Rory Mallinson

Rory Mallinson

Рождение : 1913-10-27,

Смерть : 1976-03-26


Rory Mallinson


Shadow Over Elveron
A corrupt sheriff knows the secrets of everyone in town and uses that information to go unchallenged. But after the arrest of an innocent teenager, the new doctor cannot keep quiet and tries to get the community to stand up for what is right.
King of the Wild Stallions
Sheriff Cap Fellows
A wild stallion provides unexpected help to a widow and her young son in their efforts to keep their ranch.
As the Civil War spills our nation’s blood, Capt. John Hayes (Randolph Scott) fights on a vital but little-known battlefront. He aims to ship gold to Union banks through a small Colorado town, defying Southern sympathizers who aim to stop him at any cost.
The Notorious Mr. Monks
Veterinarian (uncredited)
A drunken driver, his wife and a hitchhiker equals murder.
Kentucky Rifle
Indian Chief
A man escorts a wagon load of Kentucky rifles through Indian territory and must find a way to get through without losing the rifles to the Indians. Unfortunately the Indians know about it, and give the occupants an ultimatum: either the rifles or their lives.
Robber #3 (uncredited)
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Las Vegas Shakedown
A teacher writing a book about gambling meets a hotel/casino owner threatened by a gangster.
Seminole Uprising
Toby Wilson
An angry Seminole chief wages war after his tribe is relocated from Florida to the American West.
a deputy U.S. Marshall pursue the gang of Ben Thompson after the murder of another marshall. Along with a bounty hunter and a half-breed woman they follow the trail into Apache territory.
Учитель с двумя пистолетами
Sam Roca
Два эпизода телесериала «Дикий Билл Хикок» смонтированы вместе и выпущены как полнометражный фильм.
Jesse James vs. the Daltons
Bob Ford
Joe Branch, reputed to be the son of Jesse James, comes riding into Coffeyville Kansas, looking for proof one way or the other regarding the question of who his father was.
Safari Drums
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Cow Country
Tim Sykes
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
The Man Behind The Gun
Sgt. Riley (uncredited)
This 1952 western stars Randolph Scott as an army investigator who poses as a schoolteacher while working undercover to expose a group of secessionists. Also starring Patrice Wymore, Roy Roberts, Alan Hale Jr., Lina Romay, Morris Ankrum, Dick Wesson and Philip Carey.
Montana Belle
Grat Dalton
Oklahoma outlaw Belle Starr meets the Dalton gang when rescued from lynching by Bob Dalton, who falls for her. So do gang member Mac and wealthy saloon owner Tom Bradfield, who's enlisted in a bankers' scheme to trap the Daltons. Dissension among the gang and Bradfield's ambivalence complicate the plot, as Belle demonstrates her prowess with shootin' irons, horses, and as a surprisingly racy saloon entertainer. Written by Rod Crawford
A man is framed and sent to the toughest prison in the territory.
Hodge [Chs. 11-14]
Based on a successful comic book that began in 1941, the Blackhawks were seven flyers who banded together during WW II to fight the Nazis. After the war, they continued to fight evil where ever they find it. In this movie, they are battling a group of spies and saboteurs bent on destroying democracy. The Blackhawks foil a succession of plots, with a cliff hanger ending in each episode.
Brave Warrior
Barker (as Rory Malinson)
In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Rubbell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.
Laramie Mountains
Paul 'Bill Turner' Drake
Markham and his men have found gold on the Indian reservation and are trying to get rid of them by starting an Indian war. Dressed as Indians they are attacking the soldiers. Steve Holden is the Indian agent sent to prevent a war. After finding proof that white men posing as Indians were responsible, he is able to locate the gang's hideout but quickly becomes a prisoner slated to be killed. - Written by Maurice VanAuken
After killing a man in self defense over a poker game, Wild Bill Elliott turns outlaw in order to escape a lynch mob.
Purple Heart Diary
Capt. Sprock
A trio of singers is entertaining wounded soldiers of WWII. They encourage a mutilated soldier in his love to a nurse.
Rodeo King and the Senorita
Sheriff Baxter
Lacey is after the profits of the Foster and Morales rodeo show. He has Morales killed during a stunt and then forces Foster to take him on as a silent partner. When Rex Allen joins the show, Lacey tries to get rid of him also. But Rex survives and now believes Morales' accident may have been murder.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
Cavalry Scout
Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs.
Теперь ты на флоте
