Sandro Mancori


Джанго 2: Возвращение
Джанго после баталий первого фильма ушел с горя в монастырь. Но в один прекрасный день к нему приезжает больная женщина и сообщает, что у нее от Джанго есть дочь Марисоль. Вскоре она умирает, Джанго идет искать свою дочь и узнает, что злой работорговец сеет смерть и горе по всему краю. Джанго тоже попадает на рудники, узнав, что его дочь стала собственностью негодяя…
Una donna da scoprire
Director of Photography
Специальный агент Хаммер
A detective's hunt for the man who murdered his friend takes him to the Caribbean, where he finds himself enmeshed in a web of corruption and murder.
John Slade is hired to rescue a journalist named Frank Morris from a Sandinista prison in Nicaragua. He teams with Marta, a local woman, to carry out this mission, but then he's captured, tortured, and forced to deal with the fact that he's been betrayed.
The Mines of Kilimanjaro
Director of Photography
A World War II-era college student must journey to Africa both to find his missing archaeology professor and search for the treasured mines of Kilimanjaro. He is followed by natives as well as scheming Chinese and Nazis
The Ark of the Sun God
Director of Photography
A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.
Director of Photography
In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers' quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks.
Властелин мира
Director of Photography
Земля до начала времен. Обитающие на голубой планете далекие предки современных людей рядятся в грубые одежды из шкур, общаются друг с другом с помощью звуков и заботятся лишь о выживании. Однако у этих диких существ есть нечто вроде религии: они почитают медведей. Голова этого могучего животного служит объектом поклонения для племени, членом которого является молодой Бок. Однажды на «медведопоклонников» нападает другое племя. Они похищают голову медведя, убивают нескольких человек и берут в плен Бока. Агрессоры не прочь полакомиться сырыми мозгами из добытых голов, сидя у костра. Наверное, Бока ожидала незавидная участь, но по счастливой случайности ему удалось сбежать…
The Last Blood
Director of Photography
A soldier attacks his corrupt superior officer and is court marshalled but before he can be sent to a firing squad he escapes...
Охотники за золотой коброй
Основные события этого фильма происходит на Филлиппинах в 1944-1945 годах. Разведчики союзников англичанин Фрэнкс и американец Джексон, претерпев массу жутких испытаний (ядовитые змеи, огнедышащие вулканы, пропасти, кровожадные дикари и т. п.), находят «золотую кобру» - ритуальный предмет, имеющий чудодейственное, судьбоносное значение для народов региона
Director of Photography
Столкновение звёзд 2: Побег из третьей галактики
Director of Photography
Правитель планеты Экцелон сражается против властителя Тёмных сил Ораклона уже многие сотни лет. Но приходит момент, когда король Экцелона признаёт свою слабость и его корабль взрывают, остаются в живых лишь двое выживших, это его дочь принцесса и поданный военный инспектор. Вместе они улетают от погони в другую галактику, на одну планету...
Io zombo, tu zombi, lei zomba
Director of Photography
An under-taker (Renzo Montagnini) unintentionally raises three accident victims from the dead while reading out-loud from a zombie pulp novel. He dies of a heart attack, but the zombies then turn around raise HIM with the same book, and the the four of them shamble off looking for food. After unsuccessfully trying to prey on passing motorists, they end up at an inn owned by the aunt of one of the men. After accidentally giving her a heart attack, they take over the inn and try dine on the guests, but their plans go hilariously awry as the movie turns into a parody of "Night of the Living Dead", its sequel (and Italian co-production) "Dawn of the Dead", as well as such classics as "Dead of Night" and even "The Wizard of Oz"
A Woman in the Night
Director of Photography
Aldo Muratti, is a man, separated from his wife, who to pay for food and be able keep his daughter writes porn novels.
Маленькие губки
Director of Photography
Молодой писатель возвращается с войны.
Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Century
Director of Photography
Professor Wassermann is asked by industry magnate Morgan Hunnicut to lead an expedition to study the giant Yeti creature found frozen in a large ice block on Newfoundland's coast. The professor does not know that Hunnicut intends to use the prehistoric creature as a trademark of its multinational industrial group. A very big mistake.
