Candela Peña

Candela Peña

Рождение : 1973-07-14, Gavà, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. María del Pilar Peña Sánchez, (Candela Peña) (born 14 July 1973 in Gavà, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) is a Spanish actress. She was the only child of a couple who had a bar in Barcelona. When she was four years old she started to learn dance in the city and after finishing high-school she went to Seville to begin theatre classes there and eventually in Madrid. Encouraged by Pedro Almodóvar, she published the novel Pérez Príncipe, María Dolores in 2001. She won the Premio Goya in 2003 (for the movie Te doy mis ojos) after being nominated several times previously. Description above from the Wikipedia article Candela Peña, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.    


Candela Peña
Candela Peña


Satisfacción máxima
Ana (Teleoperadora)
Черный пляж
Карлос - преуспевающий адвокат в крупной американской нефтяной компании и живет в Брюсселе со своей женой и матерью. Он собирается переехать в Нью-Йорк, но эти планы рушатся, когда его направили для переговоров в отдаленную африканскую страну, где он проживал некоторое время назад и где был похищен Стив Кэмпбелл, инженер компании.
So My Grandma's a Lesbian!
Eva, a young and promising Spanish lawyer based in Edinburgh, sees her wedding plans with the heir to an important and ultra-conservative Scottish family in jeopardy when she learns that her grandmother, Sofía, has decided to marry…
Свадьба Розы
Роза всегда отличалась добротой и ответственным подходом к делу. Никого не волнует, что ей приходится работать на износ, да еще и заниматься делами других людей. Однажды Роза понимает, что пора менять свою жизнь. Женщина бросает все и уезжает в тихое место.
Five miners buried in a gallery 600 meters deep.
Paz seems to have a perfect life. She has a job, a partner and friends but something's missing. In reality, there are things she is unhappy about. She feels anxious and burdened but can't bring herself to express these feelings. Until one day she turns to a strange therapy that will make her say absolutely everything she thinks. How would your life be if you only said what you think?
Внешний вид во многом определяет положение человека в обществе. Сюжет фильма повествует об одиноких людях, изгоях, которые испытывают серьёзные трудности в социализации.
Age of Monster
Секреты секса и любви
Жарким летом в Мадриде пять пар в томлении страсти открывают для себя весьма неожиданные формы сексуального влечения. Изумление и страх перед неведомыми удовольствиями сменяются неконтролируемым желанием. Табу рушатся, и теперь ничто не в силах удержать героев от любовных экспериментов.
Llevo cartas
Latin Lover
The five daughters of a famous actor, all from different mothers and different nationalities, get together on the 10th anniversary of his death for a celebration of his career.
A rural couple in crisis, who have a brother and sister with urban problems, and all of them trying to find a solution.
The Last Hammer Blow
When he first enters the Montpellier Opera House, Victor knows nothing about music. Nor does he know his father, Samuel Rovinski, who is there to conduct Mahler’s 6th symphony. To change the course of his suddenly uncertain future, for Nadia his mother, for Luna whom he has fallen in love with, Victor has decided to step out of the shadows. He’ll go as far as he needs to.
The Change
Luis and Elvira travel to Romania after contact an Eastern European criminal organization. Near their destination, they receive a call that requires them to change the route. They must stop in Budapest and make a collection. Everything seems simple until they discover that it's an eight-year-old girl. From this moment they will have to make the hardest decision of their lives. Stick to the plan or release the girl. Decide what they decide, someone will die.
Yesterday Never Ends
A couple meets at their son’s grave ten years after his death; his plot is to make way for a casino city. Anger, hatred and bitterness erupt. A nightmarish drama that goes far beyond this couple’s private grief and points towards the end of society.
Мужчины на грани
Героями картины являются восемь мужчин, каждый из которых пытается по-своему решить свалившуюся на него жизненную дилемму. Один борется с кризисом среднего возраста. Другой обанкротился и вынужден жить вместе с мамой и ее кошкой. Третий спустя два года после развода с женой все еще пытается вернуть ее. Четвертый не может понять, почему жена ему изменяет, а сам при этом употребляет наркотики. У остальных схожие проблемы, но реакция на них — разная.
The Island Inside
The story of three siblings who try, each in his or her own way, to fight off the curse they have inherited: schizophrenia. Their father's genetic legacy, which they have schlepped around their entire lives, is exacerbated by the strict and moralistic upbringing they received from their mother.
A group of people talk about very different subjects, including a strange course that one of them has just completed. There is tension in the air, although it is not quite clear why. They give the impression that they are killing time while waiting for a job that everyone needs for different reasons. Are they actors looking for a role?
