Cecilia Roth

Cecilia Roth

Рождение : 1958-08-08, Buenos Aires, Argentina


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cecilia Roth (born Cecilia Rotenberg on August 8, 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine actress. Her father, Abrasha Rotenberg (b. 1926), a Jewish immigrant from the Soviet Ukraine, is an editor and a journalist. He met Cecilia's mother, an Argentinian singer of Sephardic descent Dina Rot, in Argentina. Cecilia Roth has made appearances in numerous television series. After working in Argentina in several films she moved to Spain, where she started a frequent collaboration with filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar. Roth went on to appear in six of his movies to date, either as lead, supporting actor or cameo. She lived with Argentine musician Fito Páez for some years, with whom she adopted a child. Fito wrote the song Cecilia for her. The song is about their relationship and a passionate love letter to her. She is also the sister of another Argentine musician, Ariel Rot, member of the former Los Rodríguez band. Cecilia Roth is currently one of the most popular Spanish language actresses, working in films from Argentina, Spain and Mexico. Description above from the Wikipedia article Cecilia Roth, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.    


Cecilia Roth
Cecilia Roth
Cecilia Roth


The Parties
Sergio, Mali and Luz reluctantly agreed to spend Christmas in the country with their mother; in part because of the guilt they feel about saying no when she has just come out of the hospital after a heart attack, but also because it would be nice to escape from their frustrations for a while.
En cumplimiento del deber
This documentary tells through the story of various relatives and testimonies the fire at the Iron Mountain company that led to the death of six police firefighters, two volunteer firefighters and two civil defense agents.
Mansión Helada
Инес — актриса озвучивания и хористка из Буэнос-Айреса. После страшных событий, случившихся с ней во время отпуска, ее начинают одолевать проблемы со сном и кошмары. Это сказывается на ее профессиональной карьере. Инес перестает понимать, что в ее жизни реальность, а что — лишь страшный сон…
Семейные преступления
Когда ее сына обвиняют в изнасиловании и попытке убийства своей бывшей жены, Алисия отправляется в путешествие, которое навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Боль и слава
Талантливый кинорежиссер на закате своего творческого пути оглядывается в прошлое, и на него обрушивается поток ярких воспоминаний. Нежные чувства к матери, любовь и расставание, поиски счастья и успеха. Всё это приводит творца к важным размышлениям о жизни и искусстве - боли и славе.
Буэнос-Айрес, 1971 год. Карлитос – семнадцатилетний кудрявый блондин с детским личиком и замашками кинозвезды. Еще мальчиком он заглядывался чужие вещи, но его истинное призвание - быть настоящим вором - проявилось в подростковом возрасте. Когда в новой школе Карлитос встречает Рамона, то сразу привязывается к нему и начинает хвастаться, чтобы привлечь внимание. Вместе они отправятся в путь, полный открытий, любви и преступлений.
Я очень возбуждён
Norma Bosch
Рейс лайнера, совершающего перелет в Мексику, начался как обычно: пассажиры пристегнули ремни, а командир корабля, включив автопилот, спокойно уснул. Но прямо над океаном оказалось, что самолет неисправен, исчезает интернет, и все гаджеты разом выходят из строя. Всех охватывает страх, ужас, отчаяние. Беспомощные пассажиры и экипаж, оказавшись пред лицом гибели, наконец-то должны стать сами собой. Так что несчастным на борту падающего самолета не остается ничего, как только петь и танцевать вслед за веселыми стюардами.
Esteban and Molly have been married for over twenty years. On a cold morning in June the couple realizes they have hit rock bottom and that their relationship is not what it once was. Marriage examines the different aspects that make a man and a woman click, those moments where a bond can become harder than a rock, but it will also illustrate the downfalls and all the little things that make a relationship worth fighting for.
Once Upon a Time… All About My Mother
Shot in 1999, "All About My Mother" is Pedro Almodóvar's thirteenth feature film. The director was a key figure in the turbulent Movida (the movement for cultural renewal and liberation in post-Franco Spain), explores Barcelona society at the turn of the millennium through the lives of five women.
