Le père de Françoise
Françoise, a thirty-year-old single typist lives only for her Sunday release. On this day, she attends a horse race under pretext of perfecting her taste for elegance and refinement. Georges, a neighbor widower, begins to court her.
l'inspecteur Gosset
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
M. Michaud
По мотивам одноименного романа Эмиля Золя. Тереза Ракен влачит скучную и полную унижений жизнь. В свое время ее «облагодетельствовали» браком с ее кузеном Камилем, безвольным галантерейщиком, над которым всецело доминирует его властная мать мадам Ракен. Тереза неосознанно мечтает о большой любви. Однажды в ее жизни появляется водитель-дальнобойщик, Лоран, и между ними вспыхивает страсть, а вместе с ней — надежда на новую, настоящую жизнь, невзирая на все преграды.
The life story of famed French aviatrix Helene Boucher is detailed in Horizons sans fin (Endless Horizons). Giselle Pascal stars as Boucher, who is first seen in 1930, leaving her millinery shop behind in favor of the wild blue yonder. Though the world of aviation was still essentially an all-male one (despite England's Amy Johnson and America's Amelia Earhart), Boucher perseveres, eventually breaking all existing male and female speed and height records. A bit slow on the uptake in the dramatic scenes, the film soars (no pun intended) during the aerial sequences. Horizons san Fin was the winner of the Catholic Award at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Discharged, catholic priest Pellegrin is back to his cure of Sableuse .But the castle has been sold to Nouveaux Riches,the Cousinet ,whereas the former owners ,Monsieur De Sableuse and his son,have settled in the outhouse.
le docteur
A wealthy financier is murdered in his desirable mansion.Two lieutenants, a tough guy and a rookie, investigate.
Граф Роже де Таншбрей был сочтён погибшим в сражении с казаками в Шампани, во время Французской кампании 1814 года, ставшей прелюдией к падению Наполеона. Однако он сумел выжить, но на лице остались страшные шрамы от казацкой сабли. Для соблазнителя и сердцееда это страшный удар. Он возвращается домой в Нормандию в маске. Кожаный Нос компенсирует утраченную красоту эротическими безумствами, вошедшими в легенды.
До тех пор, пока ему не встретится девушка по имени Жюдит де Рьюсс, которая попытается ценой своей благородной души и репутации утихомирить его отчаяние. Она даже готова выйти за него замуж, но Таншбрей, несмотря на свои чувства к ней, отказывается… В образе Кожаного Носа представлена молодёжь Франции, потерявшая ориентиры после Революции и падения империи и безуспешно пытающаяся найти выход.
le juge d'instruction
Состоятельный владелец мануфактуры, Франсуа Донж, попадает в госпиталь, будучи отравленным своей женой Элизабет. Борясь за свою жизнь, Франсуа вспоминает всю историю своих взаимоотношений с ней. Всё началось 10 лет назад, когда уже вполне состоятельный Франсуа встречает молодую девушку, ищущую любви - Элизабет...
Le commissaire
Почтальон Жан, боксёр Марсель, актёр Роже, студент Андре и сын богатых родителей Филипп — пятеро фронтовых друзей, возвращаясь к мирной жизни, поклялись сохранить дружбу навсегда. Но в такое тяжёлое время это оказывается не так просто. Безработный Роже снова встречает свою сестру певицу Валери в ночном клубе. Некто Фредо нанимает его для подозрительного дела…
Doctor Charles Tannard
Professor Louis Delage is a kidney transplant specialist. He is so good in his field that his peers nickname him the "great man". But one day, one of his patients die during surgery and Delage starts doubting. Is he actually such a great man? To fight desperation he decides to take in the deceased child while devoting more time to Florence, his hitherto neglected wife.
A young intellectual, Hugo, joins the Communist Party out of a sense of idealism, only to see his principles manipulated by party leaders. He is given the assignment of killing Professor Hoederer, a party deviationist. However, he grows to admire the man and begins to have doubts about morals and revolutionary politics. But jealousy - Hugo thinks Hoederer has made love to his wife, Jessica - takes matters out of the political realm.
Inspector Paulot
When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
Young Michel is in love with the attractive Madeleine, so he decides to tell his parents of his intention to marry her. He thinks his announcement is innocent enough; his engagement, however, threatens to reveal dark secrets lurking within his family's home. Yvonne, Michel's overbearing mother, concocts an elaborate scheme to drive Madeleine away, thus keeping uncomfortable household truths from being exposed.
The principal
Janvier, an embittered teacher, is fed up with his colorless, monotonous life. One day he breaks away and ends up becoming a circus clown. In his new world, he meets a beautiful acrobat nicknamed Lili and grows fonder and fonder of her every day of his life. The trouble is that the lady bestows her favors to two different lovers : wealthy married man Chardeuil and good-looking but listless young Antonio. He now considers his duty to make Lili recover her dignity.
Alain Marchal, wrongly accused of murdering his wife, escapes from prison the day before his execution. Before committing suicide, he contacts Monsieur Charles, a retired gangster, and asks him to investigate, find the real culprit and clear his name. Monsieur Charles accepts his request and along with his wife Ginette and two former accomplices, Paragraphe and Teddy Coffre fort, embarks on his counter-investigation.
Le juge d'instruction (uncredited)
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
Belle's Father
Давным-давно, жил был купец с сыном Людовиком и тремя дочерьми. Однажды купец заблудился в лесу и попал в заколдованный замок. В прекрасном саду он увидел розу и сорвал ее для любимой дочери Белль, но тут появился страшный монстр - владелец замка. Разгневанное чудовище обещало убить купца, но согласилось заменить его на Белль. Когда красавица приходит в замок, она обнаруживает, что Чудовище не так жестоко, как выглядит, у него есть душа и сердце...
