Phil Penningroth


Sightings: Heartland Ghost
The crew of a reality-TV show about the paranormal visits a small Kansas town to investigate a house that may be haunted.
It has been nine years since Bancroft's character shot Brown's son. She goes to the prison to vent her rage at him over what he did, and discovers he's not the monster she thought he was.
Touched By Evil
Successful business advisor Ellen Collier is attacked by a serial rapist, and becomes frightened and withdrawn after the incident. She begins to regain her confidence with the help of her friends and her new boyfriend Jerry, but a series of events make her suspect Jerry was responsible for the crime.
Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon
Fearful that the Russians would continue their lead in the space race and be the first to put a man on the moon, NASA felt an enormous pressure to push the Apollo Program forward as quickly as possible, though they knew that pushing too hard could lead to the ultimate disaster. This film recreates the tensions that were felt not only by the three astronauts, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, but also by their families and by the teams of technicians training to deal with anything that could go wrong.
Chasing the Dragon
Working class mother becomes addicted to heroin, and soon her life falls apart.
Chasing the Dragon
Working class mother becomes addicted to heroin, and soon her life falls apart.
Stolen Innocence
Stacy, a rebellious teenager, leaves home for the freedom and adventure of life on the road away from her parents. Afraid and alone, she is befriended by Richard, a handsome ex-con traveling across the country on a crime spree. Her short lived joy soon turns to terror.
Tonya & Nancy: The Inside Story
Based on the true story of Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, rivals for the USA Olympic Ice Skating team. When Kerrigan is savagely attacked, people begin to wonder if the intense rivalry between the two was motivation for someone.
The Babymaker: The Dr. Cecil Jacobson Story
Married couples, unable to conceive, are thrilled to find they are going to become parents, thanks to a larger-than-life "miracle doctor" and his unusual treatments.
In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco
Religious fanatics are barricaded in a building, and surrounded by police. But they're not going to surrender, they prefer to die.
Elvis and the Colonel: The Untold Story
The story of the relationship between Elvis Presley and his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, from its beginnings in 1955 right the way through until Presley's death on August 16, 1977.
Amy Fisher: My Story
This sensational true story of a near fatal attraction left Mary Jo Buttafuoco paralyzed for life and made Amy Fisher America's most infamous teenager. Imprisoned 5-15 years for a crime she confessed to Fisher has nothing to lose by telling how it was-her way, her story. Deception, Promiscuous Sex, and Violence
Дети гнева
Семья священника усыновляет сестричку с братиком – Кэт и Эрика. Мальчик – нежное и любящее существо, но сестричка подвержена вспышками необъяснимой ярости, а страдает от этого, прежде всего, маленький человек постоянно находящийся рядом с ней – ее брат. Положение становится еще более критическим, когда в голове Кэт зреет план убийства не только своего брата, но и отца. Приемные родители изо всех сил стараются помочь и понять девочку, пытаются уберечь Эрика, но для этого, прежде всего, надо узнать тайну, которая явилась причиной такого поведения…
The Price She Paid
Twelve years ago, Lacey was raped and had a son as a result. Now her rapist is out on parole, and since he's the father of the child and has shown signs of rehabilitation, he's been granted visitation rights by a judge. Slowly but predictably, Lacey realizes things just aren't right with him, but thanks to her rapists manipulation, everybody she knows, from her boss to her friends, dismisses her feelings and thinks she's crazy. Meanwhile, her attacker is primed to finish what he started 12 years ago.
Casey's Gift: For Love of a Child
The friendships held between two families is threatened when one of their sons drowns in the other family's swimming pool.
The Ryan White Story
The story of Ryan White, a 13-year-old haemophiliac who contracted AIDS from factor VIII, which was used to control this disorder.
The Ryan White Story
The story of Ryan White, a 13-year-old haemophiliac who contracted AIDS from factor VIII, which was used to control this disorder.
Right to Die
Emily Bauer (Raquel Welch) is a successful psychologist with a happy home life who is suddenly stricken with the dreaded neurological affliction ALS (aka "Lou Gehrig's Disease"). At first, she is determined to fight for her life, but as her conditions deteriorates and she becomes more of a human vegetable, Ms. Welch begs her husband (Michael Gross) to help her die.
When The Bough Breaks
A Los Angeles psychiatrist testifies for the prosecution in the trial of an accused child molester. Later the defendant, who is out on bail, is found dead in the psychiatrist's office, in what appears to be a suicide. Shaken, the psychiatrist moves to the mountains outside of L.A. Not long afterwards a detective he knows comes to him for help. A seven-year-old girl saw someone kill both of her parents, but is so traumatized by the event that she can't remember anything, and the detective wants the doctor to help jar her memory. Soon, however, the doctor and the detective discover that the parents' murder and the pedophiles "suicide" may be linked to a shadowy group of wealthy and influential pedophiles, and that the child isn't the only one whose life is in danger.
Promises to Keep
An aging cowboy returns to the family he abandoned 30 years ago with a terrifying secret.
Сердце молчит
16-летний Скип Льюис столкнулся с проблемами. С одной стороны это проблемы с учебой, а с другой его девушка, которую он преследовал, сказала ему, что она не имеет к нему никакого интереса. Он пробует поговорить с родителями об этом, но не может, он думает, что они не поймут его. Тогда он садится за руль и съезжает на машине с утеса... Его семья считает, что это был несчастный случай, но его лучший друг Кен знает всю правду...
Ghost Dancing
Farm widow Sarah Bowman has been impoverished by the siphoning of her water supply. A nearby big-city aqueduct has priority over water rights, leaving the rural outskirts virtually dry. Attempting to bring her cause to the forefront, Sarah dynamites the reservoir, half-hoping that she'll be "martyred" in the process. When she fails to arouse public support, she targets the local power plant for her next blast. Assistant DA Anne Greyfeather, who as an orphaned Indian girl was virtually raised by Sarah, decides to challenge the water-department bureaucracy on McGuire's behalf.