Violeta Ferrer


Touristes? Oh Yes!
as Violeta Ferrer
A dutch family of seven persons (grand-father, grand-mother, father, mother, son, sister, and wife of the son go to Paris to assist at a concert of their mayor. The film tell the incredible story of this family during the week end in Paris. Only four members of the family will return to home.
Постоянные любовники
Париж, май 1968 года. Сотни тысяч молодых людей выходят с протестом на улицы. Главному герою, Франсуа недавно исполнилось двадцать, и, как и большей части его поколения, ему нечего терять. Во время бунта Франсуа встречает Лили, и между ними вспыхивает безумная страсть.
Farewell Homeland
Madame Da Silva
Vincent and Serge, two brothers, and the pretty Carole are on their way to the United States. They stop in a village they think is quiet. However, a recent storm has left sinister traces, thieves are prowling the forest, hunters are not only aiming their guns at game, the cliffs are slippery... And when Vincent falls in love with Carole, his brother is determined to keep the clan together.
Почти ничего
Pierre's mother
18-летный Матье приезжает из Парижа на побережье, чтобы провести там лето. Он знакомится с Седриком — они ровесники, им интересно друг с другом. Более того, они понимают, что влюблены друг в друга со всеми далеко идущими последствиями. Но семейные проблемы и неуверенность в собственных духовных силах мешают им быть вместе.
La beauté du monde
A sensitive young lady painter retreats to the countryside, where she can bask in the presence of beauty, possibly at the expense of an awareness of the needs of other living beings.
Durruti in the Spanish Revolution
A documentary about the Spanish anarchist.
Heavy Weather
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of fantasy, realism, drama and satire, much of the story takes place in the confines of an oppressive looking steel and glass skyscraper owned by a powerful insurance company. Though the office is populated only by women, the place seethes with tension due to office politics and the personal turmoil suffered by the employees, something that the beautiful and outwardly ruthless office supervisor Carabosse does her best to ignore. When the ever business-like Carabosse finally gets promoted, she appoints Agate (the story's true protagonist) as her successor. Power corrupts and it does not take long for the compassionate Agate to transform into a copy of Carabosse.
Les dessous de la passion
Julie de Carneilhan
Madame Sabrier