Bank Robber
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Italian on Train
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
Tangita Jim [Chs. 2, 10]
A movie serial in 12 Chapters: US naval officer Don Winslow is given command of Tangita Island, near Pearl Harbor, where a ring of saboteurs is trying to destroy ships carrying supplies to the troops stationed in the islands and sabotage the war effort under orders from an unknown leader.
Paul (uncredited)
Андре и Джейн поженились и отправились в медовый месяц. И все бы ничего, да только Джейн, демонстрируя прогрессивные взгляды на институт брака, требует не просто раздельных кроватей, а отдельных апартаментов! С чем Андре мириться, конечно же, не собирается.
Tony - Grocer
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
Jim "Lucky" Moore, an insurance salesman, comes up with a novel policy for his friend, Steve: a 'love insurance policy', that will pay out $1-million if Steve does not marry his fiancée, Cynthia. The upcoming marriage is jeopardized by Steve's ex-girlfriend, Mickey, and Cynthia's disapproving Aunt Kitty. The policy is underwritten by a nightclub owner, Roscoe, who sends two enforcers - Abbott and Costello - to ensure that the wedding occurs as planned.
Mr. Lombardo, a Diner (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
Street kids get sent to the country, where they get mixed up in murder and a haunted house.
Remisoff - First Photograper (uncredited)
Bickering husband and wife Tim and Sally Willows mutter a few angry words to a statue of Buddha and wind up living each other's life.
Stincowski - Leader of Sextet (uncredited)
A waiter becomes a singing prizefighter.
First Waiter (uncredited)
Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.
Man (uncredited)
Musician Adam Lemp and his four equally musical daughters, Emma, Ann, Kay, and Thea, live happily together. Each daughter has an upstanding young man for whom she cares. However, the arrival of a cynical, slovenly young composer named Mickey Borden turns the household upside-down, and romantic and tragic complications ensue.
Taxi Driver
After being nabbed while trying to stow away on board an ocean liner en route to Hawaii, young Bobby Breen sings for his travel fare and, along with sidekick Pua, turns detective to recover stolen naval documents from crooks
First Violinist
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Italian Umbrella Salesman (uncredited)
Джеймс О’Мэлли проходит путь от супер-правильного полицейского, дотошно следующего букве закона, до человека, способного сопереживать проблемам окружающих. А помогает ему в этом маленькая дочка недавно арестованного им парня…
Joe, the Greek Restaurant Owner
A girl escapes marriage and hitchhikes with a young man in whose car a jewel thief has planted his loot.
A profligate, polo-playing playboy (Henry Fonda) is married to a beautiful but superficial heiress (Mary Brian). They divorce, and the wife gets all the money. But the humbled (and impoverished) Fonda finds true love in the arms of Pat Paterson, who cares nothing for material things.
Proprietor (uncredited)
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Stagehand (uncredited)
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
Молодая одаренная оперная певица Мария Северелли — воспитанница известного композитора Марчелло Бонелли. В деревенской церкви девушке случайно встречается местный рыбак Антонио Белицца. Он пришел в храм отнюдь не на службу — парень там прячется от полицейских. Герои мюзикла «Песня о любви» очарованы друг другом, и Мария решает составить дуэт с обладателем столь приятного голоса.
Nick--Cafe Owner
Homer Crow, fired from his laboratory job at the Dunn-Wright Rubber Company, is sure that his formula for an indestructible rubber, called Durex, will be a success. Others are also, and Honer endures many obstacles, prat-falls and staged accidents while striving to protect his inventions.
Ranch Cook
A rancher's son finds himself helping another rancher who is at odds with his father--all because of the father's crooked partner.
Lee Tracy once again plays a Winchellesque newspaper reporter in Universal's I'll Tell the World. More interested in his sex life than his career, news hawk Brown nonetheless agrees to cover the activities of a European archduke on behalf of his wire service.
Tony Scabolotto - the Barber
All 12 jury members who sent an innocent man to the gallows are gathered together for a demonstration of how convictions can be made on circumstantial evidence. During the proceedings, a phony murder is quickly revealed as the real thing.
