Robert Hyatt

Рождение : 1939-12-29, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 2007-09-27


Dead Man's Run
Two vacationing couples lend assistance to an injured man. This good deed leads them into their worst nightmare.
Dead Man's Run
Two vacationing couples lend assistance to an injured man. This good deed leads them into their worst nightmare.
Смертельный выкуп
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Смертельный выкуп
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Смертельный выкуп
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Every Girl Should Have One
A merry who-done-it diamond caper unfolds after a woman's million dollar necklace is stolen while she is having her portrait done.
The Careless Years
Biff Vernon (as Bobby Hyatt)
A high school girl from a wealthy family falls for a fellow student from a poor family. Both families disapprove, and, unable to stand the pressure, the couple quit school and flee to Mexico.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Tom Sawyer
This made-for-TV production originally aired on the "Climax!" show and opened up its second season. Huck and his buddy Tom Sawyer become blood brothers right before Huck takes off down the Mississippi River to try and get away from his abusive father. Along his journey Huck comes across a wide range of characters including The Duke.
Outlaw's Son
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Gypsy Colt
Phil Gerald (as Bobby Hyatt)
In this trans-species remake of Lassie, Come Home, a faithful horse undertakes a perilous journey to return to the family it loves.
Девчонка из городка
Dennis Kimbell
Рик Ливингстон, миллионер и повеса, превысил скорость, спеша на собственную свадьбу и был приговорен к тюремному заключению в никому не известном городке. Не сумев убедить неподкупного судью отпустить его, не привыкший подчиняться чужим правилам Рик использует все возможные средства, чтобы как можно скорее вернуться домой, где его ждет невеста - звезда бродвейских мюзиклов. К счастью для Рика, дочь судьи попадает под чары молодого плейбоя и помогает ему совершить побег.
Toughest Man in Arizona
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Carbine Williams
David Williams (as Bobby Hyatt)
David Marshall Williams is sent to a prison farm where he works in the tool shop and eventually develops the precursor of the famous M-1 Carbine automatic rifle used in World War II.
Эта большая страна
Joseph Esposito
Состоящий из 8 отдельных историй фильм раскрывает различные грани понятия «Американский дух».
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Johnny Dawson (as Bobby Hyatt)
A man who spent his formative years in prison for murder is released, and struggles to adjust to the outside world and escape his lurid past. He gets involved with a cheap dancehall girl, and when her protector is accidentally killed, they go on the lam together, getting jobs as farm labourers. But some fellow workers get wise to them.
The Basketball Fix
Mickey Long (as Bobby Hyatt)
A college basketball star collaborrates with organized crime and becomes involved in 'point shaving.' A sportswriter tries to get him back on the right track.
He Ran All the Way
Tommy Dobbs (as Bobby Hyatt)
A crook on the run hides out in an innocent girl's apartment.
When I Grow Up
Josh is a young boy who feels neglected and misunderstood at home. Preparing to run away, he chances across an old diary once kept by his grandfather. Leafing through the yellowed pages, Josh discovers that Grandpa went through many of the same childhood travails that he is enduring at that moment. Armed with a renewed understanding of and appreciation for his elders, Josh decides to stick around for a while and see how things develop.
Cody of the Pony Express
Buffalo Bill Cody battles a gang of outlaws secretly headed by an unscrupulous lawyer.
The Christmas Carol
Tiny Tim
A Christmas Carol was a 1949 low-budget, black and white television special narrated by Vincent Price.
Little Boy (uncredited)
Мечты Молодой девушки Леноры Имс сбылись. Она вышла замуж за миллионера Смита Олрига. Однако после свадьбы она понимает, что ее муж безумен. Она уходит от мужа и устраивается на работу в больницу в бедном районе. Там она встречает доктора Лэрри Кинаду и влюбляется в него. Но ее муж не собирается с этим мириться...
No Minor Vices
Genius (uncredited)
Perry Ashwell is a self-satisfied child psychologist who takes his colleagues and wife somewhat for granted. So confident is he of his position that he introduces rich attractive painter Octavio Quaglini to his office and home. Quaglini is no respecter of convention, and April Ashwell is extremely attractive.
High Wall
Richard Kenet (as Bobby Hyatt)
Steven Kenet, suffering from a recurring brain injury, appears to have strangled his wife. Having confessed, he's committed to an understaffed county asylum full of pathetic inmates. There, Dr. Ann Lorrison is initially skeptical about Kenet's story and reluctance to undergo treatment. But against her better judgement, she begins to doubt his guilt.
Чудо на 34-й улице
Thomas 'Tommy' Mara Jr. (uncredited)
Во время парада, устроенного крупным магазином в канун Рождества, актер, который был должен играть Санта Клауса, обнаружен встельку пьяным. Режиссер парада уговаривает прохожего старика Криса Крингла занять место Санты. После успеха парада Крингл получает работу в магазине. Однако когда менеджер магазина говорит, чтобы Крис пытался продать детям залежавшиеся игрушки, тот приходит в негодование. Вместо этого он отсылает детей в другой магазин, принадлежащий их конкуренту. Это провоцирует большие неприятности. Но все усугубляется тем, что Крис настаивает, что он настоящий Санта-Клаус. Ему приходится доказывать это не только словом, но и делом, свидетелями чего становятся Дорис и ее скептически настроенная дочь Сюзан. Растущая без отца Сюзан пытается сделать так, чтобы ее мать и их сосед, юрист, жили вместе. Крис, считающий самым главным на свете счастье детей, пытается помочь Сюзан в достижении ее цели. Постепенно он преодолевает недоверчивость Сюзан в своем настоящем происхождении...
Stagecoach to Denver
Dickie Barnes (as Bobby Hyatt)
Lambert has the stagecoach wrecked killing the Commissioner so his phony replacement can alter Coonskin's land survey. When Red Ryder exposes the survey hoax, Lambert has his stooge Sheriff put Red in jail.