Frédéric Gorny

Frédéric Gorny

Рождение : 1973-09-06, Asnières-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Frédéric Gorny (born 6 September 1973, in Asnières-sur-Seine) is a French actor known for his role as attorney Pierre Clément on the television series Cherif (TV series). He performed in more than forty films since 1994. Source: Article "Frédéric Gorny" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Frédéric Gorny


Давай споём
Все начинается во Кьивершане, промышленном городе на севере Франции. После закрытия их фабрики Франк, увлеченный французской эстрадой, решает обучать своих бывших коллег Софи, в которую он тайно влюблен. Хосе поющий как медведь и Жан-Клод бывший менеджер, который немного слишком горд в несколько сумасшедшем проекте. Они хотят создать компанию по доставке песен на дом, SI ON CHANTAT!. Они организуют выходы на пенсию, дни рождения и благодаря находчивости у них становится все больше и больше запросов.
Друг по переписке
Виктория занимается планированием мероприятий, в том числе свадеб. Её близкая подруга хочет сыграть свадьбу в Париже, и именно там Виктория встречает своего старого друга по переписке.
D'un monde à l'autre
Just Retired
Marilou and Philippe prepare for their future retirement in Portugal. But their daughter separates and a whole procession of solicitations falls on them.
Après toi
A man and a woman have both come to the same cliff to jump to the abyss. The man wants the place for himself, he got there first! They start arguing.
Action commerciale
Louise Wimmer
Le manager de l'hôtel
The middle-aged titular heroine (Masiero) of this bare-bones, Dardenne-esque debut has certainly fallen on hard times: Living between her car and a storage shed, working a part-time job as a hotel chambermaid, and trying against all odds to obtain public housing, Louise scrapes by on a day-to-day subsistence that’s only a few Euros away from skid row.
Пиковая Дама
Francis Petit
Убит мужчина. Рядом с ним найден отпечаток ноги 38 размера. В процессе расследования выясняется, что убитый мужчина - нанятый детектив. Жанетта, помощница комиссара Мартена и Баран, начальница службы криминалистического учёта делают первые констатации убийства.
Claire Brunetti : Piste noire
Sartre, Years of Passion
Biographical film about French writer Jean-Paul Sartre, concentrating on his passionate affairs with women.
My Life on Ice
L'homme de la falaise
Etienne is crazy about ice skating and videoing his daily life with a digital camera. He records his mother, friends, and geography teacher. Initially his intention is to setup a date between his mother and his teacher, however, he starts to realize that he is infatuated with the teacher himself.
Olivier Moreau
A bored college student falls in love with a stranger who encourages her to escape her bleak existence.
Premier de cordée : la grande crevasse
Zian Servettaz
Jeanne and the Perfect Guy
Jeanne, a receptionist at a travel agency, is looking for the love of her life. She thinks she has finally found it with Olivier. However, Olivier reveals he has AIDS and disappears from her life after her profession of love and confession of infidelity.
Premier de cordée
Zian Servettaz
Premier de Cordee begins as Zian, a young man who has traveled from his birthplace in the Alps to Paris, returns to his family home just as his father, a mountain guide, dies after being struck by lightning. Zian has chosen to carry on in his father's work, although he's very much aware of the dangers involved. Along with the death of his father, he's also been confronted with the sad fate of his best friend, who went into the mountains to rescue Ruspoli, the rich client stranded by the death of Zian's father. When the young man returned, it was discovered he had lost his toes to frostbite. However, Zian is determined to become a guide, and he soon wins the attentions of Ruspoli's daughter, Bianca, even though her socially prominent family is not happy that she's become involved with a poverty-stricken mountaineer. A climbing accident leaves Zian with a chronic case of vertigo that threatens his new career, but with Bianca's help he sets his sights on conquering Mount Blanc.
Des heures sans sommeil
A brother is reunited with his sister in their old family home after years of separation. In the still of the night, images and sounds from their childhood come rushing back, reminding them of a father who, although often austere, did on occasion seem to enter into the spirit of things.
Sentimental Education
The story revolves around the lives of a group of international fashion models, focusing on the main character, Fabrice. The film examines the hollowness of his glamorous lifestyle, leading to self discovery and ultimately a personal catharsis (and his own death). The film is based on (really, inspired by) the French Book, L'Education Sentimentale, by Gustave Flaubert.
Last Trading Post in India
In October 1954, a few days before the departure of the French from Pondicherry to the new Indian Republic, Stanislas Charvin, a young European born in India but raised in France by his grandmother, arrives, impatient, with the sole objective of bringing his mother's remains back to France. Through this initiatory journey, he will find a hated father, meet love, learn terrible revelations about his mother's existence and discover a world more modern than he thought.
Тико Мун
Семья МакБи установила диктатуру над будущей колонией, который выглядит доживающим свои дни Парижем, поделенным на сектора чем-то вроде берлинской стены. Все члены семьи страдают от странной болезни и нуждаются с срочной трансплатнации органов. Единственный подходящий донор, Тико Мун, скорее всего погиб в пожаре, но согласно слухам он всё ещё жив. Между тем как убийцы выслеживают членов семьи, МакБи организовывают охоту на Тико. Пытаясь скрыться от облавы, Алекс, скульптор, встречает Елену, убийцу.
Le chêne et le roseau
Henri Mariani
Дикий тростник
Henri Mariani
Двое молодых парней вместе приобретают первый гомосексуальный опыт. Но если один из них осознает и принимает свою сущность, то второй стремится от нее бежать. В результате юношеская любовь остается горьким воспоминанием, а возможность быть с любимым человеком предопределяет необходимость наблюдения и принятия гетеросексуальных проявлений друга.