single parents) join their families together in order to win the grand prize in a soda company competition by pretending to be the perfect family. The only problem is the CEO of the company must live with them for one week.
Deadly Love
Executive Producer
Rebecca Barnes is a successful photographer who has it all—including the curse of vampiric immortality. Longing for companionship, Barnes leaves a disastrous trail of blood-less bodies in her wake. Shockingly, photographs that she snapped of one of the victims bring Rebecca into the police investigation and into the arms of Detective Sean O'Connor. As the passion between Sean and Rebecca mounts, so does the evidence against her.
Thicker Than Blood: The Larry McLinden Story
Executive Producer
A legal custody thriller
Executive Producer
As border wars break out in Camelot, the young princess Guinevere is taken to live in safety with the High Priestess L'Fei. When King Arthur claims the crown, Guinevere is promised to him and she must leave her true love, Prince Lancelot in order to unite the land. In a tale of honor, loyalty and the price of war, Guinevere is forced to choose between the only man she has ever loved and her duty to her kingdom.
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers Story
Chronicling the short but eventful life of Hank Gathers (played by Donny B. Lord as a child and Victor Love as a young adult), this fact-based drama chronicles the hoopster's rise from the inner city of Philadelphia to a starring role on Loyola Marymount's basketball team before a heart condition cut his career short. Nell Carter plays Hank's supportive mom, and George Kennedy portrays a neighborhood priest who inspired the boy.
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers Story
Chronicling the short but eventful life of Hank Gathers (played by Donny B. Lord as a child and Victor Love as a young adult), this fact-based drama chronicles the hoopster's rise from the inner city of Philadelphia to a starring role on Loyola Marymount's basketball team before a heart condition cut his career short. Nell Carter plays Hank's supportive mom, and George Kennedy portrays a neighborhood priest who inspired the boy.
Maid for Each Other
Executive Producer
In this hilarious crime caper, a rich woman (Nell Carter) and her maid (Dinah Manoff) happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time -- and now, they're hotfooting it away from vicious mobsters who want to fit them for a couple pairs of cement overshoes. Can they stay free -- and alive -- long enough to gather evidence against the mobsters?
Maid for Each Other
In this hilarious crime caper, a rich woman (Nell Carter) and her maid (Dinah Manoff) happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time -- and now, they're hotfooting it away from vicious mobsters who want to fit them for a couple pairs of cement overshoes. Can they stay free -- and alive -- long enough to gather evidence against the mobsters?
Maid for Each Other
In this hilarious crime caper, a rich woman (Nell Carter) and her maid (Dinah Manoff) happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time -- and now, they're hotfooting it away from vicious mobsters who want to fit them for a couple pairs of cement overshoes. Can they stay free -- and alive -- long enough to gather evidence against the mobsters?
Ближайший родственник
Двое из многочисленного семейства Гейтсов живут и работают в Чикаго. Трумэн — полицейский, а Джеральд — водитель грузовика. К мафиозному бизнесмену Джону Изабелле приезжает в Чикаго сын Лоренс, и Джон определяет его в группу к гангстеру Джоуи Росселини, отличающемуся непомерной жестокостью. Вскоре после этого Джоуи в присутствии Лоренса убивает Джеральда Гейтса только за то, что тот не остановил грузовик по требованию гангстеров. Трумэн Гейтс, зная крутой нрав своих родственников и не желая кровопролития, встречается с Джоном Изабеллой и просит того выдать ему убийцу Джеральда, но получает отказ. У Трумэна нет улик, ему надо найти напарника Джеральда, который видел убийц. Между тем, один из деревенских Гейтсов — брат Брайер приезжает в Чикаго и громит клуб Джона Изабеллы…
Красотка и Дениз
Джекки, актриса и модель становится случайным свидетелем убийства правительственного чиновника и может опознать одного из убийц. Как ценный свидетель, она получает защиту в лице Дениз Данилович — женщины полицейского, для которой это первое крупное задание. Тем временем, эта парочка обнаруживает таланты, о которых они и не догадывались.
Частный курорт
Два молодых и весёлых парня попадают в роскошный отель на побережье, где стараются «оттянуться по полной программе». К сожалению, местный вор и гостиничный детектив всё время мешают ребятам заниматься их любимым «видом спорта» — здоровым сексом.
A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation.
Частная школа
В академии для благородных девиц состоится «большой бал». Приедут благородные юноши, а, кроме того, члены строительного комитета, решающие вопрос о пристройке нового крыла к зданию академии. Девушкам предстоит непростая работа — за один вечер очаровать всех молодых людей и комитетчиков.
Search and Destroy
The hunter becomes the prey as a Vietnam veteran (Perry King) tries to ferret out the real culprit after being tagged as the prime suspect in the murders of his former Army pals.
Acapulco Gold
In this rollicking adventure set on the high seas, an innocent insurance agent working on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai, is framed as a drug smuggler. He gets help from a most unlikely source - the town drunk who knows more than anyone suspects.