Sir Jeffrey Brock
A world-class painter is taken ill and lies in the bedroom of an inn, while people down below squabble over his paintings and inheritance. The wily old man is unperturbed, even regarding the infernal trumpet sound which plays throughout.
Prison Officer
When ship's fireman Peter McCabe walks out on his long-suffering wife, he leaves her impoverished, with two young daughters and a boy born soon after his departure. After an absence of fourteen years McCabe returns, sacked and humiliated, trailing trouble in his wake.
The Colonel, blustery club member
A British psychiatrist devises a devilish revenge plot against his wife's lover.
Governor of Ahlden
Трагическая история любви принцессы Софии Доротеи Ганноверской и шведского дворянина, графа Филиппа Кенигсмарка.
Mr. Weatherby
Penniless governess Blanche Fullerton takes a job at the estate of her rich relations, the Fury family. To better her position in life, Blanche marries her dull cousin, Laurence Fury, with whom she has a daughter. But before long, boredom sets in, and Blanche begins a tempestuous romance with stableman Philip Thorn. Together, they hatch a murderous plan to gain control of the estate.
A man goes on the run from hardened smugglers.
Dr. Cartier
A musical cabaret singer meets a British agent and goes with him to Nazi occupied France to save an atomic scientist.
Роберт и Кэтрин отпраздновали скромную свадьбу перед тем, как Вторая мировая война разделила их на три года. Служба в флоте меняет их обоих, и они понимают, как сильно им претила прежняя мирная жизнь вместе. Оба боятся неизбежного воссоединения, и каждый решил попросить развода, но действительно ли их браку пришел конец?
Maurice Olcott (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")
Таинственный клиент приглашает архитектора Крэйга в свой дом, и по прибытии у Крэйга появляется странное чувство, что это место ему знакомо, несмотря на то, что ранее он никогда тут не бывал. Вскоре выясняется, что это на самом деле кошмарный сон, и чтобы пробудиться, Крэйгу придётся выслушать пять страшных историй от собравшихся здесь людей.
A patriotic, cinematic salvo, this wartime production tells the story of the owner of a shipbuilding company doing his best to contribute to the British fleet. War is good for business, but what will happen once the war is won? It was based on a novel by George Blake.
Dr Benckendorf
Eccentric Cambridge archaeologist Horatio Smith takes a group of British and American archaeology students to pre-war Nazi Germany to help in his excavations. His research is supported by the Nazis, since he professes to be looking for evidence of the Aryan origins of German civilisation. However, he has a secret agenda: to free inmates of the concentration camps.
Brigadeer Lloyd
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
Old Bill has grumbled his way through the trenches of the First World War. Now it is the Second and, envious of his son, Young Bill, he decides to enlist. He finally enters the Pioneer Corps, which is based near his son. When Young Bill goes missing during a raid, Old Bill shows that there's still life in the old dog yet!
Signor Folli
Biography of popular English composer Leslie Stuart (Robert Morley), who rose to fame through performances of his songs by the tenor Ellaline Terriss (Dorothy Hyson). The peak of Stuart's success in the early 1900s is followed by poverty and obscurity with the arriving Jazz Age. In debtor's prison, Stuart is rescued by friends from happier times, and achieves a comeback in British music halls shortly before his death.
The Story Teller
В славном городе Багдаде, в великолепном дворце, в атмосфере роскоши и неги жил молодой король Ахмет, наследник, великого царя Гарун Аль Рашида. Был король Ахмет красив, и имел он 365 жен, но в душе короля не жила любовь. И не знал он проблем своего народа, потому что между королем и его подданными стоял великий визирь Джафар — колдун и интриган. Именно Джафар предложил скучающему правителю заманчивую идею переодеться бедняком и «инкогнито» совершить «познавательную» экскурсию по родному городу. А когда наивный Ахмет последовал совету своего «верного» визиря, коварный Джафар объявил короля сумасшедшим, приказал схватить его и бросить в темницу. В тюрьме Ахмет подружился с мелким воришкой Абу, и они вместе бежали в соседнее королевство. Там царственный изгнанник влюбился в юную принцессу, и принцесса ответила ему взаимностью… Но колдун Джафар решил помешать счастью влюбленных. Он наложил проклятье на Ахмета, ослепив юношу, а его товарища Абу превратил в собаку…
British Commdr.
