Brian Aldiss

Brian Aldiss

Рождение : 1925-08-18,

Смерть : 2017-08-19


Brian Wilson Aldiss was an English writer and anthologies editor, best known for science fiction novels and short stories. The prolific writer behind more than 80 books and editor of 40 anthologies. His numerous short stories include "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long", which was adapted into the Steven Spielberg film "AI".


Brian Aldiss


The Electric Dreamer: Remembering Philip K. Dick
Himself, author of 'Supertoys Last All Summer Long'
Friends, family and colleagues of Philip K. Dick remember the life and work of the author of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Brothers of the Head
In the 1970s a music promoter plucks Siamese twins from obscurity and grooms them into a freakish rock'n'roll act. A dark tale of sex, strangeness and rock music.
Искусственный разум
Short Story
В будущем мире вырвавшегося из-под контроля глобального потепления и пугающих достижений науки, смертные живут бок о бок с удивительными и сложными роботами. Но когда продвинутый прототип робота-ребенка по имени Дэвид программируется на проявление бескорыстной любви, члены его человеческой семьи оказываются неготовыми к последствиям такого чувства.
On the Edge of 'Blade Runner'
This is the rare UK Channel 4 documentary about Blade Runner, giving insights into it's history with interviews of Ridley Scott, the writers and nearly all the cast. Interviews with production staff, including Ridley, give details into the creative process and turmoil during preproduction. Stories from Paul M. Sammon and Fancher provide insight into Philip K. Dick and the origins of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Interweaved are cast interviews with the notable exceptions of Harrison Ford and Sean Young. Through these interviews we get a sense of how difficult and frustrating the film was to make as a result of an exacting director without allies and hot, wet, smoggy conditions; which added to the high pressure atmosphere everyone increasingly felt as the film went over budget. There is also a tour of some locations, most notably the Bradbury Building and the Warner Brothers backlot that was the LA 2019 streets, which look very different from Ridley's dark version.
The Last Movie: Stanley Kubrick and 'Eyes Wide Shut'
A documentary chronicling the making of Kubrick's final film, 'Eyes Wide Shut', and his legacy.
Philip K Dick: A Day in the Afterlife
A poetic look at the life and legacy of legendary author Philip K. Dick (1928-1982), who wrote over over a hundred short stories and 44 novels of mind-bending sci-fi, exploring themes of authority, drugs, theology, mental illness and much more.
Франкенштейн освобождённый
2031 год, Лос-Анджелес. Безумный ученый по имени Джо Дьюкеннен, работающий над созданием супер-оружия, совершает путешествие в прошлое и попадает в швейцарский городок начала девятнадцатого века. В местом пабе Бьюкенен знакомится с печально известным изобретателем, доктор Виктором Франкенштейном.