Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
Nieves is my oldest neighbor, in every way. He has just turned 90 and for a long time we have lived next to each other, balcony to balcony, in the Old City of Montevideo. I thought I knew her. During the confinement of 2020, filming her with my cell phone and trying to keep a distance of two meters, I discovered a woman undone in light and blooming in stars.
В засушливых горных районах Боливии пожилая пара кечуа уже много лет живет по одному и тому же распорядку дня. Когда необычно долгая засуха угрожает всему их образу жизни, Вирджинио и Сиса сталкиваются с дилеммой: сопротивляться или потерпеть поражение от течения времени. Все ускоряется с приездом их внука, который приезжает в гости с новостями. Трое из них столкнутся, каждый по-своему, с окружающей природой, необходимостью перемен и смыслом самой жизни.
Неоднозначный портрет молодой девушки, испытывающей одновременно восторг и муки от того, что она отказывается от еды, пытаясь таким способом найти свое место в жестоком неопределенном мире.
Неоднозначный портрет молодой девушки, испытывающей одновременно восторг и муки от того, что она отказывается от еды, пытаясь таким способом найти свое место в жестоком неопределенном мире.
The death of patriarch Alfredo sends his heirs into a downward spiral. With the pending sale of their beach house, a repository of childhood memories, three siblings’ long-simmering resentments are brought to a full boil. Alternating between moments of laugh-out-loud absurdity and stirring beauty, Alelí is a knowing black comedy about a dysfunctional family that seems willing to set everything on fire.
Humberto Brause takes advantage of Uruguay’s poor economy by specializing in offshore money laundering. Spanning the fifties to the seventies, the film follows Humberto as he gets increasingly in over his head with multiple shady book-cooking schemes throughout South America, leading to an ultimate life-or-death decision.
Сюжет картины переносит нас в северную Колумбию, где происходят по-настоящему ужасные события. Группа молодых людейт уже многие годы просто стараются выжить в этих непростых условиях. Однажды ребята решают захватить заложника и потребовать за его жизнь выкуп. Героям кажется, что это просто веселая игра, и в их действиях совершенно нет ничего плохого. Постепенно вчерашние мальчики и девочки полностью теряют контроль над своим разумом и превращаются в жестоких зверей. Несчастному пленнику придется пережить самые страшные дни своей жизни, наполненные отчаянием и страхом за собственное будущее.
Бразилия, 2027 год. Люди обращаются к богу через кабинки автомолитв и устраивают в честь всевышнего рейв-вечеринки. Главная героиня фильма, Жоана, консультирует супружеские пары в кризисе, а свободное время посвящает религиозной общине, практикующей крайне радикальный способ сближения супругов.
On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.
Главная героиня фильма привыкла жить на деньги, доставшиеся ей по наследству. Но пришел момент, когда они закончились. Теперь, в 60 лет, ей предстоит научиться зарабатывать на жизнь самой.
Associate Producer
It's been four years since Sylvie's son Felipe was abducted by his father Pablo after their divorce. Having been let down by the French officials who had succeeded in tracking both them down, only to let them escape again, Sylvie has now decided to take matters into her own hands.
Iremar works at the rodeo in North East of Brazil. From his home, the truck he uses to transport the animals, he dreams of a future in the region's booming clothing industry.
За грубый фол во время футбольного матча, Пантона Бонасолле, капитана и полузащитника выгоняют из команды. Он понимает, что его футбольная карьера подошла к концу. Для 35-летнего Пантона, это означает конец жизни, которую он знал еще с детства. Вместе со своей женой Але, он ищет возможность начать все сначала.
За грубый фол во время футбольного матча, Пантона Бонасолле, капитана и полузащитника выгоняют из команды. Он понимает, что его футбольная карьера подошла к концу. Для 35-летнего Пантона, это означает конец жизни, которую он знал еще с детства. Вместе со своей женой Але, он ищет возможность начать все сначала.
A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.
A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.
Two inmates at Canelones prison fight for a better future, running a voluntary rehabilitation programme.
