Joseph C. Brun


The 300-Year Weekend
Director of Photography
A doctor spends 24 hours in a clinic with a group of patients. Each character has his or her own story to tell, about their fathers, mothers, or spouses who don't understand them, and how they've turned instead to drugs.
Director of Photography
During the height of the Vietnam war, a hippie and a draft dodger get together and hatch a plan to flee to Canada. They steal a car and head towards Vancouver, but the trip doesn't go as smoothly as they planned, and before long they're being chased by the police, accused of murdering several police officers.
Director of Photography
A Kentucky slave fights for his freedom from cruel overseer whose mistress eventually joins Davis and the other slaves in their revolt.
Director of Photography
Trilogy is an anthology film of three adaptations of Truman Capote short stories: Miriam, Among the Paths to Eden and A Christmas Memory. It was listed to compete at the 1968 Cannes Film Festival, but the festival was cancelled due to the events of May 1968 in France.
The Thanksgiving Visitor
Adaptation of Truman Capote's short story. A sequel, from the same filmmakers, to the critically acclaimed A Christmas Memory (1966).
The Fat Spy
Director of Photography
A mostly-deserted island, which is believed to be the home to the fountain of youth, is off the coast of Florida. The island gets some visitors in the form of a teenage boy band, "the Wild Ones", and their gang of swimsuit-clad young people, who head there in a crowded powerboat ostensibly for a scavenger hunt.
Кто убил плюшевого медведя?
Director of Photography
Девушке из музыкaльного бaрa нaчинaет звонить странный мужчинa, который явно испытывает к ней плотское влечение. Полиция стaвит её телефон нa прослушку, но вычислить звонящего не удaется. Девушкa понимaет, что он где-то совсем рядом, и он видит каждый ее шаг.
Director of Photography
История о дружбе мальчика Сэнди и дельфина по имени Флиппер.
Girl of the Night
Director of Photography
Bobbie is a sensitive, lonely call girl who is manipulated and ultimately used by her madam.
Ставки на завтра
Director of Photography
Партнёры планируют ограбить банк. Терпят они друг друга с трудом, а успех возможен только при взаимном доверии в совместной работе. Конферансье из ночного клуба, увлекающийся скачками, — недоросль. Его напарник — психопат. Третий из их команды — бывший полицейский, уволенный за мошенничество. Он считает, что главное — чтобы не поймали.
Middle of the Night
Director of Photography
Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in their ages, he strikes up a romance with divorced 24-year-old receptionist Betty. The relationship is dismissed by his daughter, Lillian, discouraged by his sister, Evelyn, and denounced by Betty's mother. But when Jerry begins to mention marriage, even Betty is forced to confront her ambivalence.
Последняя миля
Director of Photography
Незадолго до казни группа заключённых из камеры смертников решает совершить побег.
Ветер над равнинами
Director of Photography
В конце XIX века в Майами начинается новая золотая лихорадка, только на этот раз охотятся не за золотом, а за перьями диких птиц, которыми щеголи украшают шляпы. Уолт Мердок, молодой учитель естественных наук, решает прекратить незаконное убийство птиц, чтобы их перья украшали женские шляпы. Таким образом, он становится хранителем заповедника. Несмотря на убийства своих предшественников, он намерен выполнить свою миссию и таким образом спасти тысячи птиц...
Edge of the City
Director of Photography
An army deserter and a black dock worker join forces against a corrupt manager.
That Naughty Girl
Director of Photography
Nightclub entertainer Jean Clery discovers too late that the 'baby' he agreed to take care of is a wild, shapely sex kitten.
Roots of Happiness
Director of Photography
Dramatizes the case of a family in which the father respects and loves his wife and children, permitting each to develop as an individual, and contrasts this family with one where discord and hostility prevail.
Inner Sanctum: Port of Regrets
A distinguished judge who feels that no leniency is deserved in crimes of passion finds himself involved in a crime of passion.
Martin Luther
A biopic of Martin Luther, covering his life between 1505 and 1530, and the birth of the Protestant Reformation movement.
К востоку на Бикон
Director of Photography
Федеральному агенту Белдену поручено определить местонахождение тайного коммунистического лидера, проследить все пути возможной информационной утечки и разоблачить советскую агентурную сеть в Бостоне.
The Whistle at Eaton Falls
Director of Photography
A newly promoted plant supervisor finds himself in the position of having to announce a layoff of his fellow workers.