Two desperate characters search for freedom in action-packed road movie noir from FGKO, adapted from the thriller by Rémy Lasource.
Juan Lucas
Хулиус родился в семье представителей высшего класса в городе Лима, Перу в 50-е годы. Он живёт в шикарном дворце со своей семьёй и огромным количеством слуг. С возрастом Хулиус начинает понимать, что мир полон тайн
Писатель криминальных историй узнает, что реальная жизнь более криминальная, чем истории, которые он пишет.
This film is Álex Montoya's first feature film: an interesting adaptation of the play La gente by Juli Disla and Jaume Pérez, also screenwriters of the film. The emergence of assembly groups after the political movements after 2011 served their authors to cast a comic look at decision-making processes and the capacity for dialogue of the human being.
Hombre empresario
У Ракель большие проблемы. Если она не достанет тридцать пять тысяч евро за двадцать четыре часа, она не сможет видеться с дочерью. Единственная надежда - взять кредит. Но, стоило ей подписать договор, в банк врываются грабители. Теперь ситуация еще более запутанная.
Испанский политик ведет высококлассный образ жизни. Деньги на это он получает благодаря гнусному и нелегальному бизнесу. А когда его дела предстают на всеобщее обозрение, он угрожает развалить и потянуть за собой всю партию. Но короли приходят и уходят, а королевство остается.
Лаура и Карлос любят друг друга так, словно каждый день — последний. Их чувство так велико, что, возможно, именно оно погубит их год спустя.
Hombre albergue 2
Eva, a young police department thefts of the Catalan police and eternal aspiring homicide department, is recruited to catch a serial murderer who is dedicated to killing older women. The young agent, single mother of a six year old, have to combine hunting the murderer with her maternal obligations.
The old archaeologist Santiago Sanahuja (José María Blanco) takes half life investigating the veracity of the existence of a treasure, booty won the game by Giacomo Casanova. The archaeologist dies shortly before he could make peace with his son James (Nacho Fresneda), who takes time without speaking. The couple archaeologist, Dominique (Chantal Aimée), and the track of an opera written by a pupil of Mozart and Casanova himself, leading to Jaime to the treasure hunt that his father had wanted to find. He will be joined in this adventure Maiana teenage daughter (Anna Castillo) and Dominique. To further complicate things, appear on their way to ensure an attractive young Giacomo Casanova to be none, and that will be totally captivated Maiana.
Virginia, a girl disappointed several failed romantic relationships, decides to become a single mother and sets out to find the ideal man to become the father of her child. In their research will have to decide between three candidates: Gabriel, a low hours bohemian writer and former high school teammate, Miguel, his new boss in a company where she works, and Daniel, the husband of her best friend.
Short film by Abdelatiff Hwidar awarded with the GOYA 2008 for Best Fiction Short Film.
Nacho Huertas
Like the four seasons, the love history of four friends is recounted at 4 different times. One doesn't love her husband anymore, another is a single mother, the next one has an unfaithful husband and finally there is room for the shy spinster too.
A metaphorical tale about pain and loss. Sela, a famous writer, committed suicide. Lars, her ex-lover, tries to find out why she did it. In the process, he discovers an unknown world of feelings and sense of guiltiness.
The film is based on the autobiography of writer Manuel Vincent. His father doesn't want him to become a writer and sends him to Valencia law school. One day Manuel sees his dream girl and follows her on a trolley car to Malvarossa beach. He then studies in college, meets call girl La China who teaches him love secrets, but still remembers that girl.