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
Inspector Bradley of Scotland Yard is on the trail of the murderous ringleader of a smuggling organization in London.
Commander Blount
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
KL Prisoner (uncredited)
осле захвата Гитлером Чехословакии Анна Бомаш арестована. Ее отец, Аксель, располагающий ценной и нужной нацистам технической информацией, бежал в Англию. Анна заключена в концлагерь. Там она знакомится с Карлом Марсеном, с которым ей удается бежать в Англию, а в Лондоне она вступает в контакт с исполнителем мьюзик-холла Гасом Беннеттом, якобы британским агентом, в надежде, что тот свяжет ее с отцом. Но и дочь, и отец обмануты Марсеном, он оказывается агентом гестапо, и попадают в Германию. Нацисты угрожают Анне расправой, чтобы добиться согласия отца на сотрудничество. Беннет следует за ними в Германию, где и узнает, что дочь и отец должны быть на ночном поезде в Мюнхен. Он садится на тот же поезд и освобождает отца и дочь. Вся троица бежит в Швейцарию. За ними гонятся Марсен и эсэсовцы.
Sir Edward
A man witnesses a murder that isn't a murder, only to get involved with the magician and his wife who created the illusion. The insanely jealous magician husband eventually kills his wife, making for complications in life of unhappily married man who is now involved more than he ever thought he would be.
Colonel Roberts
During World War I, a British farmer is abducted by the Germans to take the place of a spy about to be executed whom he closely resembles.
Mr. Trevor
Чернокожий американец Давид Голиаф ищет работу в валлийском шахтерском городке. Подружившись с Диком Перри, местным хормейстером и шахтером, он находит работу и кров. Во время взрыва на шахте Перри погибает, а шахта закрывается, оставляя большинство людей в городе без работы. После протеста горожан шахта вновь открывается, и Голиаф рискует своей жизнью, спасая шахтеров, которые оказались в завале.
Richard Barras - the mine owner
The Stars Look Down is based on A. J. Cronin's 1935 novel of the same name, about injustices in a mining community in North East England. While the novel follows the development of three young men in the small mining town, the film focuses on just one of them; the smart David Fenwick who gets a scholarship to university, meets a girl who only marries him because her former boyfriend has abandoned her, and eventually returns to the mine town as a teacher and takes part in a futile rescue effort when the mine is flooded, trapping both his father and his younger brother.
John Smith, a middle-aged married man, is made redundant by his employer; at a loss and despairing, his friend Harry Jones suggests applying to the Embankment Fellowship Centre, a charity that provides hostelling, retraining and help finding work for men in his position.
General Faversham
1898 год. Сын бригадного генерала Хэрри Фэвершэм отказывается служить в армии, предпочтя вместо этого женитьбу на Этни Берроуз и спокойную жизнь в счастье и достатке. Свой отказ он подписывает накануне отправки его полка в Суданскую кампанию. Его друзья — Джон Дюррэнс, Питер Берроуз и Том Уиллогби — посылают ему по белому перу, что символизирует трусость. Его возлюбленной Этни также неприятен его выбор, и она дает ему четвертое белое перо. Хэрри, пересмотрев свои взгляды на жизнь, решает доказать свою храбрость, и один отправляется в Египет. Переодевшись туземцем племени Сангали, он появится на поле брани, чтобы спасти жизни тех, кого он любит, и кто считал его трусом!
Minor Role
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
Wally Mason
“Shorty” Matthews having recently been released from prison visits his girlfriend in London only to discover her murdered. Fearing he will be wrongly accused of being the culprit he disappears amongst the long-distance lorry driving community. Meanwhile, the real killer, unassuming ex-schoolteacher Walter Hoover, continues to prey on London women. As Shorty had feared he has become the main suspect. He returns to London with old flame Molly to prove his innocence.
Unidentified role
The Life of St. Paul, including reenactment of the Book of Acts, and St. Paul's Epistles.
The love affair between the French Emperor Napoleon and the lady Josephine leads through Napoleon's rise to power and their eventual divorce.
