Directed by Darius Clark Monroe and executive produced by Spike Lee, this documentary short tells the story of what happened when a group of college athletes decided to protest a long-standing racial injustice.
A dissection of hybrid identity in ten chapters through the life of a chimeric evolving creature 'Mosaic' and confessions by the most influentials scientists of our time.
A West Indian nanny working in New York City tries new ways to connect with her young daughter at home in Trinidad.
A West Indian nanny working in New York City tries new ways to connect with her young daughter at home in Trinidad.
A West Indian nanny working in New York City tries new ways to connect with her young daughter at home in Trinidad.
The film chronicles the life of Brooklyn teenager Miasia Clark as she navigates her everyday world and prepares to present at the first-ever Black Girl Movement National Conference. Miasia is joined in this effort by members of her activist group, Girls for Gender Equity.
Production Manager
Семь дней, четырнадцать персонажей, ребенок и вебсайт. Несчастный случай, yбийство и кризис модной индустрии Нью-Йорка. Разбитые мечты, конфликты, секретные общества: комедия об эффектах глобализации в информационном веке.