Ready for Anything
Director of Photography
Anna, a young stenography student who after a chance meeting in a park, begins a steamy relationship with Marco (Bekim Fehmiu) a much older married man, who dotes on his young daughter but is quite happy to cheat on his wife. When they first make love Anna reveals her masochistic streak so it's not long before their relationship takes a much darker turn as Marco increasingly pushes the boundaries between love and abuse in the things he asks her to do.
Бог велел мне
Wall Street Executive (as Alexander Clark)
События картины разворачиваются вокруг цепи загадочных массовых убийств, беспричинно совершенных самыми обычными людьми. Мужчина, взобравшись на водонапорную башню, открыл огонь из снайперской винтовки по толпе прохожих; отец благополучного семейства вырезал домочадцев за обеденной трапезой; образцовый коп расстрелял праздничную демонстрацию своих коллег — все они утверждали, что Господь повелел им сделать это…
Оружие Господне
Director of Photography
Банда бесчинствующих подонков под предводительством редкостного негодяя Сэма Клейтона нарушает покой мирного городка Джуно. В качестве развлечения члены шайки совершают убийство. Единственный смельчак, отважившийся привлечь шайку к правосудию – это пастор Джон, за что и поплатился жизнью. Юный воспитанник священника Джонни отправляется на поиски человека по имени Льюис, по слухам, способного вернуть в город мир и спасти его мать, попавшую в лапы к бандитам. Какого же было удивление Джонни, когда, добравшись до границы с Мексикой, мальчик находит героя, как две капли воды похожего на покойного священника...
Who Breaks... Pays
A ship stopped at the port of Istanbul should take vegetables, but an unscrupulous man would like to add weapons under the vegetable crates. The captain of the ship refuses the offer of the evildoer.
Fists of Fire
A look at Shaw Brothers Studios in their prime. Includes: interviews with David Chiang; exploring the Shaw Brothers sets; a look at the craftsmen, foley artists and stuntmen of Shaw Bros.; a profile on Run Run Shaw; Italian-meets-Chinese kung-fu films; and a visit from Peter Cushing.
The Last Desperate Hours
Paolo Mancuso is a gang boss whose rivals want dead. During a failed assassination attempt, he is bitten by an infected lab rat. In the short time he has left to live, he tracks down his enemies and kills them one by one.
This Time I'll Make You Rich
Director of Photography
Joe Esposito, an italo-american, and Brad McCoy, a Scottish man, are engaged by Giorgiakis to be his bodyguards, due to their physical stature, and muscular development. Only, on the cover, both men are dealing in drugs... Wang and his gang get interested in a particular big cache of drugs, and therefore Giorgiakis, and his bodyguards, will find themselves under unexpected pressure.
And They Smelled the Strange, Exciting, Dangerous Scent of Dollars
Charity (Malcolm) is in charge of delivering the railroad payroll, but some locals and a Mexican gang have their own plans for the money.
Sotto a chi tocca!
Director of Photography
Straccio, a young acrobat, wants to free his beloved Julia, held prisoner in the tyrant's castle. He designs a good plan, and develops it with the help of his three friends, Pietro, Bitonto, and Gatto Mammone. When he thinks he achieved both his ends - overthrowing Fregonese from power, and winning Julia's love - he finds that his countrymen cupidity for the tyrant's gold is more difficult to deal with.
Возвращение Сабаты
Director of Photography
На этот раз Сабата оказывается в городке Хобсонвилль, жители которого обложены непомерными налогами. Сабата отказывается платить обнаглевшим бандитам и решает освободить город от тирании.
Web of the Spider
Director of Photography
Alan Foster, a professional American journalist, travels to London to meet with Edgar Allen Poe for an interview. While in London, Alan soon finds himself in the company of Lord Blackwood, and Alan accepts a bet to spend a night in his castle
Ivanhoe, the Norman Swordsman
Director of Photography
Year 1000. At the death of King Henry, Stefano Cunningam seized with the power of power making himself crowned king of England and Scotland. Ten years later, a young Norman, Ivanhoe, returning home from the Holy Land where he fought, finds the nation prey to the violence and cruelty of Stephen and his acolytes. Conducted in prison for his opposition to the usurper, Ivanhoe learns from York, former advisor to King Henry, also held prisoner, that the "Norman sword", symbol of the power of the king of England and Scotland is not in the hands of Stefano, but is guarded by a Scottish clan loyal to the dynasty of Henry.
