Ulf Ryberg


A movie about Dag Hammarsköljd that will be released in 2023
Девушка, которая взрывала воздушные замки
Лисбет Саландер находится под неусыпным наблюдением в отделении интенсивной терапии шведской городской больницы. Она борется за жизнь и не только в физическом смысле: когда она почувствует себя достаточно хорошо, ей предстоит предстать перед судом по обвинению в трех убийствах и в покушении еще на одно. С помощью своего друга, журналиста Микаэля Блумквиста, она должна будет доказать свою невиновность и опознать продажных политиканов, из-за злоупотреблений которых страдают простые люди.
Lögnens pris
Wallander 04 - The Overdose
Krister Henriksson plays the lead role as Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed Commissioner Kurt Wallander at the Ystad Police. After a girl's suicide, they come across a tangle on the track that affects several girls at the same school, a case that deeply affects Linda Wallander. Linda's closest colleague is Detective Stefan Lindman.
The Confession
A couple from Estonia visits a town in Sweden. One of the locals visits them a few times until one night things get out of hand after a few drinks. From then on we see how the police investigates a double murder and what complexions arise during this investigation.
Kvinna med födelsemärke
Det grovmaskiga nätet
Deep Water
The film is about a man (played by Jens Jørn Spottag) who is involved in a series of trouble and sinking deeper every time he tried to cover up the previous problem.
Death of a Juror
A young woman is found murdered in a small village. Police inspector Sandor Gross leads the investigation. Gross' wife died in an accident and he is alone with his young daughter. He soon discovers that the woman was murdered by her husband, juror Ernst Ljungberg. Ljungberg is sentenced, but Gross soon discovers that the case wasn't that easy to solve...