La peli de Batato
Batato Barea, the “clown/intellectual/transvestite” was a genius of the underground scene who was able to represent all the nuances of a changing country with his own poetic radicalism, in such a unique way that it made him irreplaceable. That paradox is the basis for this documentary by Peter Pank and Goyo Anchou, two authors in search of a character and his legacy, but also his irreplaceable presence and instantaneous, evanescent theatricality, which challenged every mandate and convention.
Empty Nest
Empty Nest tells the story of a couple who have to struggle to find themselves after their children grow up and move out. It starts out as a fairly simple story of a couple but becomes complicated by a series of events that may or may not be occurring only in Leonardo’s mind.
Les pel·lícules del meu pare
The protagonist has no memory of her father. However, as she watches the films he made before she was born, in which several young girls appear, she begins to suspect if there had been nothing between her father and her. To forget her loneliness and stay afloat she keeps a diary. Men begin to irritate her, she is increasingly attracted to women and desperately seeks a mother, a friend, a lover.
Our Father
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
A separated yet self-sufficient craftswoman puts up a friend who is also separating. The hostess has three teenage children, and the arrival of her guest will interfere with their domestic harmony, apart from slowly but surely causing a hormonal surge in one of the boys.
Otros días vendrán
Alicia (Cecilia Roth) is a school teacher in his forties who begins a relationship online with Zaz (Nacho Aldeguer), 17. When the affair begins to leak, the story takes a turn of 180 degrees. At that time Zaz's father (Antonio Resines) will take the center of the stage
The Landless
This documentary traces the rise of Brazil's Landless Movement (MST) from its founding in 1984 to the 2002 election of Brazil's first working class president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.
Luisa Sanfelice
Regina Carolina
An 18th-century true story about a rebel and his lover's attempt to overthrow the Italian monarchy.
Lucía, Lucía
Lucia, an children's book author, tells the story of her husband's disappearance. One day on their way to Brazil he just disappears. She goes to the police, gets a ransom note, and makes friends with the old dude downstairs and the young dude upstairs as she tries to find him. Things take a bit of a twist as she realized the kidnapping may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.
По мотивам одноименного романа аргентинца Марсело Фигейраса. История о трудных и жестоких временах аргентинской военной диктатуры 70-х годов XX века… Десятилетний мальчик с родителями и младшим братом спешно покидают Буэнос-Айрес и скрываются в загородном доме друзей. Десять лет — самый подходящий возраст, чтобы жить в двух параллельных мирах: в мире, где они с отцом играют в настольную игру «Стратегия», смотрят фильмы про пришельцев и комиксы про Супермена, где есть книга о великом эскейписте Гарри Гудини, и в мире, в котором судьба семьи висит на волоске и требует каждодневной строгой конспирации…
In 1945 Spain a young man with Nazi contacts fell in love with a left wing family woman.
Antigua vida mía
Violeta Dasinski
An abused wife (Cecilia Roth) seeks information about her dead mother, a freedom fighter buried in Antigua.
Private Lives
Carmen Uranga
Carmen Uranga is a 42 year-old woman who after 20 years jurisdiction of her native country (Argentina), she returns to solve a family problem related with the inheritance that her sick father wants to leave him. Their return trip results in the unavoidable memories of the torture that that was object during the dictatorship and a dramatic revelation.
A Night with Sabrina Love
Sabrina Love
In Curuguazu, located in the Argentinian countryside, seventeen year-old Daniel Montero has been raised by his grandmother for three years since the death of his parents in a car accident. Daniel has a boring life, working in a poultry processing plant and meeting his friends in the square to make small talk. He saves some money from his salary and buys an old television, where he watches late night porn shows of Sabrina Love.
Вторая кожа
В центре сюжета Диего — доктор, который заводит отношения с женатым мужчиной и ставит его брак под угрозу краха.
