Пловчиха Дайана Найад поставила перед собой на 60-летний юбилей практически невозможную цель: проплыть 177 километров и пересечь Флоридский залив от Кубы до США.
Пловчиха Дайана Найад поставила перед собой на 60-летний юбилей практически невозможную цель: проплыть 177 километров и пересечь Флоридский залив от Кубы до США.
The Godfather of Fitness tells the improbable story of how an ambitious boy from California, obsessed with grueling workouts and good nutrition, became one of the most respected men in the world of fitness.
The film tracks legendary swimmer Diana Nyad’s lifetime vision and four harrowing attempts to swim non-stop from Cuba to Florida. An abusive past collides with an obsessive present over a dangerous 60-hour feat never before accomplished.
Diana Nyad, an iron-willed swimmer determined to leave her mark on the long-distance swimming world attempts a swim from Cuba to Florida, at the age of sixty-two.