Simon Pearce
Рождение : 1981-05-31, Munich, Germany
Molle Mehrweg
After her daughter's fatal accident at a busy intersection, Jenni is confronted with videos on the web of Mia dying. Instead of helping, passersby were filming with their cell phones. The horrific images won't let Jenni go. Horror and rage at the gawkers' pitiless curiosity take her completely captive. There is hardly any room for her grief; instead, she obsessively searches for the accident spectators in order to confront them with the consequences of their sensationalism. She finds what she's looking for – but her first encounters don't help her. No one seems aware of any wrongdoing, or capable of admitting it. Supported by a tough lawyer, Jenni decides to take action against the sensationalists.
Молодая супружеская пара с нетерпением ждет ребенка. Но еще больше его появления ждет демон Абизу, жертвами которого, согласно иудейской мифологии, являются беременные женщины и младенцы. Клэр и ее супруг оказываются в общине, которая ведет давнюю борьбу с этим порождением зла...
It's summer and very hot in Germany's only open-air swimming pool for women. There, women bathe topless, in a bikini, bathing suit or burkini. Each follows different rules. This always leads to friction, which the overwhelmed lifeguard is not quite able to control. When a group of completely veiled women enthusiastically discovers the women's bath for themselves, rags literally fly: Who owns the bath and who makes the rules? Who owns the female body? And when is a woman a woman at all? The lifeguard resigns, exasperated. But when a man of all people is hired as the successor as lifeguard, the situation escalates in unpredictable directions.
Марвин Бош — самый популярный актер страны. Он - звезда фильмов, ток-шоу и сериалов, за каждым его шагом следят десятки папарацци и миллионы поклонников. Однажды Марвин оступился, что сразу же стало достоянием всей страны, и вынужден теперь залечь на дно. Он находит временное пристанище в небольшом захудалом театре, находящемся на грани банкротства. Удастся ли Марвину восстановить свою репутацию и дать шанс настоящей любви, находясь под пристальным вниманием изумленной местной публики?
From a long lost US base beneath the Arctic ice cap, to a sunken Soviet submarine, the Cold War's toxic legacy is both fascinating and terrifying.
A young British police officer, trapped during civil unrest, must overcome his fears and bias, to save an enemy that could be his only hope.
Five friends attempt to flee when a mysterious alien ship arrives in the skies over their home city. However, it soon becomes clear that they may hold the key to stopping an invasion.
A former astronaut believes himself the doorway to a terrifying alien invasion.
A former astronaut believes himself the doorway to a terrifying alien invasion.
Three young women fall prey to a group who try to make them perfect.
A woman is plagued by a masked, statuesque figure that never moves.
Executive Producer
A woman is plagued by a masked, statuesque figure that never moves.
A team of professional ghost finders are trapped in an old village hall. The haunting they set out to investigate turns out to be far worse than they anticipated. Who will survive and what will be left of their souls?
TV host Spencer Knights puts his crew in peril by invoking an ancient evil whilst attempting to win the paranormal competition, 'Dark Vision' in the sprawling catacombs beneath a remote gothic tower...
Кайл, гей, входит в банду бритоголовых, выкладывающих в интернет сцены с избиениями своих жертв. Долгое время ему удается скрывать свою ориентацию, зная, насколько они ненавидят геев и иностранцев. Но все меняется, когда Кайл спасает от расправы банды студента-француза…
Randy Wilson