Mr. Bennet
The Detective Inspector
A young girl is travelling to London to find work. Arriving at the station, she meets a man who has been stabbed by a member of a gang of crooks involved with greyhound racing. She becomes a suspect, but flees the scene in order to deliver a message to the dead man's brother. She is protected from the police by a night club entertainer, who she learns is the man she is seeking.
Inspector Elford
London's jewel thieves are under the thumb of a mysterious fence, who ruthlessly exposes any thief who crosses him. Desperate, Scotland Yard re-hires ex-Inspector Barrabal who, as a known drunkard, is ideally suited to go undercover with a faked criminal record (which may spoil his chances with lovely Carol Stedman).
H.E., the Governor
A general must come to terms with a crime he commited years earlier.
White General
British agent working in Russia is forced to remain longer than planned once the revolution begins. After being released from prison in Siberia he poses as a Russian Commissar. Because of his position among the revolutionaries, he is able to rescue a Russian countess from the Bolsheviks.
Colonel (as Alan Jeayes)
A bankrupt officer, accused of cheating at cards, defends his honour with a writ.
Machua Appa
Экранизация рассказа Киплинга об индийском юноше Тумаи, который мечтает стать охотником на слонов.
London theatre manager
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.
A complicated adventure involving twin brothers and the Foreign Office trying to thwart the ambitions of a hostile sheikh.
Dr. Tulp
Фильм начинается с того времени, когда умирает Саския, любимая художника и мать его сына Титуса, которая долгие годы служила мастеру источником вдохновения, а кончается последним годом жизни, когда он уже похоронил последнюю жену. Несмотря на то, что в последние годы своей жизни Рембрандт жил впроголодь, тратя все немногие деньги на краски, он был счастлив: ведь его всегда окружали женщины, которых он любил и, которые любили его. Сын мельника из Лейдена, величайший голландский художник Рембрандт Ван Рейн, умер в нищете, как и полагается настоящему художнику.
Don Pedro de Guzman
A man ignores a warning to stay away from a sinister house on marshland near Liverpool; when someone drowns close by, he finds the evidence doesn’t add up…
Inspector Carter
When an ex-dancer marries a man for his money she is suprised find he is a real skinflint. She owes a lot of money to a loan-shark who is after her. However, her husband does carry a lot of insurance
Ed Harwood, a wisecracking private investigator from New York, discovers a crime at an hotel in Nice during a carnival. The unraveling of the mystery which lies behind will lead him and Caryl Fenton, a female insurance agent, who will become his companion, first to Paris, then to London, later through the English countryside and finally to Southampton, in search of a criminal train wrecker.
Mr. Cabal (uncredited)
Город Эвритаун, 1940 год. Канун Рождества. Люди готовятся к празднику, на улицах много гуляющих, звучат песни. Но в то же время повсюду рядом с надписями в честь Рождества — на плакатах, расклеенных на стенах, на трамваях, в крупных газетных заголовках — слово «война», «угроза войны», «мир на пороге войны», «европейский ультиматум». В уютной мирной квартире Джона Кэбела трое мужчин, в том числе Пиппа Пассуорти, обсуждают последние события.
Dr. Prada
Revolt on a prison island is a parable of workers revolution. A cruel and repressive penal colony is the setting for a prison revolt with a special twist...the prisoners want to stay on and govern themselves in a humane and productive working community. Well that's the theory anyway but circumstances make their venture a lot more complicated than that.
Grand Duke Rodolphe
Koenigsmark is a 1935 British-French drama film directed by Maurice Tourneur and starring Elissa Landi, John Lodge and Pierre Fresnay. The film is based on the novel Koenigsmark by Pierre Benoît. It's sets were designed by the art director Lucien Aguettand. The film was known in the United States as Crimson Dynasty.
Don Bernardino
Imposing Canadian-born stage actor and playwright Matherson Lang was one of the twentieth century's great Shakespearean players, and became Britain's foremost screen actor during the 1920s; in Drake of England, one of his final films, he takes the title role in Arthur Woods' portrayal of the life and times of the flamboyant piratical adventurer who founded Britain's sea fortunes. From clandestine romance at the court of Elizabeth I to conquests in the newly discovered lands of South America and spectacular victory over the Armada, Drake of England offers a panoramic overview of Drake's life.
