Domenico Modugno

Domenico Modugno

Рождение : 1928-01-09, Polignano a Mare, Puglia, Italy

Смерть : 1994-08-06


Domenico Modugno


FF.SS. cioè '...che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?'
Мороженое на палочке
Original Music Composer
Первый эпизод из серии "Горячая жевательная резинка". История трёх друзей Бенци, Момо и Йюдале. Подглядывания за девушками, танцы - шманцы - обжиманцы, разговоры про секс и поиски опытных женщин - на что еще взрослеющим мальчикам тратить свое время. А тут Бенци влюбляется в Нили ...
Il maestro di violino
Giovannni Russo
The violin teacher at the Perugia Conservatory in Italy is loved by his female pupils and the rich ladies in town. Later we learn that he was a great concert soloist and had to give up his career because of his drunkard wife.
Smell of Flesh
Salvatore Cannavone
Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.
Piange… il telefono
Andrea Balestrieri
Piange… il telefono
Игра в карты по-научному
Каждый год в назначенный день Пеппино и Антония, семейная пара не первой свежести, ждет из-за океана Богатую Старуху. Для них она — единственный шанс разжиться шальными деньгами. Никто не помнит, когда и как это завелось, но Старуха, заядлая картежница, раз в году усаживается за игральный стол с Пеппино и Антонией, одалживая им деньги для игры из собственного кармана — итальянцы так бедны, что им даже нечего поставить на кон. Но никто также не помнит, чтобы Старуха когда-нибудь проигрывала…
Каприз по-итальянски
Lo Spazzino
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
What Are the Clouds?
Lo Spazzino
Some puppets come to life in a theater with no windows. This time the puppets interpret William Shakespeare's Othello.
Three Bites of the Apple
Remo Romano
A tour guide wins a large sum of money at a casino and a beautiful woman schemes at have it, but love complicates her plans.
Vacanze in Argentina
Believing that his death is near, a millionaire who lives in Argentina brings three girls to benefit them in his will and they end up falling in love with three Argentines.
Vacanze in Argentina
Believing that his death is near, a millionaire who lives in Argentina brings three girls to benefit them in his will and they end up falling in love with three Argentines.
Europa canta
Domenico Modugno
Little Europe, a town in the American West, is chosen as the site for a European Music Festival to be internationally broadcast via television. The peace of the village is put in jeopardy when it comes to electing judges because the dormant antagonisms of the descendants of Italian, Spanish, French and Germans will be awakened, but the good sheriff easily resolves the dispute. Then the problem becomes more acute when the lawyer Betty, a comely young lady, who is late in coming to the event because she was seized by the henchmen of an industry bully who wants to influence the victory of one of his favorite songs.
Птицы большие и малые
The Balladeer (voice) (uncredited)
Фильм снят в форме комедии и его можно смотреть людям любого возраста. Как пожилой, так и молодой, Тото и Нинетто сталкиваются с различными историческими ситуациями не конфликтуют между собой и находятся в полном согласии друг с другом…
Everything is Music
Everything is Music
Everything is Music
Everything is Music
Various Roles
The Last Judgment
il cantante
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
Почтенное общество
Original Music Composer
Сальваторе и Розалино приговорены к смертной казни мафией, потому что они обвиняются в том, что соблазнили дочерей босса. Когда их собираются застрелить, им удается сбежать с двумя девушками.
Почтенное общество
Salvatore, il marito
Сальваторе и Розалино приговорены к смертной казни мафией, потому что они обвиняются в том, что соблазнили дочерей босса. Когда их собираются застрелить, им удается сбежать с двумя девушками.
Appuntamento a Ischia
Адуя и ее подруги
Дружная компания проституток уезжает в тихую сельскую местность, где их никто не знает, и начинают новую жизнь — открывают тратторию. И хотя хозяин требует немыслимо огромных выплат, и начинать приходится с нуля, вскоре траттория становится популярным местом в округе, работа кипит, ребенка одной из подруг, наконец, крестит их приятель-священник, другая собирается замуж за порядочного местного клерка, да и сама глава компании — Адуя, кажется, находит себе мужчину, хотя и весьма ветреного. Но рано или поздно прошлое настигает подруг…
European Nights
A tour of the nightlife in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Brussels and more. Episodes presenting famous artists and people performing.
Esterina, a young war orphan, joins two truck drivers, Gino and Piero, on their trips along Northern Italy. She wants to find her luck in the big city, but her dreams turn into disappointing experiences. She falls in love with Gino but he is not interested in her, until she disappears...
Nel blu dipinto di blu
Turi, a young Sicilian, makes ends meet by doing some occasional work and singing in taverns in a popular district of Rome.
Nel blu dipinto di blu
Turi La Rosa
Turi, a young Sicilian, makes ends meet by doing some occasional work and singing in taverns in a popular district of Rome.
Dangerous Women
Federico, Bruno, Pirro and Benny are married. The first three have beautiful wifes, Benny instead is married to a ugly woman. Ornella is Bruno's wife, she is very jealous and maintains that all men are deceitful, granted the opportunity, while Claudine, Federico's wife, maintains the contrary point of view. So they bet that Tosca, a former dancer, will succeed in seducing Federico.
You, Your Mother, and Me
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
Husbands in the City
Original Music Composer
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.
The Red Cloak
Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
Волшебное селение
Un frère d'Agatina
Француз инженер-строитель Робер (Робер Ламуре) решает провести отпуск в кемпинге на Сицилии, куда несколько раньше уехала порядком уже надоевшая ему любовница. По дороге, в поезде, он знакомится с девушкой, итальянкой по происхождению, Терезой (Лючия Бозе) и пускает в ход все свое обаяние, чтобы добиться ее любви. Это ему удается, но не сразу.
Knights of the Queen
A new adventure for the Dumas musketeers who this time must save the Infanta of Spain from the intrigues of the Prince of Condé who wants to take the throne at any cost. (This film is a compendium edit made from episodes of the television series "I tre moschettieri")
Rosso e nero
Of Life and Love
A film made up of four episodes: a jar repairer gets trapped in a vat because of his hunch; a young unmarried mother is forced to beg to buy herself a fan; Rosario Chiarchiaro appears before a law court for casting spells; the discomfort of an overtight jacket gives a wedding witness the strength to persuade the bridegroom's reluctant parents to bless his union.
Easy Years
giudice Rocco Santoro
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Heroic Charge
Soldato di cavalleria
In 1941 an Italian regiment known as the Savoy Cavalry is sent by Mussolini to Russia to assist the German invasion. After crossing an extensive area of Soviet territory the men arrive at a village that seems deserted. A patrol sent on reconnaissance comes under machine-gun fire from the top of a bell-tower.
Processo contro ignoti
Il commissario
Filumena Marturano
Avvocato Nocella
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.