Прощай, Сабата
Director of Photography
Сабата, лучший стрелок дикого запада, помогает мексиканским повстанцам украсть повозку с золотом, на которое революционеры планируют купить оружие. Однако на это золото уже успела позариться и местная бандитская шайка.
Сартана в долине смерти
Director of Photography
Известный меткий стрелок Ли Кэллоуэй соглашается помочь трем братьям-бандитам сбежать из тюрьмы при условии, что они дадут ему пятьдесят процентов украденного золота, которое они спрятали. Ли Кэллоуэй выполняет свою часть сделки, но преступники предают его и бросают умирать в пустыне. Спустя нескольких дней Ли Кэллоуэя спасает Эстер, выхаживает его, но делает это только для того, чтобы получить за него крупную награду...
Director of Photography
Несколько преступников грабят банк на сто тысяч долларов, они думают, что все уже позади, но по их следу пускается бесстрашный ковбой Сабата, мастер оружия, который преподнесет бандитам хороший урок.
Salt in the Wound
Director of Photography
A twist of fate leads a recent Westpoint grad into being responsible for the execution of two fellow American GIs. The young lieutenant comes of age, and the two battle hardened veterans achieve a state of grace through acts of sacrifice.
Любовь и ярость
Director of Photography
Несколько новелл о любви и насилии властителей дум молодёжи конца шестидесятых.
No Graves on Boot Hill
Three men, Jerry (Hill), Reno (Wood) and Paco (White), meet in the same prison and in their cell they find a Mexican boy condemned to death for murder. One night the three convicts are mysteriously released by a priest and the father of the Mexican boy who promises them a reward of $30,000 if they can find the real murderer within ten days. Certain that the Mexican boy is not guilty, Reno and the others organize a plan which leads to the unmasking of the real killers.
Если встретился с Сартаной, молись о смерти
Director of Photography
Дилижанс, перевозящий золотой груз, атакован бандитами. Но само золото таинственным образом исчезает. А в городе появляется загадочный странник в чёрном, чьё появление, очевидно, как-то связано с пропавшим грузом…
Gunman Sent by God
Director of Photography
Anthony Steffen, as a young gunman who works as a circus performer, witnesses the killing of some outlaws, carried out by their leader and is credited with the deed. Steffen suffers from a complex which blocks him in front of any violence and makes him appear cowardly, so when a young boy is kidnapped he must find a way to regain his composure.
If You Want to Live... Shoot!
Director of Photography
A young cowboy, Johnny, playing in a rigged poker game is forced to shoot one of the other players. The cowboy takes quick leave as he is accused of murder and a reward for his capture is posted. After being wounded, he finds refuge on a ranch and becomes involved with the family. While he is away, a gang of Mexicans kills the McGowan family except for Sally, who manages to escape and find Johnny who is now out for revenge.
Убийца Кид
Director of Photography
Американское правительство уполномочило стрелка Моррисона обезвредить банду контрабандистов, продающих оружие мексиканским повстанцам. Пытаясь выследить шайку, Моррисон сам попал в лапы мексиканцев…
Colpo doppio del camaleonte d'oro
Director of Photography
Покойся с миром
Director of Photography
Ребёнка, чудом выжившего после бандитского налёта на деревню, подбирает и принимает в свою семью протестантский пастор. Много лет спустя приёмыш становится одним из лучших стрелков Дикого Запада и узнаёт имя своего отца.
Seven Rebel Gladiators
Director of Photography
The ruthless Roman tribune, Vadio, joins forces with the evil Morakeb to take over the throne of Aristea, usurping King Krontal and stealing away his lovely daughter in the process. Meanwhile, Marco Aulo, now a Roman centurion, comes to Aristea to learn where his legions war funds have gone. Vadio has him framed for treason and is thrown into the arena to fight a group of six formidable gladiators. During the fights, Marco refuses to kill those he defeats until finally, he himself loses after exhaustion takes its toll. Admiring this man, the six warriors join him and together they escape Vadio's clutches and plot to free the kingdom from the two conspiring killers.