Всё о моей матери
На мать-одиночку Мануэлу обрушивается самое ужасное из земных несчастий — в автокатастрофе погибает её единственный сын Эстебан. Подвергнувшись спонтанному порыву, убитая горем женщина возвращается в город своей бурной юности — Барселону. Там она встречается с призраком Прошлого, чьи уродливые когти безжалостно царапают судьбы людей в Настоящем. Мануэле предстоит встреча с отцом Эстебана и его окружением, от которых она сбежала шестнадцать лет назад.
Ashes of Paradise
Juez Beatriz Teller
A judge falls from the roof of the Federal Courthouse. A woman is murdered. Between them and the three sons of the judge there is a connection that will be investigated by a woman judge who is determined to discover the truth.
Martin (Hache)
An emotionally distant father attempts to reconnect with the son he abandoned. After his estranged son (Juan Diego Botto) tries to commit suicide, Argentine expat Martín (Federico Luppi) brings the troubled teen to live with him in Spain. But though Martín tries to reach out to his son, he's unable to bond with anyone in his life -- including his much-younger girlfriend
La balada de Donna Helena
A Place in the World
Mario and Ana, in voluntary exile from Buenos Aires, live in a remote Argentine valley with their 12-year-old son Ernesto. Mario runs a school and a wool cooperative; Ana, a doctor, heads a clinic with Nelda, a progressive nun. Into this idealistic family comes Hans, a jaded Spanish geological engineer -- surveying the land for the local patron, to see if it can be dammed for hydro-electric power, which would drive the peasants from the land into the cities.
Vivir mata
A diplomat is sent to Wallachia late nineteenth century. There he meets a young princess. Back in Buenos Aires, and a century later and turned into a vampire, he meets another woman.
I, the Worst of All
La Virreina (voice)
A viceroy and an archbishop take their posts in Mexico. A local nun, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695), intrigues them. The viceroy and his wife find her brilliant and fascinating. The prelate finds her a symbol of European laxity. He engineers the election of a new abbess, severe and ascetic. The virreina visits Sor Juana often and inspires her to write passionate poetry that the archbishop finds scandalous. The viceroy protects her. After he is replaced and returns to Spain with his wife, Sor Juana faces envy and retribution. A bishop betrays her, her confessor humbles her. Plague, a tribunal, and her confession as "the worst of all" end the great poet's life.
The Loves of Kafka
Hermana de Kafka
A movie director from Argentine travels to Prague to make a film about Franz Kafka and Milena Jesenská.
The Stranger
Bonnie Bedilia stars in this psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a murder and then flees. During her escape, she has a car accident. She becomes an amnesia victim and although, she doesn't know her own identity, is able to describe the murder, but doesn't remember where it occurred or who was involved.
Pepe Carvalho receives a call from an ex-lover in distress.
The Secret Garden
A few days ago, Lucia (Assumpta Serna) receives anonymous letters in which he is forced to perform certain actions that she accepts without question. Her current boyfriend, Arthur (Xabier Elorriaga), suspects the mysterious sender can be Lucia's former lover, whose strange death never reached clarified. Now it's time it's Arthur who put the cards on the table to get to the bottom of it.
За что мне это?
Chica anuncio
У обычной домохозяйки Глории появляются серьезные проблемы. Ее муж страстно увлекается бывшей певичкой; один из сыновей с удовольствием продает наркотики, а другой заводит бурные романы с отцами своих одноклассников. Положение становится еще хуже, когда из-за странного стечения обстоятельств взбалмошная Глория оказывается замешанной в убийстве и попытке продать поддельные дневники Гитлера.
За что мне это?
Costume Design
У обычной домохозяйки Глории появляются серьезные проблемы. Ее муж страстно увлекается бывшей певичкой; один из сыновей с удовольствием продает наркотики, а другой заводит бурные романы с отцами своих одноклассников. Положение становится еще хуже, когда из-за странного стечения обстоятельств взбалмошная Глория оказывается замешанной в убийстве и попытке продать поддельные дневники Гитлера.