Le docteur Lestrade
Commander Gerard and his band of guerrillas have found the ideal hideout: a nursing home in the Alps where, along with the mentally ill, are also hiding a Jewish girl and a Swiss doctor who might be a spy for the Germans ...
A series of crimes is being perpetrated around a famous singer. Strangely, during each of the crimes, the artist's voice is heard humming his favorite song. Suspicions lead to a chase through a nocturnal Paris, ending in a disused theater where the assassin has lured his final victim.
Frivolity merchant (uncredited)
Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe.
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Le directeur de la P.J.
Полгода без толку обивает пороги Сыскной полиции молодая парижанка Сесиль Пардон, встревоженная тем, что в квартире, где она обитает вдвоём с тетей-инвалидом, по ночам бывает кто-то посторонний. Не слишком доверяет словам Сесили и комиссар Мегрэ, хотя он не видит оснований считать девушку сумасшедшей. Однако убийство тёти и необъяснимое исчезновение самой Сесили заставляют комиссара вспомнить все подробности её рассказов и ближе познакомиться с историей семейства Пардонов.
A famous convict Jacques Collin, alias Trompe la mort, or abbot Carlos Herrera, also called Vautrin, escapes from prison. Chance makes him meet Lucien de Rubempré, an impetuous and eternal lover who, when he is dismissed, collapses. Moved by this fragility, he takes him under his wing, and will do everything possible to ensure that his creature reaches happiness, even if it means imagining the worst shenanigans and other scams, with the help of a band of clever villains.
L'avocat général
A scientist who have discovered how to turn salt water into petrol dies before he has revealed his formula. By mistake it's assumed that his assistant knows it although he does not.
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
James Morris
In 1919, Pierre Darmont, a handsome, much-loved piano virtuoso, falls in love with Anne Morris, a young woman who shares his tender feelings. But, quite inexplicably, after an unforgettable night, Anne vanishes without trace. Twenty years later, Pierre, at the peak of his glory, has become embittered. Unable to recover his unhappy love affair, he has collected women without ever committing himself to any. Until some night he meets the eyes of a beautiful young lady, who happens to be the spitting image of his great love...
L'archiduc Frédéric
Франц Фердинанд, наследник Австро-Венгерской империи, выбирает себе в жены особу некоролевских кровей. Этим, а также своими политическими взглядами, он развязывает руки недругам. В июне 1914 года он и его жена Софи едут в Сараево, где и находят свою смерть.
Le chirurgien
A young couple, Renée and Pierre, take one night a room at the Hôtel du Nord, in Paris, near the canal Saint-Martin. They want to die together, but having shot at Renée, Pierre lacked the courage to finish the job and fled. Another customer, Monsieur Edmond, a procurer, rescues her. When Renée goes out of the hospital, she is hired as a waitress at the hotel. Monsieur Edmond falls in love with her, but Renée is still thinking of Pierre...
About the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of the First World War. Focuses on the relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
Le baron Vincent
Camille Morestan serves as a jury member at a court in Paris. The attractive Natalie Roguin is accused of murder. Morestan doesn't want to believe she really killed her lover. He succeeds in convincing the other jury members she was innocent. After her acquittal he takes her into his house. While he tries to keep her identity a secret for his family her presence leads to a number of unfortunate incidents.
le commandant Rémont
Fictionalized reconstruction of the life of the French spy Marthe Richard who decided to contact the secret services during the First World War.
A man from a wealthy family falls in love with a florist, but the lover has to go to war and to leave his darling crying... and giving birth to a child.
At the turn of the last century, a beautiful spy takes advantage of a handsome officer to get across the Russian border without her passport. They fall in love. But the Grand Duke also falls in love with the young woman, who has in fact been assigned to kill him. A jealous mistress kills the spy before she can commit the crime.
Ruined by his competitor, the banker Saccard decides to set up a new business.
Maître Lebel
A rich banker is actually a crook. His mistress, an alien, wants to become French and the only way is to marry a Frenchman.
Trying to acclimatize a group of overworked city dwellers from very different backgrounds to the open air and work in the fields, such is the unusual challenge that an original practitioner, the curious doctor Bouvard, is attempting. The trial, which involves many risks, gives unexpected but not disappointing results.
When the war is over, a captain finds it very difficult to reintegrate into civilian life. Nothing happens, neither in journalism nor in insurance.
Gaston Rival
Madame Leclerc, concierge of a beautiful place on Montmartre, has three daughters who are ready to get married - but things do not always go as planned.
Away in the colonies for 15 years after his girlfriend has jilted him, Leopold returns to his village to resume involvement with women ,hopefully with better results.
Le réalisateur
A film actress falls for an extra on her set, he turns out to be a prince.
Prefect of police
Under the regime of Louis XVIII. Years after Waterloo, Napoleon's loyal officers live in retirement on half-pay. Useless and idle, they have lost their prestige and keep meeting in the hope of the Emperor’s return. When Napoleon dies, they decide to plot the rise to power of Napoleon II.
le procureur général
A jealous young woman murders her husband's mistress. A notorious scoundrel is accused of the crime. When, seized with remorse, the young woman goes to see the prosecutor to confess her crime, she is hit by a car and loses her memory. Her husband judges that she has earned the right to be forgotten and to happiness.
Désiré Chopin, hunter on foot and friend of François de Crecy, uses a thousand tricks to encourage the love between François and Gaby. Little Margoton is in love with Désire who disdains her. She becomes the darling of the battalion.
Le commissaire
Fresh out of prison a small-time crook finds his girlfriend's dropped him, which sends him into a murderous rage.
When the husband of a rich lady is unfaithful, she plays the role of a chambermaid to a less prominent man.
le docteur Gaston
This is the French-language version produced by MGM of Let Us Be Gay (1930))