Sandokan Fights Back
Camera Operator
When Sandokan learns he is the rightful heir to the throne of Malaysia, he immediately sets of to claim his land back.
Totò contro il Pirata Nero
Camera Operator
José is a Neapolitan petty thief who escapes from the guards and hides himself in a barrel of Jamaican rum on the quay of the port of Naples.
The Lion of St. Mark
Camera Operator
In 1620 pirates are terrorizing the Adriatic coast. Our hero sets out to defeat them.
Венецианский палач
Camera Operator
Действие фильма происходит в Венеции начала 17 века, в жуткие времена Инквизиции. Идет непрекращающаяся борьба с многочисленными пиратскими кораблями, бесчинствующими на Адриатике. Смертельно больной правитель Венеции, дож Джованни Бембо открывает своему сыну Сандриго тайну его происхождения: малыш был найден им на палубе атакованного венецианцами пиратского судна… В день свадьбы Сандриго с прекрасной Леонорой его арестовывают по приказу Верховного Инквизитора, который сам домогается любви Леоноры… Бывший пират Гванери, ныне палач, состоящий в сговоре с Инквизитором, даже не догадывается о том, что ему предстоит казнить своего собственного сына...
Toto and Cleopatra
Camera Operator
Mark Antony has a brother-lookalike, Totonno, a sinister slave trader. Totonno secretly replaces Mark Antony in the most delicate moments.
I Am Semiramis
Camera Operator
Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.
Tiger of the Seven Seas
Camera Operator
Tigre is the skipper of the Santa Maria, a pirate-ship, but he feels tired and decides to leave the command of the ship. Unfortunately he has only a daughter, Consuelo. So he will leave the command and the ship to the winner of a challenge among his men. Unexpectedly Consuelo wins. The same night Tigre is killed, William is charged with the killing and is sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be executed the Spaniards of Grand Duke Inigo arrives. Consuelo escapes, however this is only the first move of Indigo's wife to get to the pirates treasure.
I motorizzati
Camera Operator
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
Goliath and the Vampires
Camera Operator
Maciste's village is attacked by pirates. The women, including Maciste's fiancee Guja, are carried off to Salmanak, where dwells the lair of the blood drinking Kobrak. Maciste vows to rescue them.
Joseph and His Brethren
Camera Operator
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Letto a tre piazze
Assistant Camera
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
The Last Days of Pompeii
Assistant Camera
Based on the Edward Bulwer-Lytton novel. Set in the shadows of Mt. Vesuvius just before its famous eruption, the film begins with Glaucus, a Roman legionnaire, returning to his home from far-off wars. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that his father has been murdered by a gang of black-hooded looting bandits. Glaucus vows revenge against the killers, but just how high up are those involved?
Vacations in Majorca
Assistant Camera
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
The Moralist
Assistant Camera
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
Men and Noblemen
Assistant Camera
Nicola Peccoli has always nurtured his niece Giovanna, an orphan since the age of two and now of age, but he does not look favorably on her beloved Mario because he is just a simple employee and a lower class of society.
Тото в Мадриде
Assistant Camera
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina
Assistant Camera
Sabrina is a beautiful thief, one who happens to have seven moles on her thigh, forming the constellation Ursa Minor; this is the only clue German police have to solve a recent robbery. Teo is a photographer looking for a pair of beautiful legs to participate in a photo contest. When he secretly takes a photo of Sabrina's legs, including the telltale moles, Sabrina has to get it back at any cost, something which brings her into dangerous proximity with the smitten Teo. Romance and assorted hijinx ensue.
Тото в Париже
Assistant Camera
Ничто не может заставить Тото покинуть Италию кроме злого рока в лице маркиза Гастона, похожего как две капли воды на Тото. Вот только причина, по которой маркиз замыслил путешествие Тото в Париж, благородной назвать никак нельзя, и ставкой в этой игре будет чья-то жизнь. Но что возьмёт верх, простодушная беспечность Тото или гениальные происки воротил криминального мира?
Il cocco di mamma
Assistant Camera
Aldo, Vasco and "Smilzo" (Slim) are friends. They live with their parents and are training for boxing. But their real interest is in women. When casually Aldo meets Laura and falls for her. Will he succeed in winning her love?