Как только карьера Маки пошла на взлет, в Мадриде вновь объявляется ее загадочный бывший парень, разбивший ей сердце, и девушка обращается за помощью к подругам.
Professor Biondi is a depressed scientist. After his wife's death, he lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America.
Doctor Vince
A scientist's experiment with a deadly bacteria goes awry and leaves him horribly deformed. The monstrous man then runs amok in his town.
Dr. Morton
The head of the FBI explains that hippies were good, but that they have degenerated due to psychedelic painting, drugs, and becoming addicted to free love. Secret Agent Frank investigates Sandy, whose daughter has disappeared, apparently because of hippies.
The life story of Argentine independence hero Jose de San Martin.
A boy runs away from home when his father dies. In Villa Gesell things happen to him that will end in a new escape.