Robert Darmel


Бон вояж
Member of Parliament 5
Июнь 1940 года. Немцы вот-вот возьмут Париж. Вся Франция — правительство, журналисты, высший свет, учёные, шпионы, мелкие жулики, беженцы отступают на юг. И все в конце концов, оказываются в одном городе — Бордо и одном роскошном отеле «Сплендид». В этом единстве места и времени и разворачивается вся история — министры ухаживают за актрисами, попутно решая судьбы Франции, шпионы охотятся за учёными, попутно ухаживая за актрисами, жулики грабят склады, попутно спасая учёных, учёные перевозят по частям атомную бомбу, попутно влюбляясь в писателей…
Почти ничего
Bar owner
18-летный Матье приезжает из Парижа на побережье, чтобы провести там лето. Он знакомится с Седриком — они ровесники, им интересно друг с другом. Более того, они понимают, что влюблены друг в друга со всеми далеко идущими последствиями. Но семейные проблемы и неуверенность в собственных духовных силах мешают им быть вместе.
Les arcandiers
Le pompiste
In this surreal comedy, Tonio works very hard for every bit of ill-gotten cash he can get his hands on, but he remains a poor criminal in both senses of the word. He and his buddies Bruno and Hercule think they have the solution to their pocketbook woes. The body of St. Bernadette has been miraculously preserved from decay and is a central object of pilgrimage in the shrine where it is kept. Why not steal that and hold it for ransom? The criminal gang is well able to pull this coup off and are soon in possession of one perfectly preserved corpse and a very fancy coffin. It's too bad for them that the church seems to have a limitless supply of these and doesn't want the one they stole back. Bemused, the lads set the coffin adrift on the river, only to be followed by it as they drive back upriver. In the course of carrying out their criminal designs, these lovable lugs encounter a variety of eccentric characters.
Dog's Dialogue
A charming tale of murder, perversity and narrative echoes told through shots of barking dogs and a La jetée-like series of stills.
Brigade Call Girls
A mysterious maniac is killing a madame's call-girls.
Velor tongue
Mark Philips
Mark Philips is the owner and creative director of a club that specializes in live sex shows. Tired of the derivative routines he sees auditioned, he finds a new gem in Ingrid, a nymphomaniac kitchen lady who works in the backrooms of his club. Specializing in fellatio, he dubs her "Velor Tongue" and tries to make her a star. But the naive Ingrid proves harder to control than he'd imagined.
le garde
Sensuous Doll
l'inspecteur Santoni
Witness of a murder, a young prostitute is tailed by a detective who is paid by the killer
The Insolent
Having escaped from prison Ristack contacts his partner, to organize an attack on a van full of gold. The heist goes well but each man is trying to keep all the loot for himself...