Xie Na

Xie Na

Рождение : 1981-05-06, Deyang,Sichuan Province,China


Xie Na


Mr. Nian
Forever Young
A college couple has their relationship tested by the obstacles they encounter realizing their artistic dreams.
Левое ухо
Семнадцатилетняя Ли Эр - обычная тихая и застенчивая девушка, живущая в маленьком китайском городке. Однако, у неё есть одна особенность - она не слышит левым ухом. Говорят, что все самые нежные слова шепчут в левое ухо, и, хоть Ли Эр никогда не услышит этих слов, она мечтает, что любимый человек прошепчет ей заветные слова «я люблю тебя» в левое ухо. Однако, столкнувшись с реальностью, Ли Эр понимает, что мечты так просто не сбываются.
My Boyfriends
Принцесса и семь мастеров кунг-фу
Madenoiselle Hong
During the early years of the Republic era, in the North-East region of China, the people are suffering from the power struggle among the local Warlords, bandits, and Japanese invaders. Warlord Lam (Sammo Hung), is not a leader of great vision, but stands firm in his own beliefs. The only paradise within the region is 'Lucky Town', the one place where no one dared to attack as it was protected by the seven kung fu masters who have resided there. When young patriots, Yan Fang (Rose Chan) who disguised herself as a man, and Howard Luo (Dennis To), infiltrate Tiger's Den at night trying to steal the code book fail in their mission and tries to run, only Yan survives and is rescued by Cheryl. Mistaking Yan as a man, Cheryl falls for Yan. She then brings Yan to Lucky Town and begs the Seven Masters to cure Yan. Cheryl and the Seven Masters are then told of the secret plan by the Japanese, and together, they resolve to fight against Tiger Den and save Warlord Lam.
Bring Happiness Home
Sister Po
Marrying Mr. Perfect
Winnie, in her late twenties, certified as an old maid when she is dumped by her boyfriend and bullied by her colleagues. Koo is a rich womanizer tycoon ruthless in his business dealings. In his latest take over Koo’s action led to death threats by a former employee. For security Koo and his assistant, Ryan to switch identity. Koo as a commoner met Winnie and falls for her as she is the first true person to like him not for his riches. What happens when Winnie release Koo’s real identity?
Super Player
Eighth Fairy
Northern China, the present day. Jobless and penniless after being sacked by his boss, and deserted by his wife and young son, 42-year-old cook Erbao attempts suicide but is saved by a fairy, whose sole purpose is to make him happy. She grants him wishes, with the proviso that if he doesn't find happiness he should utter the magic phrase "I'm having a great time!" and he will be returned to the present for another wish. Erbao chooses to be a martial arts hero, a millionaire, a film star and a beautiful young woman but finds all of their lives have drawbacks. Finally, he asks to become an emperor in Ancient China.
Nana's Rose War
Ding Na is a straightforward girl. She was prepared to marry her boyfriend after six years of dating. However, during an art gallery, her boyfriend met Lin Xiao Yu and fell in love with her. Thus, her boyfriend wanted to break up with Ding Na. On the other hand, Lin Xiao Yu's ex-boyfriend, Luo Yang, is a handsome rich guy. Unable to face the fact that he broke up with Xiao Yu, he encounters Ding Na. Together, they scheme to get back their loved ones.
Funny Travelogue
Zhu Bajie
Beauty on Duty
Lu Wu E San / 6523
A female police officer goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant to protect a key witness.
Mars Baby
Prequel of the Monkey King
В погоне за тенью
Tang Wei
Совсем недавно Чань был лучшим меченосцем Поднебесной, но проиграл поединок манчжуру Наламу и удалился на покой. Теперь он живет в тени императорского дворца и целыми днями играет на китайском баяне. Однажды на его игру обращает внимание придворная гитаристка Цинь. Музыка ей очень нравится, и она предлагает Чаню сыграть «сонату на двоих». Ночью на дворцовой крыше.