Mike Munn


To Kill a Tiger
Ranjit, a farmer in India, takes on the fight of his life when he demands justice for his 13-year-old daughter, the victim of a brutal gang rape. His decision to support his daughter is virtually unheard of, and his journey unprecedented.
Is There a Killer in My Family?
True-crime author, Carly, and her husband Kevin take a vacation at a historical mansion on Crawford Island. Kevin thinks it will be a chance for them to reconnect, but Carly plans to research the puzzling unsolved murder of Diana Crawford.
Consulting Editor
Inspired by a flashback about his birthmark, filmmaker Lester Alfonso is convinced that making a film will help confront a distant trauma rooted in cultural superstition. A follow-up to his award-winning film Twelve (2009), BIRTHMARK is a wry, sensitive, and candidly confessional exercise in creative anthropology. Soliciting fellow mark-bearers to add their testimonies to his own, Lester documents his journey to find peace and forgiveness, and to quiet the voice in his head. “It’s not only about the marks we are born with but the marks we imagine for ourselves.”
This Is Not a Movie: Robert Fisk and the Politics of Truth
For more than forty years, British journalist Robert Fisk has reported on some of the most violent conflicts in the world, from Northern Ireland to the Middle East, always with his feet on the ground and a notebook in hand, travelling into landscapes devastated by war, ferreting out the facts and sending reports to the media he works for with the ambition of catching the interest of an audience of millions.
The Woman Who Loves Giraffes
Dr. Anne Innis Dagg re-traces the steps of her groundbreaking 1956 journey to South Africa to study giraffes in the wild. Now, at 85 years old, Anne sees a startling contrast between the world of giraffes she once knew and the one it has become. Weaving through the past and present, her harrowing journey gives us an intimate look into the factors that destroyed her career and the forces that brought her back.
Траншея 11
Идут последние дни Первой мировой войны. Канадскому туннельщику приказано провести команду союзников к немецкой базе, скрытой глубоко ниже любых траншей. Немцы потеряли контроль над опасным биологическим оружием, которое превращает людей в сумасшедших убийц. Отряд оказываются в ловушке. Не так страшен Западный фронт, как то, что находится под ним.
Satan Lives
From Texas to the Vatican, Satan Lives meets with Satanists, exorcists, cult icons - believers and non-believers alike - to ask why in the age of reason the Devil remains so powerful and seductive.
Mad Ship
A poor young Scandinavian immigrant couple winds up in Canada in search of prosperity, but the hardship of the Great Depression takes a toll in a way they never feared when they went in search of the dream.
Истории, которые мы рассказываем
Canadian actress and filmmaker Sarah Polley investigates certain secrets related to her mother, interviewing a group of family members and friends whose reliability varies depending of their implication in the events, which are remembered in different ways; so a trail of questions remains to be answered, because memory is always changing and the discovery of truth often depends on who is telling the tale.
Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage
An in-depth look at the Canadian rock band Rush, chronicling the band's musical evolution from their progressive rock sound of the '70s to their current heavy rock style.
Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage
An in-depth look at the Canadian rock band Rush, chronicling the band's musical evolution from their progressive rock sound of the '70s to their current heavy rock style.
Iron Maiden - Flight 666 - The Concert
Heavy metal band Iron Maiden's 2008 Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. This concert recording accompanies the documentary film "Iron Maiden: Flight 666". The 16 songs performed were filmed live in 16 different cities giving you the full experience of the live power of Maiden and their fans all around the globe.
Comeback Season
First Down. Second Chance. Skylar is a star quarterback of his football team. He's got the skills, the looks, and the girls. His next-door neighbor, Walter is a loving husband, good father and all-round decent family man. When their worlds start to crumble they find themselves in jail together and suddenly these former enemies must rely on each other to rebuild their lives...
Путешествие Металлиста
Документальный фильм, снятый Сэмом Данном, который с 12 лет был фанатом хэви-метала.
Лакомый кусочек
Когда Пиппи приглашают на свадьбу подруги, она устраивает грандиозный скандал, лишь бы сорвать торжество, т. к. по её мнению, избранник не достоин невесты. Пиппи — девушка свободных взглядов, черт в юбке, красива и богата. Ее злобный и тираничный отец — медиа-магнат. Он обожает дочурку и сделает все для ее счастья, но в данный момент ему не до капризов дочери — срочно нужен редактор в его журнал «Свадебные колокольчики». Чтобы доказать отцу, на что она способна, Пиппи занимает вакансию. Она пока понятия не имеет, чем именно ей придется заниматься. И сначала папенькиной дочке приходиться очень нелегко, тем более, что её заместителем оказывается главный объект ее язвительных насмешек на сорванной свадьбе подруги…
Wilby Wonderful
A day-in-the-life dark comedy concerning a group of islanders, their respective secrets, and one man's plan to kill himself quietly.
Днем Дэн Махоуни — образцовый банковский служащий с незапятнанной репутацией. А вот после работы в этом «тихом омуте» появляются черти. Все ночи напролет примерный банкир проводит в казино. Он погряз в долгах, которые растут с каждым днем. Однажды он разрабатывает и претворяет в жизнь хитроумный план, который в случае успеха позволит ему уже не возвращаться на работу. Но для этого ему понадобятся огромные деньги — деньги своих клиентов.
The Law of Enclosures
Story of the same couple, first in their teenage years and then in their twilight years, paradoxically set in the same time during the backdrop of the Gulf War in the Middle East.
Picture of Light
A documentary of an expedition to Churchill, Manitoba to film the Northern Lights.
A music promoter sends a young woman on a road trip in search of a band who hasn't been showing up for their gigs.