El señor Galíndez
El senor Galindez is a Spanish movie starring Antonio Banderas
Нескромное обаяние порока
Иоланда поет в ночном клубе и однажды замечает там монашек, которые оставляют ей визитную карточку. Она знакомится с Матерью Наставницей, чье восхищение злом не знает границ, а также с другими сестрами. Эти женщины проповедуют новый подход к вопросам послушания и раскаяния. Однако все переворачивается вверх дном, когда смиренные послушницы решают отпраздновать именины Матери Наставницы.
Лабиринт страстей
В центре сюжета поп-звезда, страдающая нимфоманией и влюбляющаяся в восточного принца-гея, на которого охотятся революционные исламисты и экс-шахиня, желающая от него забеременеть.
Trágala, perro
Sister Patrocinio is a nun who is stigmatized by Christ in her hands and feet. Although some believe in this mystical fact, others suspect of manipulation and take it to the court of justice.
Pepe, no me des tormento
Пепи, Люси, Бом и остальные девушки
Chica del Anuncio 'Bragas Ponte'
Пепи изнасилована полицейским, который поймал ее за выращивание марихуаны в квартире. Теперь Пепи намеревается отомстить ему, сделав так, чтобы от него ушла его жена-мазохистка.
Ana Turner
José Sirgado is a low-budget filmmaker whose heroin addiction distorts his perspective of the real world. Although he is a depressed and unstable individual, his mood improves when he receives the mysterious films of Pedro, with whom he shares his passion for cinema.
Erotic Stories
Sra. Josephson / Mujer Rubia (segments "Koñensonaten" and "Frac")
A set of nine stories whose central theme is eroticism. The different directors of the film deal from philosophical aspects to others that are almost pornographic, but always with a common denominator: sensuality.
The Semester We Loved Kim Novak
In the late '50s, a young student falls in love with actress Kim Novak and fills the walls of his room with her photographs. One day, he meets a girl who looks a lot like her at a party, but is so shy that he needs to get drunk to declare his love.
La familia bien, gracias
Sequel to "The Great Family" and "Family and one more". A widower and the godfather of his 16 children, aged two, wistfully contemplate the past. The father was left alone in the family home, but loneliness overwhelms him so he decides to spend some time at home for each of their children, most of whom are married. But the experience ends up being disastrous.
Las verdes praderas
Matilde, hermana de Conchi
José is a happily married executive, with children, a flat in Madrid and a house in the suburbs. It's Friday and the weekend seems to follow the usual pattern: football match with mates, travel to the mountains and family visit. Nevertheless, José feels no motivated by his routine, he no longer distinguishes leisure from their obligations, all of which result in an unexpected final decision by his attentive wife.
Cecilia Roth. Material para Arrebato
Recovered Zulueta short.
Rings of Fear
Angelo Russo, a sixteen year-old girl, is found dead in a river, having been fatally violated with a large blunt instrument. Inspector Di Salvo is assigned to the case and focuses his investigations on St. Theresa's, the exclusive school where Angelo boarded. Three of the murdered girl's classmates, Franca, Paola and Virgina (who call themselves "The Inseparables"), receive threatening poems from an individual using the name "Nemesis". Bizarre "accidents" start to befall the girls: Franca is injured when someone causes her horse to bolt and Virgina nearly breaks her neck on marbles left at the top of a staircase. But Di Salvo is determined to find the killer, even if it means using unorthodox methods. He is aided by Angelo Russo's little sister Emily, whose helpful clues lead to a boutique owned by a dubious character and a vice ring where "rich influential men pay well for teenage favours" ...
Crecer de golpe
It tells the complex relationship of Milo, a teenager, and his old protector. Adaptation of "Around the cage", work of the writer Haroldo Conti, disappeared in 1976 by Argentine dictatorship.
No toquen a la nena
A man becomes overprotective of his daughter as a friend of his son comes to live at the family home.