Dissatisfied with his new life (and wife), a man tries to insinuate himself back into the home of the ex-wife and daughter he left ten years before.
Executive Producer
Dissatisfied with his new life (and wife), a man tries to insinuate himself back into the home of the ex-wife and daughter he left ten years before.
Executive Producer
A young man in Uruguay has trouble expressing himself verbally. As the lead singer in a band, he interacts with the world through his music.
A young man in Uruguay has trouble expressing himself verbally. As the lead singer in a band, he interacts with the world through his music.
Executive Producer
Охранник супермаркета влюбляется в уборщицу. Но однажды предмет обожания исчезает из поля видимости камер слежения и с его черно-белого монитора.
Охранник супермаркета влюбляется в уборщицу. Но однажды предмет обожания исчезает из поля видимости камер слежения и с его черно-белого монитора.
Documentary by Mateo Gutiérrez about the life of his father, Héctor "Toba" Gutiérrez Ruiz (1934-1976), which includes interviews with people who witnessed moments in the life of the former president of the House of Representatives, assassinated by the Uruguayan dictatorship
Executive Producer
At the age of 13, Rafael Bregman has already lost his virginity, but has never kissed a girl. With his pimple-riddled face, his dysfunctional family, and a lowered self-esteem, getting this much anticipated first kiss proves trickier than expected. It's now time for Rafa to build up some self confidence and attract the attention of his class mate, Nicole...
At the age of 13, Rafael Bregman has already lost his virginity, but has never kissed a girl. With his pimple-riddled face, his dysfunctional family, and a lowered self-esteem, getting this much anticipated first kiss proves trickier than expected. It's now time for Rafa to build up some self confidence and attract the attention of his class mate, Nicole...
David, has just failed his university examinations and has one year to re-write them. Ruben, his father, a pragmatic and successful businessman, has been paying for David's education, the pursuit of which he considers a waste of time. Ruben wants David to work and make himself useful and he strikes a deal with him: David can stay and study for his exams at Ruben's house in La Perrera, a coastal resort town, while he builds a house for himself. And so, a year-long adventure starts for David, an urban intellectual, in the isolated La Perrera and among its off-season residents who include nearly as many dogs as men, where the only women are either pregnant or prostitutes, and where no one wants to work and things are done out of friendship more than anything else.
David, has just failed his university examinations and has one year to re-write them. Ruben, his father, a pragmatic and successful businessman, has been paying for David's education, the pursuit of which he considers a waste of time. Ruben wants David to work and make himself useful and he strikes a deal with him: David can stay and study for his exams at Ruben's house in La Perrera, a coastal resort town, while he builds a house for himself. And so, a year-long adventure starts for David, an urban intellectual, in the isolated La Perrera and among its off-season residents who include nearly as many dogs as men, where the only women are either pregnant or prostitutes, and where no one wants to work and things are done out of friendship more than anything else.
Executive Producer
When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship.
When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship.
When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship.
In 1942, nazi leaders met in Wansee to organize the final solution to the Jewish problem. The Warsaw guetto was first. Treblinka was created in a rural village near the Polish capital. 900.000 Jews and 500 Gypsies were murdered in 13 months. On August, 1943, the prisoners revolted and destroyed the camp. Only a few survived. Less than 10 worldwide remain today. Despite Treblinka tells the story of Mr. Rajchman, Mr. Wilenberg and Mr. Teigman. The movie follows the protagonists' paths in fairly chronological manner, from pre-war years, through Treblinka and the uprising, to the recent past and present, where a series of vignettes, often hilarious, show the possibility of living “despite” the horror.
Executive Producer
24 hours in the life of three street youths in Montevideo. Three teenage guys try to figure out what they're supposed to be doing with their lives in this drama from Uruguay that puts the emphasis on character over narrative.
24 hours in the life of three street youths in Montevideo. Three teenage guys try to figure out what they're supposed to be doing with their lives in this drama from Uruguay that puts the emphasis on character over narrative.