A group of people talk about very different subjects, including a strange course that one of them has just completed. There is tension in the air, although it is not quite clear why. They give the impression that they are killing time while waiting for a job that everyone needs for different reasons. Are they actors looking for a role?
My Prison Yard
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life.
Rated R
Sandra Valle
Madrid, Spain, 1975. Sandra, Lina and Eva are three beautiful women who work as actresses in erotic movies. After meeting during a shoot, they become friends and begin to share experiences, concerns and successes in an era of increasing openness, although true freedom is still far away and demands a price hard to pay.
En el lado de la vida
Madre de Ana
Short film made to promote organ donation in Spain.
Després de la pluja
Caye is a young prostitute whose family is unaware of her profession. She meets her striking Dominican neighbour Zulema, an illegal immigrant, after she finds her in the bathroom, badly beaten up. They strike up a close friendship unbeknownst to Caye's xenophobic co-workers.
Есть повод!
Taxista (segment "Libre")
Это полнометражный документальный фильм, премьера которого состоялась в марте 2004 года, состоящий из серии из 32 примерно трехминутных короткометражных фильмов, а также эпилога.
Take My Eyes
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
Chill Out!
Just Santos, cabaret actor with a talent for imitation, receives the offer of a role in a movie that could change his life and his family.
Торремолинос 73
На дворе 1973 год, и в Испании бушует франкистская диктатура. Вопреки запретам простой коммивояжер Альфредо собирается пойти на явное преступление — снять 8 эротических «образовательных» фильмов и переправить их в лояльную Скандинавию. Он и подумать не мог, что его жена Кармен, «сыгравшая» в фильмах главные роли, в северных странах станет порнозвездой, и из Дании к Альфредо пожалует съемочная группа, чтобы помочь снять ему вдохновленный творчеством Бергмана фильм «Торремолинос 73»…
Salad Days
María Francisca
A mixed salad and a trout meet on death row: The cold storage of a restaurant. They decide to unite in a single dish that will lead them to eternal love.
God Is on Air
Two Spanish pan-handlers soon find themselves in over their heads when they stumble upon an opportunity to redeem themselves and perhaps the entire planet. The world appears to suffer from rampant poverty, violence and spiritual desperation and the relentless news media force-feeds these images to the Spanish people. A popular reality television show lets the audience decide between life or death for suspected felons, and one of the opportunistic pan-handlers attempts to escape poverty through this raucous and sensational TV program.
No Shame
A movie script is presented to Isabel. After reading it she realizes it's based on an old love affair she had with movie director Mario Fabra, the author of the script.
Arturo , a successful restaurateur, having an affair with his assistant Cristal, tells her that he will reveal the extent of their relationship to his wife Paz. Not long after Cristal starts dreaming of life as a housewife, their plans fall through. In revenge, Cristal focuses on Arturo's son, Arturito. She will endeavor to make Arturito her bridegroom at Arturo's expense, in all senses.
Всё о моей матери
На мать-одиночку Мануэлу обрушивается самое ужасное из земных несчастий — в автокатастрофе погибает её единственный сын Эстебан. Подвергнувшись спонтанному порыву, убитая горем женщина возвращается в город своей бурной юности — Барселону. Там она встречается с призраком Прошлого, чьи уродливые когти безжалостно царапают судьбы людей в Настоящем. Мануэле предстоит встреча с отцом Эстебана и его окружением, от которых она сбежала шестнадцать лет назад.
Sleepless in Madrid
Eva, Alba y Juan are the protagonist of the story. Eva gives birth to Marina, Alba has just been left by her boyfriend. And Juan is happily married. Their paths intersect one night and their lifes will change forever.
What Makes Women Laugh?
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Селестина — старая ведьма, обладающая волшебной силой магии и ворожбы, способна зажечь любовь в самом холодном сердце. Молодой рыцарь Калисто безумно влюблен в хорошенькую девушку. Пытаясь добиться ответного чувства, он прибегает к помощи черной магии Селестины.
Лицом к лицу
Ради быстрого заработка безработный актер устраивается в «Секс по телефону». Однажды он получает звонок от загадочной жены одного из своих лучших клиентов…
Hi, Are You Alone?
Nina is a 20 years old girl from Valladolid who lives with her divorced father, an autoritarian and conservative man. Trini is of the same age and has lost her mother. For both Valladolid and their families have nothing to offer and therefore they go on a risky voyage to the Costa del Sol at the south of Spain.
Running Out of Time
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.