Действие разворачивается во время Второй Мировой войны. Глава экспериментального отдела военно-морского флота США ищет капитана на новое, только что сошедшее, судно с новым, самым секретным, паровым двигателем. Отдел кадров предлагает назначенца по имени Джон Харкнесс, командующий даже не подозревает, что этот парень совсем ничего не смыслит в военном деле: он только что прошел курс скоростного обучения морской службе и его знания равны нулю. Тем не менее, Джон старается изо всех сил убедить себя и команду, что он что-то смыслит в управлении кораблем, и ребята верят ему, потому что большая часть команды, та же как и он, только вчера окончила курсы моряков…
Fingerprints Don't Lie
Brad Evans
A fingerprint expert (Richard Travis) figures out who killed the mayor.
Short Grass
Jim Westfall
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
California Passage
Wounded Stage Driver (uncredited)
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Три тайны
Reporter (uncredited)
Маленький туристический самолет, летящий над Сьерра-Невадой, разбивается в горах. В катастрофе погибает семейная пара, но их приемный ребенок остается жив. Спасатели отправляются на его поиски. У подножия горы, в толпе зевак, привлеченных происшествием, особую тревогу проявляют три женщины. Судя по дате рождения ребенка и некоторым сведениям, каждая из трех может оказаться его родной матерью. Чтобы заглушить страх ожидания, они вспоминают прошлое…
County Fair
"Ma" Ryan, who runs a burger stand at the county fair, asks daughter Loretta to put a bet on a horse that Loretta's boyfriend Tommy is riding. Unfortunately, Loretta mistakenly places the bet on the wrong horse. When she discovers her error she tries to get the cashier to exchange the ticket for the horse she wanted, but the cashier refuses. Peter Brennan, standing in back of her in line, buys the ticket for the horse Loretta wants and then exchanges it with her. It turns out that Peter is from a wealthy family that owns racehorses, and Peter is a horse trainer himself. He soon begins to fall for Loretta, and Tommy doesn't like it one bit. Complications ensue.
Salt Lake Raiders
A man is sent to jail for murder escapes while being transferred, Rocky is sent to bring him in. When he catches him in a ghost town the man claims to be innocent and was trying to clear himself by finding the stolen money that was never recoveded at the time of the killing. But then they find themselves prisoners of an outlaw gang that is also after the money.
Agent Charles
U.S. Treasury Department agents go after a ring of counterfeiters.
Angels in Disguise
Martin Lovell, cartoonist
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
South of Rio
Captain Dan Brennan
The town of Rio Blanco is the center of a fight over the statehood issue and is a perfect setup for Lon Bryson and Chuck Bowers, who organize a couple of phony protection associations. Opposing them is Henry Waterman, publisher of the Rio Blanco Herald. He and his assistant, Andrew Jackson Weems, send for the help of the Territorial Rangers. One of the dispatched Rangers is Jeff Lanning who, unknown to him, has a brother as a member of the gang under an assumed name of Bob Mitchell. Jeff is so shocked at seeing his brother gun down Waterman that he is unable to act in time to prevent it. Unable to explain the cause of is inaction, he is suspended by the governor. Unable to persuade his brother to quit the gang, Jeff, with the aid of Weems and Waterman's daughter Carol, begins his quest to bring the outlaws to justice.
Prince of the Plains
James Taylor
Banker Ned Owens refuses to call in the many unpaid loans made to the local ranchers as he knows they are being terrorized by a gang of crooks and unable to pay. But the secret leader of the gang is James Taylor large stockholder of the bank.....
Он бродил по ночам
Detective with Harry (uncredited)
Сюжет представляет прямолинейный рассказ, снятый в полудокументальной манере, о психопате и гениальном убийце, которого пытаются поймать полицейские детективы.
Секрет женщины
Police Lt. Benson (Uncredited)
Певица ночного клуба Сьюзен Кардвелл тяжело ранена. Ее педагог по вокалу Мэриан, вместе с пианистом Люком приложившая немало сил, чтобы сделать из Сьюзен звезду, признается, что это она стреляла в Сьюзен, в ярости от решения той бросить петь. Люк не верит, что Мэриан способна на такое, и надеется, что инспектор Фаулер сумеет докопаться до истины и освободить Мэриан.
Найти «Красную ведьму»
В южной части Тихого океана, от Маркиских островов до Целибиса, от Суматры до Гаваев веками царила идеалистическая атмосфера, до тех пор пока не появился белый человек. Все земли были захвачены и разграблены, появились целые торговые империи. Они были повсюду - голодные и жадные до денег, одна из них называлась «Байтек Лимитед» которой управлял некий мистер Сидней. В 1860 году на флагманском корабле этой компании «Красная ведьма», под командованием капитана Раллса, человека жесткого и хладнокровного, оказывается Сем Роузен, который, вначале очень раздражает капитана своими манерами, а затем становится его лучшим помощником и другом. Прежде чем это случится, капитан Раллс делает всё, чтобы судно получило пробоину на рифах и затонуло. Как выяснится позднее, на борту находился груз золота стоимостью пять миллионов долларов, и это обстоятельство повлияло на решение капитана, и заставило засомневаться в случайности крушения...
