Ruža Madarević

Ruža Madarević


Ruža Madarević


Шпионское вмешательство
Dr. Studebaker
Один из лучших шпионов мира встречает на задании простую продавщицу, влюбляется в неё и решает бросить шпионскую деятельность, чтобы остепениться и создать семью. Однако, последнее незаконченное задание нависает над ним мучительным воспоминанием и не позволяет обрести покой. И вот однажды он решает довести дело до конца и на время вернуться в строй, не подозревая, что это решение навсегда изменит его жизнь.
A Favor for Jerry
Ruza Rose
A FAVOR FOR JERRY follows Khan (Khan Baykal, ALWAYS SHINE, THE HAPPY HOUSE) as he crosses NYC filling in for a pot-dealing friend on election day. Shot in real time on November 8 2016, the film freely mixes documentary and narrative elements. As events unfold, the actors directly incorporate the moment into their performances and what begins as backdrop increasingly takes center stage.
The Last International Playboy
Jack Frost's playboy lifestyle in New York City is rocked by the news that his childhood love is engaged. Amidst his friendships with Scotch Evans, a ribald nightlife correspondent; Ozzy, a troubled but loving heroin addict; and Kate Hardwick, a bewitching, quick-witted reporter, Jack sinks deeper into depression. Haunted by lost-love and his mother's suicide, Jack plunges into whiskey and self-destruction . . . until his eleven-year-old neighbor, Sophie, an unlikely mother figure, leads Jack back into himself, and out of the nostalgia and excess that consumed him.
Ultimate Force
Sari / Nina
Agent Axon Rey, a heavily decorated war hero and former police officer, is send to a rehabilitation island called "Gulag 7" under the nickname "Sphinx". He has to perform an extremely dangerous mission.
Christmas in Love
A middle-aged man’s relationship with a young model is questioned by his daughter, who’s dating an older man herself.