Başak Köklükaya

Başak Köklükaya

Рождение : 1974-05-19, Ankara, Turkey


Başak Köklükaya (born 19 April 1974) is a Turkish actress. She has appeared in more than 20 films and television shows since 1989. She starred in The Confession, which was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. Since 2019 she has played a leading role in all three seasons of the Netflix original fantasy television series The Gift, as Serap Özgürsoy, mother of the main character Atiye.


Başak Köklükaya
Başak Köklükaya


The Gift
A painter in Istanbul embarks on a personal journey as she unearths universal secrets about an Anatolian archaeological site and its link to her past.
Something Useful
Leyla, a lawyer and a poet, takes the long-distance train to attend her high school reunion dinner. On the train, she meets Canan, a young nursing student in distress. As the conversation develops, Leyla learns that Canan is travelling to assist with the suicide of a paralysed man, Yavuz, who wants to die. At the end of the long over- night trip, surrounded by the stories of people both on and off the train, Leyla decides to accompany Canan on her difficult visit.
Вторая часть трилогии о жизни поэта Юсуфа. Это не биография какого-то конкретного поэта, а скорее попытка рассмотреть, как живётся такому типу человека как «поэт» в обществе и в семье как маленькой ячейке общества. 18-летний Юсуф живёт вместе с матерью за городом. Он пишет стихи и больше всего сейчас озабочен своим творчеством. Его мать, вынужденная одна обеспечивать семью и вести хозяйство, уговаривает его быть более практичным: найти работу и помогать ей деньгами. Юсуф пытается примирить свои творческие изыскания и необходимость зарабатывать на жизнь.
The Little Apocalypse
Having lost her mother in the 1999 earthquake, Bilge and her family go on a vacation to the south. On the way to their rented house, she sees a series of visions. Things get worse when a small earthquake occurs, bringing back memories of her loss and releasing her inner demons.
Magic Carpet Ride
A struggling, suicidal young comedian meets a car thief who is willing to teach him a few things about his profession.
Everything About Mustafa
A man is forced to confront his past after he loses everything in an accident. Mustafa is a successful business man living a seemingly great life with his family when an accident takes it all away from him and leaves him with many questions and a cab driver, Fikret, who can answer it all. Mustafa is due to get a lot more than what he bargained for, however, as his interrogations take him to long-forgotten childhood memories and force him to see his formerly perfect life from a very different perspective.
The Confession
A taut, beautifully acted psychological drama about a husband who suspects his wife of having an affair, but is terrified that confronting her about it might prove she really is.
Il derviscio
The Third Page
Isa is blamed for a robbery. He is badly beaten and given twenty four hours to return the money. Instead of finding the money, Isa finds a gun.
Турецкая баня
Франческо — уверенный в себе, независимый молодой архитектор, который работает вместе со своей женой Мартой и их старым другом Паоло. Но это не мешает Марте и Паоло уже много лет быть любовниками. Однако у этого любовного треугольника есть и другие пикантные оттенки, которые интригующе закручивают сюжет.