Vida Hope

Vida Hope

Рождение : 1918-12-16, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK

Смерть : 1963-12-23


Vida Hope


In the Doghouse
Mrs. Crabtree
After 10 years of failure a bumbling vet finally graduates and takes on his own practice.
Rx Murder
An American doctor, Jethro Jones, comes into a quiet British seaside community and becomes entangled in a murder mystery when the town gossips inform him that all of the three wives of the town doctor, Doctor Dysert (or Doctor Deadcert as they call him) have had mysterious deaths. And now Doctor Dysert is treating his own secretary, Kitty, who he wants to make her his next wife, as she has inexplicably fallen ill.
Lease of Life
Mrs. Sproatley
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Fast and Loose
An unmarried couple are forced to adopt a series of pretexts when they stay at a country inn together with only one spare room.
Roadhouse Girl
A middle-aged garage owner's life is turned upside down when his new mechanics gets it on with his sexy younger wife.
Women of Twilight
Jessie Smithson
When a nightclub singer is arrested for murder, his pregnant girlfriend moves into a boarding house for women, but the mother-to-be soon discovers that her new lodgings harbors a horrific secret.
Экстренный вызов
О поисках трёх доноров редкой группы крови для спасения девочки, больной лейкемией.
Angels One Five
The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.
Angels One Five
The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.
Green Grow the Rushes
Polly Bainbridge
Efforts to move Britain into the modern age don't sit well with the people of the small village of Anderia Marsh, who have claimed a right (going back to Henry III) to evade government-imposed import duties and taxes. And when the government decides to curb this right, the whole village quietly rises up in a comical rebellion. After their vessel runs aground during a storm and is impounded by the British authorities, local smugglers must find a way of disposing of their contraband brandy cargo before it's discovered by the Customs Officers.
Человек в белом костюме
Эксцентричный изобретатель Сидни Стрэттон работает на текстильной фабрике. Однажды ему удается создать нечто необыкновенное. Новая ткань, изобретенная им, не рвется, не мнется, не изнашивается. Конкуренты начинают за ним охоту…
Cheer the Brave
A newly married man soon finds his new wife to be a tyrant. After discovering her previous husband is not really dead, he manages to escape from her clutches.
The Woman in Question
Shirley Jones
Agnes "Astra" Huston, a fortune teller at a run-down fair, is found strangled in her bedroom. As the police question five suspects, their interactions with her are shown in flashbacks from their point of view.
Double Confession
Madam Zilia
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police clear up the mystery.
The Interrupted Journey
Miss Marchmont
When John North, a budding author, pulls the communication cord of a late night train that is taking him away on a weekend with his publishers wife, he sets in motion a series of events that lead to a train crash, a murder and a police man hunt, but all is not what it seems.
For Them That Trespass
Olive Mockson
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Woman Hater
Girl Fan (uncredited)
A confirmed bachelor and a woman who claims to hate men get together and find romance.
Vice Versa
1st Nanny
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.
It Always Rains on Sunday
Mrs. Wallis
During a rainy Sunday afternoon, an escaped prisoner tries to hide out at the home of his ex-fiance.
They Made Me a Fugitive
Mrs. Fenshaw
After being framed for a policeman's murder, a criminal escapes prison and sets out for revenge.
Жизнь и приключения Николаса Никльби
Fanny Squeers
Англия, XIX век. Когда отец Николаса Никльби умирает и оставляет свою семью без средств к существованию, его дядя, жадный ростовщик Ральф Никльби, находит племяннику работу в отталкивающей школе в Йоркшире. Николас сбегает оттуда, взяв с собой одного гонимого мальчика по имени Смайк, и они присоединяются к актерской труппе. Потом Николасу пришлось защищать Смайка, сестру Кэйт от попыток дяди извлечь выгоду, и затем его возлюбленную Меделайн Брэй, чей отец погряз в долгах.
While the Sun Shines
Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men.
School for Secrets
WAAF Flight Sergeant
Wartime tale of a group of British scientists efforts to develop the first radar system. They did it just in time for it to be used in the Battle of Britain against the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. Without it the little island could well have been overrun.
Beware of Pity
Mrs. Tausky (uncredited)
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
Через тернии к звёздам
Старшина Питер Пенроуз начинает службу в подразделении бомбардировщиков и проходит путь от новичка до опытного лётчика. Он влюбляется в молодую девушку Айрис, которая живёт в отеле недалеко от военной базы. Но Питер не решается попросить руки Айрис, зная, что в любой момент может погибнуть, тем самым обрекая её на горькую участь вдовы...
Champagne Charlie
Rosie the Barmaid (uncredited)
A man from the countryside becomes London’s newest music hall sensation, and competes with a rival music hall performer for the audience’s attention.
English Without Tears
An A.T.
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
Tawny Pipit
Railway Porter (uncredited)
Jimmy Bancroft, a fighter pilot, who is recovering from injuries sustained during the Battle of Britain, and Hazel Court, a nurse, come across a pair of rare birds nestling in a field. After a run in with the army, and a couple of thieves, they, with the cooperation of the village people and the Ornithology Society, help the eggs to hatch. A wonderful look at life in a small village, during World War II.
39 ступеней
Usherette (uncredited)
Ричард знакомится в Лондонском мюзикхолле с Аннабеллой, которая просит укрыть ее от идущих по ее следу убийц. Ричард не воспринимает это всерьез, но разрешает ей переночевать у него. Той же ночью девушка вваливается в его спальню с ножом в спине… Бегущего в панике Ричарда принимают за убийцу-маньяка и полиция всей Англии начинает охоту. Чтобы доказать свою невиновность, ему придется пройти все круги Ада…