U.S. sailor Jimmy Harrigan, on shore leave in San Pedro, meets and falls for Sally Brent She promises to wait for him when he ships out to San Francisco, but Jimmy becomes jealous and tells her off when he learns Sally has entered a marathon dance contest sponsored by a lecherous snake named Baron Portola. Along with several of his Navy pals, Jimmy goes to the ballroom the night of the dance marathon, to try to change Sally's mind and win her back.
Desperate for cash, three friends take a job running a run-down night club.
Benny Rubin promotes a wrestling show but ends up wrestling Constantine "Strangler" Romanoff himself.
In the third of Pathe's Gay Girls comedy series, Harry Myers is a married man who strings one of them along until his wife Isabel Withers, comes along. Later one of them gets a job as a co-respondent in a divorce suit, and Myers is the divorce-seeking husband.
Minister (uncredited)
Widow Martha and widower Brandon plan to marry; their teenaged children do their slapstick best to interfere. One of "The Boy Friends" series.
Charley's Neighbor (uncredited)
Charley's in love with the daughter of a financier who wants her to insist that Chas have a pile of cash before she marries him. But, the Depression is everywhere: Charley's behind on his rent and nearly everyone he meets is down on their luck. After reading a "how to" book on the power of a forceful will, Charley applies the lessons with mixed results, but he does land a job that includes delivering a shake-down letter to his girlfriend's father. Is the naïve Charley going to end up in jail?
Louie, the Barber (uncredited)
Eastern millionaire's son Bard finds his father murdered and flies west to see rancher Drew who may know something about it. En route he crashes his plane into Jerry's bathroom; she falls in love with him which makes her suitor Steve jealous.
Dr. Mandy (uncredited)
Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.
Worker in Manhole (uncredited)
An actress is rehearsing a death scene in her apartment, but her neighbors all think it's the real thing.
Gimpy, Gangster
Луи Рикарно - редкой смышлености малый. Однажды он организовывает между всеми крупными бандами Чикаго союз, дабы они друг друга не истребили окончательно, благодаря чему, будучи лидером этого преступного альянса, быстро идет в гору, женится и переезжает во Флориду, где начинает написание автобиографии, играет в гольф и входит в высший свет. Увы, в его отсутствие между группировками вновь начинает разгораться вражда, так что вскоре из преступной столицы Луи начинают поступать тревожные вести, на которые он, впрочем, не особо реагирует, упиваясь своей новой шикарной жизнью. Однако он несет ответственность за все происходящее, и вскоре ему об этом не очень деликатно напомнят северные друзья...
Dr. Lorenzo
Charley suffers a hysterical reaction whenever a woman touches him; a psychiatrist attempts to help him overcome his panicked reflex.
Any movie that starts Jewish entertainer George Jessel as an Italian accordionist named Luigi can't be all bad. In love with the beautiful Margharita (Lila Lee), Luigi lands a job in the music store owned by the girl's uncle. Ultimately, however, our hero does the Pagliacci act when Margharita evinces a preference for handsome Pasquale (David Rollins). The film's best scene takes place in a nursery full of talented tots, a sequence that undoubtedly reminded Jessel of his days with Gus Edwards' "Schoolroom" act. Exercising his droit du seigneur, Georgie Jessel sings the title tune.
Movie comedy with Jerry Mandy.
Jaime's Valet
A young man from Argentina goes to Yale where he plays football and falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter.
In love with political candidate Anthony Cowles, heroine Nancy Blair gets wind of the opposition's scheme to ruin Cowles' reputation. At the risk of her own good name, Nancy decides to turn the tables on the crooked politicos by framing Cowles' opponent in a compromising situation. Things don't go quite as planned.
Real-life outlaw Joaquin Murietta, who (according to this film, anyway) is a latter-day Robin Hood, dedicated to driving land-grabbers and corrupt politicians out of Spanish California.
