Dinsdale Landen
Рождение : 1932-09-04, Margate, Kent, England, UK
Смерть : 2003-12-29
Sir Wilmot
A young American computer hackeress is hired by a liberal British lawyer to right the wrong done to a third world country by a London investment company. Even the expertise of her building inspector sidekick can not prevent a surprising development though.
From his home in California, Simon's friend Jack is investigating the deaths of three prominent scientists. Shortly after making an important discovery, Jack is murdered, and the killer threatens to come after Simon.
Dr Judson
The Doctor and Ace arrive at a secret military base during World War II, where an ancient evil from the Doctor's past prepares to make his final deadly move. As hideous vampires rise from the sea and Russian commandoes begin to close in, they are confronted not only with a mystery from the distant past but also a terrifying vision of mankind's future...
Maj. Petkoff
First produced on the London stage in 1894, "Arms and the Man" immediately established Shaw's reputation as one of the greatest wits in London drama. This beautifully remastered BBC production brings to life an uproarious comedy that still resonates in its critique of warfare and romance.
A staged version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, recorded at the Sydmonton Festival for the BBC.
White golliwogs, cross-dressing coppers, bellboy rapists, insanity, incest, and Winston Churchill’s giant member all play their part in this BBC production of Joe Orton’s farcical, bitingly satirical 1969 play, in which the head psychiatrist of a lunatic asylum, when trying to conceal the attempted molestation of his new secretary from his wife, only succeeds in making himself (and everyone else) look completely round the bend.
Adaptation of the play by Alan Ayckbourn.
Commander Grenville Matteson
Из-за глупости одного из членов экипажа, который играл с пультом управления корабля, космический корабль инопланетян терпит крушение на Земле. Сначала инопланетяне становятся объектом интереса армии и секретных служб, однако вскоре выясняется, что их умственный уровень крайне низок, и никакой полезной информации узнать от них невозможно. После этого инопланетяне становятся поп-звёздами — они выступают с концертами, снимаются в рекламе и т. п.
David Purser
Play on the problems of alcoholism.
Mr. Curtis
По роману Эни Баньол. Продолжение фильма "Национальный приз". После смерти родителей маленькая Сара Браун переселяется жить к своей тете Вельвет и ее гражданскому мужу, писателю Джону Саттону. Вельвет искренне хочет помочь племяннице, но не имеет опыта воспитания детей. На помощь приходит Джон и лошадь по кличке Пай, на котором Вельвет, бывшая наездница, примерно в возрасте Сары выиграла спортивные соревнования. Сара увлекается конным спортом и надеется выступить на Олимпийских играх. Ей далеко не сразу удается добиться успеха, но с помощью тренера капитана Джонсона она преодолевает все преграды.
An author writes to his old schoolmate, telling him he is going to reveal a secret they have shared since the 1950s.
A barrister's complex life unravels as he juggles a court case and highly-strung mistress.
Matthew Earp
The police receive an anonymous tip that Bernard Peel has murdered his wife, Jennifer. Peel declares his innocence, but there is a substantial amount of evidence contradicting his story. Is someone trying to frame Mr. Peel? Peel asks private detective Matthew Earp to investigate.
Col. Masters
Digby consumes a bowl of Project X, a liquid growth formula. Soon, he becomes a sheepdog of gigantic size!
Matthew Earp
American businessman Brad Hunter and his wife Suzy are visiting England for the first time. Meeting a business contact, Brad introduces his wife as "Theresa." But it seems to be more than an innocent slip of the tongue. Brad begins behaving strangely and knows more about specific locations in London than he would as a first time visitor. Suzy hires private detective Matthew Earp to look into the reasons behind her husbands sudden change in personality. This aired on British TV as part of the "Thriller" series (under the title "An Echo of Theresa") but was issued as a featured on home video in the U.S. as "Anatomy of Terror."
Capt. Weaver
Фильм снят по автобиографической книге Уинстона Черчилля «Мои молодые годы: преданное служение». Юные годы Черчилля предстают в воспоминаниях Черчилля старого: детство, школа-интернат, родители, авантюры в Индии и Судане, участия в качестве военного корреспондента в Англо-бурской войне, избрание в парламент...
John Mortimer's play about the tangled love life of an East London pub landlord.
Vicar Geoffrey Mellish
Teddy works for a large advertising company. Given the seemingly impossible task of selling frozen porridge, he decides to produce commercials that make the product seem sexy. This leads him to confrontation with the "Keep Television Clean" movement, of which his wife is a senior member.
Charley Wykeham
Adaptation of the play by Brandon Thomas.
Wing Commander Penrose
Командир эскадрильи Квинт Манро переживает смерть своего лучшего друга Скотти в бою. Спустя время, Манро влюбляется в жену Скотти — Бет…
Michael Frayn play part of TV series The Wednesday Play.
Нетрадиционное прочтение истории «злого гения» последних Романовых интересно стремлением режиссера перенести на экран миф об экстрасенсорных способностях Распутина.
The Midshipman/Bowles
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
A young policeman becomes involved with a glamorous German woman in London, to his cost.