Last of the Wild Horses
Henchman Hank Davis
A cowboy must clear himself of a murder he did not commit.
El Dorado Pass
Sheriff Tom Wright
Charles Starrett returns as The Durango Kid in Columbia's El Dorado Pass. It all begins when Durango, in his everyday guise of Steve Clanton, is falsely accused of robbing a stagecoach. The genuine criminal is not only a thief but a coin collector, searching for a valuable specimen by staging holdups.
The Denver Kid
Jason Fox
When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.
Shed No Tears
Second Interrogating Detective (Uncredited)
A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes
Harry, 1st Detective
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
Docks of New Orleans
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
Sheriff Jim
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
Open Secret
Chuck Hill
A couple discovers that their friend has gone missing. Their investigation leads them to believe that anti-semites are behind the disappearance.
For You I Die
A convict is forced to participate in a prison break even though he only has a year left on his sentence.
Road to the Big House
A bank clerk gets sent to prison after he robs his own bank. Live becomes even more difficult behind bars when he starts getting pressured to reveal where he hid the money.
King of the Bandits
Henchman Burl
Traveling north into Arizona, Cisco finds that someone committing robberies has been impersonating him and he is a wanted man. After retrieving some of the stolen loot, he is caught with it in his posession and put in the guard house. A friend whose life he recently saved beaks him out and Cisco heads out to find the impersonator and clear himself.
The Unsuspected
Ballistics Lab Technician (uncredited)
The secretary of an affably suave radio mystery host mysteriously commits suicide after his wealthy young niece disappears.
Черная полоса
George Fellsinger
Винсенту Перри, заключенному пожизненно в Сан-Квентин за убийство жены, спустя 10 лет удается бежать. На пустынном шоссе его подсаживает Ирен Дженсен, которая предлагает ему помощь и укрытие. Полиция идет по пятам, и Винсент делает пластическую операцию, чтобы получить передышку и начать поиски подлинного убийцы. Только тогда он будет в безопасности и сможет постараться забыть о вычеркнутых из жизни 10 годах. Но убийца сам находит его и отсчет жертв продолжается…
The Burning Cross
Minor Role (uncredited)
Recently returned from WWII combat, unable to find a job, finding his sweetheart engaged to another man, and generally aware of the changes which have occurred in his hometown while he was away, a young man becomes easily talked into joining the Ku Klux Klan. Banned by the Virginia Board of Censors, and financed independently because no bank would loan money for it.
Deep Valley
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
Ложная тревога
Becket the Butler
Приехав на похороны своего мужа в его семейное имение, Сандра знакомится с дядей и сестрой покойного — Джулией. С первых же минут пребывания Сандра понимает, что в доме творятся очень странные вещи, в основе которых лежит граничащее с истерией поведение Джулии. Дальнейшие события развиваются с мистической стремительностью: живые — начинают выбрасываться из окон, ранее умершие — вдруг оказываются живыми. Правда и неправда несколько раз меняются местами в сознании Сандры. Есть ли в этом доме хоть кто-нибудь, кому можно доверять?
Coroner's assistant
Однажды вечером в одну из психиатрических больниц в невменяемом состоянии была доставлена медсестра Луиза Хоуэлл. Женщина не реагировала ни на какие действия со стороны врачей и только повторяла одно имя, - Дэвид. Психотерапевт Харви Уиллард решил выяснить, что же привело его новую пациентку к такому душевному состоянию, и кто такой этот Дэвид, имя которого она твердит постоянно. Для этого он ввёл ей новое лекарство, которое помогло Луизе выйти из психологического шока и рассказать историю своей жизни с неким Дэвидом Саттоном, знакомство с которым перевернуло всю её жизнь...
Nora Prentiss
Fleming, Talbot's Lawyer
Quiet, organised Dr Talbot meets nightclub singer Nora Prentiss when she is slightly hurt in a street accident. Despite her misgivings they become heavily involved and Talbot finds he is faced with the choice of leaving Nora or divorcing his wife. When a patient expires in his office, a third option seems to present itself.
Frontier Days
Clay Stacy
U.S. Marshal Clay Stacy brings law and order to a frontier community terrorized by an old Nemesis.
Pride of the Marines
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.
USS VD: Ship of Shame
D.E. 773 Captain (uncredited)
This film was made by the U.S. government during World War II to show its young servicemen the results of "fooling around" with "loose women" overseas. Actual victims of such sexually transmitted diseases as syphilis and gonorrhoea are shown, along with the physical deterioration that accompanies those diseases.