Pilar Souza

Смерть : 1999-07-18


Antes meridiano
A 70 year old woman returns to a solitary train station where she recalls a strange encounter she had there 20 years ago.
Traficantes de Niños
Film about child trafficking in México.
Perfect Woman
Mamá de Marcela
Sex-goddess movie star tries to adapt to housewife status.
La madre
Mexican feature film
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Anyway, Juan is Your Name
Analytical view of one of the least reported conflicts of national cinema: the Cristero movement that developed in the regions of western Mexico between 1926 and 1929, highlighting the inability to be faithful to both the Church and the State.
The traumatic story of an old bourgueoise in Mexico City, his relationship with his crazy grandmother, his sexually troubled past and his sick crush on the young and beautiful maid of the house.
El principio
Juana la loca
Mexico is in the midst of Revolution when the protagonist returns after studying in Paris to find his native town in Chihuahua occupied by Francisco Villa’s revolutionary forces. He visits his deserted home and remembers people and events from his adolescence that provide glimpses of pre-Revolutionary society under dictatorship: his uncle, the chief of police; his sister’s involvement with a liberal political association; bathing with the girls from a local brothel; a labor strike that ended in a massacre. Returning to the present he discovers that his father has been assassinated and, in the company of his father’s former servant, joins the revolutionary movement.
Queen Doll
Madre de Amilamia
A man becomes more and more infatuated with his childhood sweetheart leading to a haunting encounter with horror.
Tancredo, a poor man, is in love with a rich girl, who does not return his feelings. One day when she is bathing in a river, a flood sweeps her away and Tancredo is unable to save her. Mad with grief, he steals the sun. The gods call Apolinar to restore light to the earth, but he is obstructed by the magician of darkness, until by means of a telescope he is able to send a bag of light to Tancredo, now grown old. Tancredo goes to the seashore and opens the bag of light as an offering to his beloved, whereupon the sun returns to the earth.
Los años vacios
A young woman's older brother returns home for the first time since before she was born. But... is it really him?
Знаки зодиака
Ana Romana
По одноименной пьесе известного мексиканского драматурга Серхио Маганья. Герои фильма – жители одного старого дома на окраине большого мексиканского города. Это бедные люди, жизнь которых беспросветна и тяжела. Это привратница Анна и её муж Даниель, состарившаяся певица Лола, семья Вальтер и многие другие. Все их попытки вырваться из нищеты к светлой и счастливой жизни оказываются тщетными.
Ткач чудес
В ночь под рождество в маленькую мексиканскую деревушку въезжают на осле индеец Арнульфо и его жена Хансита, которая с минуты на минуту должна родить. Местная акушерка Ремедиос и ее воспитанник, двадцатилетний Теофилос, решили использовать создавшуюся ситуацию в своих корыстных целях. И вот по деревне разнесся слух, что в хлеву у Ремедиос рожает женщина, приехавшая на осле как дева Мария. Охваченные религиозным фанатизмом, крстьяне кинулись к дому Ремедиос. Они верят, что совершается чудо, что «новый» Христос, который должен родиться, принесет всем счастье и благосостояние. Не скупясь, они дают Ремедиос и Теофилосу деньги для будущего ребенка. Священник не в силах доказать фанатичной толпе, что родился самый обыкновенный ребенок. И тогда он идет на крайние меры: незаметно умерщвляет ребенка. Виля, что новорожденный оказался смертным, толпа верующих быстро расходится.