Father O'Leary
Британский офицер Сандерс управляет одной из территорий в английской колонии Нигерии. Его стиль управления жесткий, но справедливый. По долгу службы ему приходится бороться с контрабандистами и работорговцами. В этом ему помогает его местный вождь Босамбо. Когда Сандерс отправляется в Англию на свою свадьбу, контрабандисты пускают слух о его смерти, и Басамбо решается на опустошительный набег.
Lord Grenville
Разгар революционного террора во Франции. Аристократы, осуждённые к казни на гильотине, томятся в тюрьме Ла-Форс. Правительство Робеспьера обеспокоено тем, что различными хитроумными способами их похищает из темницы и вывозит из Франции неуловимый Алый Первоцвет. Ходят слухи, что за его бесчисленными масками скрывается некий английский лорд. Гражданин Шовелен, представляющий интересы революционной Франции в Лондоне, получает от Робеспьера задание любой ценой выследить загадочного врага республики. Прибегнув к шантажу, он пытается выведать его истинное имя у светской львицы, леди Блейкни, чей муж — недалёкий придворный франт и хлыщ из окружения принца-регента.
A British officer in the Camel Corps in Egypt goes undercover to investigate a gang of drug smugglers. He enlists the aid of a female pilot to help break up the gang.
David Barr is the manager and chief designer of a British shipyard in decline. The shipyard is in financial trouble but Barr has a design for a new ship that will save them all. Can he get the ship built in spite of the opposition from his own bankers as well as the rival shipbuilders and their infiltrated militants.
Colonel Karnilov
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
Charles II
'1670. Irish patriot caught stealing Crown Jewels talks his way to pardon.' (British Film Catalogue)
Joe Saxby
'Farm life on the South Downs. A gentleman farmer beats his unscrupulous rival in sheepdog trials.' (British Film Institute)
A young woman inherits a soap factory from her father, and struggles to keep it open.[
Matthew Blaise
A man steals a priceless diamond, but returns it when an innocent man is arrested for the theft.
In Monte Carlo, Lady Wellingford cannot redeem a necklace from a jeweler.
John Marwood
A woman finds brief respite from the selfishness of her husband with a young doctor, and their mutual attraction is rekindled by a chance meeting at a concert.
A drama film directed by Henry Edwards
Dr. Sterling
The Ghost Train is a 1931 British comedy thriller film directed by Walter Forde and starring Jack Hulbert, Cicely Courtneidge and Ann Todd. It is based on the play The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley. The film's art direction is by Walter Murton. Only five reels of picture and two reels of soundtrack survive.
Dr. Saunders
A police captain poses as the valet of a friend who has been invited on a yacht cruise by a notorious schemer, whom the friend is afraid wants to murder him.
Carl Peterson
Merchants hire a foreign criminal to kidnap a scientist for the secret of manufacturing diamonds.
Dr. James Mortimer
After the death in suspicious circumstances of Charles Baskerville, the last descendant of the lineage of the Baskervilles, Henry, returned to the old family mansion. The charismatic detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful assistant, Dr. Watson, investigating the case, and discover the existence of a supernatural hound that in addition murderer according to history, killed many years ago Hugo Baskerville, the first of the line, and it seems that the curse stalks his descendants.
Jack Woodley
Holmes is approached by Miss Violet Smith with a most peculiar problem. She has recently accepted a position with Mr. Carruthers as a music teacher for his 10 year old daughter. On Saturdays, she returns to her home to he with her mother and returns to Chilton Grange Manor on Mondays. She cycles the several miles to the train station and recently she has noticed a man, also on a bicycle, following her. He is quite blatantly there, stopping when she stops and always keeping the same distance from her but making no attempt to to hide his presence. She is worried at least in part because she recently rejected the advances of a Mr. Woodley who became upset and violent at the rejection. As Holmes soon deduces, she has good reason to be fearful, though not necessarily from the cyclist.
Sir William Hamilton
Lord Nelson's life, loves and death.