The Skipper / The Being
The Mountain of SGaana spins a magical tale of a young man who is stolen away to the spirit world, and the young woman who rescues him. Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter’s dream-like gem brilliantly entwines traditional animation with formal elements of Haida art, which are brought to life by a rich, evocative palette and stylized effects. As a young fisherman cruises along a rugged shoreline, a tiny mouse in Haida regalia appears and starts to knit a blanket. A story unfolds on the blanket as it grows longer, illustrating the ancient tale of Haida master sea hunter Naa-Naa-Simgat and his beloved, Kuuga Kuns. When a sGaana (the Haida word for “killer whale”) captures the hunter and drags him down into a supernatural world, the courageous Kuuga Kuns sets off to save him. Will the lovers manage to escape the undersea Mountain of SGaana, or will they, too, become part of the Haida spirit world forever?
Five Indigenous women filmmakers from across Canada challenge one another to make a film under a set of restrictions tailored to each filmmaker.
George Copway
In 1850, George Copway was the first Indian to publish a history of his nation, the Ojibway. INTEMPERANCE is a satire that brings to life a morally complex story of his people living in changing times
Abandoned cars rest silently in fields for decades, still holding secret conversations within their bodies.
Северная Америка. 600 лет до прибытия Колумба. Викинги вторгаются на земли коренных жителей этих мест — индейцев. После столкновения двух племен, мальчик викингов остается один и попадает в лагерь врага. Его принимают в племя и воспитывают. Через 15 лет юный герой вновь встречается со своим некогда родным народом, но последствия этой встречи оказываются трагичными для приютившего его племени и герой принимает решение поставить точку в кровопролитной войне.