Гангстер Булл Вид, некоронованный король преступного мира, подбирает спившегося и опустившегося адвоката, помогает ему и даёт кличку Роллс-Ройс. Образованный Роллс-Ройс становится мозгом банды Булла. Дело осложняется, когда Роллс-Ройс и девушка Булла по прозвищу Перья влюбляются друг в друга…
В этой "морской" комедии герой Харди – первый помощник капитана. А герой Лорела Вилли Брислинг – простой рыбак, влюбленный в девушку по имени Нелли. И Нелли отвечает ему взаимностью. Но в прошлом Нелли знал капитан, он приходит к ней и утаскивает ее на корабль. Вилли пробирается на корабль. Чтобы спасти свою возлюбленную, ему приходится применить недюжинную смекалку (вовсе не свойственную герою Лорела в большинстве более поздних фильмов). Чуть было все карты не мешает жена капитана, которая догнала корабль своего мужа, несмотря на то, что он бросил ее в последнем порту.
Mr. X / Sir Oliver Hardy
Agnes Ayres was apparently a star of feature film who is top billed in this one-off Hal Roach short. She does well as the woman at the centre of the story, but it's pretty plain that it's actually the comic mind and performing talents of Stan Laurel, who plays her butler, that make this two-reel short shine.
Thurston's former sweetheart has married a big brute, and they move in down the hall from him.
Florist (uncredited)
Casey is a slovenly junk man in a turn of the twentieth century hick town who has a remarkable ability to play baseball. An unscrupulous New York scout signs him up, so Casey and his equally dishonest manager go to the big leagues. Eventually, the scout and manager conspire to get him drunk and bet against him for a crucial game with the pennant at stake.
Imbibing Trashman
Семья: дедушка, его дочь, внук и внучка получают извещение. Им срочно нужно заплатить один долг. Но где заплатить! В Голливуде. Дедушка в молодости видел парад «Купающихся красоток», и с тех пор немного подслеповат. Внучка мечтает стать великой актрисой, чтобы люди плакали, и о, да, ей это по силам. внук же, хочет посмотреть, как кормят артистов. Мудрая мать решает отпустит в Голливуд их всех.
Hot Dog Salesman
A diamond is stolen at a houseboat party given by the district attorney. He gives the thief a chance to return it by putting an empty box on a table and turning out the lights. When the lights are turned back on the box is gone, and the district attorney has a knife in his back and is quite dead. The police and the coroner arrive. There are several attempts made on the life of the coroner. Ruth Whitman is found hiding in a grandfather-clock, holding the gem box. She claims the box was pushed into her hands and she was pushed into the clock. The district attorney's butler/valet tells the coroner he saw who killed his employer and a few minutes later he is also murdered. The mystery deepens.
Hospital Orderly (uncredited)
Two rich capitalists want to marry their children, but they don't like the idea at all. She tries to run away, and meets him at the station. They fall in love, unbeknownst to their real identities, and decide each on their own that they have to wreck their parents plan.
Julius loses his wife to Rudy because he's too busy going on hunting trips. But when she arranges to meet with a fortune teller, Julius hatches a plan to win her back.
Sheldon, the groom
Дети из «Нашей банды» должны присутствовать на свадьбе, и они приносят с собой свою коллекцию блох, которая вырывается на свободу.
Second Office Boy
The head of a big movie studio is pulling his hair out because the company is bankrupt unless they can find a writer for a smash comedy. An aspiring writer is awaiting outside the office and the producer agrees to see him. He listens while the writer tells his story and acts the numerous parts. The story is rotten, but the producer lets him escape while vowing vengeance on any other author who would read his story aloud.
Limburger soldier
During World War I a young man joins the army and winds up befriending another young recruit, not knowing that it's the same pickpocket who stole his watch. After finishing basic training, the two are sent to the front lines in France, where they wind up in trouble with the MPs, getting involved with some cute French girls and "volunteering" for a dangerous front-line mission, and their antics result in their endangering the armistice.
A cruel sea captain shanghais Jimmie to work on his ship, but Jimmie's girlfriend also stows away on board, disguised as a sailor.
Crowd Extra (uncredited)
This funny Hal Roach comedy has Jimmy Jump (Charley Chase) waking up late for his wedding so in the mad rush he ends up leaving his house only dressed in his pajamas. As he makes his way to the church he finds one disaster after another.
Fruit Stand Manager
A Baby Peggy two-reeler