Alphonse Ethier

Alphonse Ethier

Рождение : 1874-12-10, Virginia City, Nevada, USA

Смерть : 1943-01-04


Alphonse Ethier


Sunset Trail
Disguising himself as a milquetoast Easterner who writes Western novels, Hoppy enrolls in a dude ranch in order to unmask the murderer of the owner's husband.
Баронесса и её слуга
Дворецкий (Пауэлл) избирается в венгерский парламент, где он выступает против правительства своего господина.
Romance of Louisiana
A short historical drama about the Louisiana Purchase.
The Boss Rider of Gun Creek
Doc. Northrup
A man impersonates his double to clear himself of a murder conviction.
Mad Love
Assistant Prefect (Uncredited)
An insane surgeon's obsession with an actress leads him to replace her wounded pianist husband's hands with the hands of a knife murderer--hands which still have the urge to throw knives.
Город на границе
После окончания юридического факультета в Лос-Анджелесе смелый и амбициозный американец мексиканского происхождения Джонни Рамирес проигрывает свое первое судебное дело. Все происходит потому, что он плохо подготовлен к судебному разбирательству, однако полагает, что он стал жертвой дискриминации и в сердцах нападает на адвоката противоположной стороны. За эту безобразную сцену его лишают адвокатской практики и он уезжает в небольшой городок на южной границе, где устраивается вышибалой в местное игорное заведение.
Red Morning
The Village Chief
A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.
Secret of the Chateau
Murder results when a group of houseguests converge on a chateau, each plotting to steal a valuable Gutenberg Bible.
British Agent
Paul DeVigney
An Englishman falls in love with a Russian spy.
Voice in the Night
W.T. Dale
Tim Dale is the son of the president of a big-city telephone company and quits his job following a dispute with his father over company policy. He takes up polo playing. Circumstances force him to give up his polo-playing and take on the job of helping a small-town telephone company overcome a plan by a gang to force the company out of business. He calls in his telephone-company pals Bob Hall and Jack to aid him against the crooks led by Matthews and Jackson, working for crooked lawyer Thomas Benton.
No More Women
Captain Brent
Two deep-sea divers, known only by their nicknames of "Three-Time" and "Forty-Fathoms," find that no place on earth is big enough for both of them at the same time, even the bottom of the ocean. All day long they fight to salvage sunken gold at forty fathoms deep in the ocean, and all night long they fight over dames. This situation continues even when they both go to work for Helen Young, the owner of a tug-boat and a salvage business.
Большое потрясение
Norma's Doctor (uncredited)
Former bootlegger Dutch Barnes pressures neighborhood druggist Jimmy Morrell into making cut-rate knockoff toiletry, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
Golden Harvest
Wheat Farmer (uncredited)
A play by Nina Wilcox Putnam was the source for the empire-building drama Golden Harvest. Ambitious grain trader Chris Martin corners the wheat market and becomes a millionaire. Outgrowing his humble farm beginnings, Chris makes a bid for respectability by marrying Chicago socialite Cynthia Flint.
Adolf Cragg
Лили Пауэрс работает официанткой в баре собственного отца. Отец беспринципный человек, готовый ради выгоды продать и собственную дочь, что он и делает, заставляя ее уединяться с клиентами с 14 лет. Однажды ее отец погибает во время несчастного случая. Она решает с подружкой Чико уехать зайцами в товарном вагоне. Там их застает работник железной дороги и грозит сдать в полицию, но он сражен доступностью юной соблазнительницы. Попав в Нью-Йорк, девушка всеми правдами и неправдами сначала устраивается на работу, а потом активизирует свое восхождение наверх, не имея никакого опыта, но зато владея могучим оружием обольщения…
Бывшая возлюбленная
Mr. Adolphe Bauer - Helen's Father
Хелен Бауэр, гламурная, успешная, и очень свободомыслящая Нью-Йоркская художница с современными представлениями о романтике, встречается с Доном Петерсоном, но не хочет жертвовать своей независимостью, вступая в брак. Они решают пожениться только чтобы успокоить консервативного и старомодного отца Хелен, Адольфа. Они открывают собственное рекламное агенство, но финансовые проблемы в бизнесе осложняют их отношения, и Дон начинает встречаться с Пегги Смит, одной из своих замужних клиенток. Обнаружив измену Дона, Хелен начинает встречается с его деловым конкурентом, плейбоем Ником Мэлвином.
Men Of America
Indian Tom
Bank robbers and killers cause mayhem in a small western town.
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Mr Cobb
A young girl from Sunnybrook goes to live with her wealthy relatives and falls in love with a doctor. Adapted from Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous novel.
Honor of the Family
Intrigue and greed come between an immoral woman and the man who loves her. This film is believed lost.
Maria's Father
When British mining engineer Robert Maury is sent to India on an extended business trip, his wife Elsie finds romance with a Spanish playboy.
Fair Warning
Mr. Cumberland
This George O'Brien western is based on a novel by Max Brand, previously filmed as the 1920 Tom Mix vehicle The Untamed. Cast as devil-may-car Whistlin' Dan Barry, our hero rides into a passel of trouble in a wide-open town. Warned to leave the premises or else, Whistlin' Dan refuses to do so, sticking around long enough to whomp villain Jim Silent (Mitchell Lewis) and romance heroine Kate Cumberland (Louise Huntington).
Mr. Harper
Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.
Большая слежка
Town Marshal (uncredited)
Брек Коулмэн человек молодой и горячий, желающий отомстить за смерть своего старого друга. Он подозревает Реда Флэка и его подручного Лопеса и чтобы подтвердить свои подозрения он присоединяется к группе переселенцев, следующих на Запад под началом Флэка. Во время похода Брек знакомится с дочерью полковника — Рут Кэмерон, которая присоединяется к каравану вместе с младшим братом и маленькой сестрой и между молодыми людьми вспыхивает взаимное чувство, хотя они оба с гонором и не хотят признаться в этом друг другу.
The Storm
Jacques Fachard
Burr and Dave, two close friends who have backed each other up in countless difficulties, are torn apart by the arrival of a woman, Manette, who becomes stranded with them in their cabin during a raging blizzard.
His First Command
Col. Gaylord
A playboy is in love with a woman and enters the army thinking it will improve his chances with her.
The Donovan Affair
Capt. Peter Rankin
Inspector Killian tries to solve a murder case with his assistant Carney.
Smoke Bellew
Harry Sprague
A tale of the great Alaska gold rush in which a man falsely accused of murder tracks down the guilty man.
В старой Аризоне
Sheriff (uncredited)
Несомненная классика мирового кино. Кинокартина, во время съемок которой режиссер Рауль Уолш лишился глаза. Первый в истории мирового кинематографа вестерн, со звуком записанным не в интерьерах студии, а на натуре. Кассовый хит, снятый по мотивам рассказа классика американской прозы О'Генри. Фильм послуживший началом в длинном ряду лент о приключениях благородного бандита Циско Кида. Кинолента, за участие в которой Уорнер Бакстер получил золотую статуэтку на второй церемонии премии "Оскар" в номинации лучшая мужская роль.
Shadows of the Night
Gray plays a reporter trying to unravel a murder involving organized crime. Lorraine plays the heroine.
Say It with Sables
Mitchell (as Alphonz Ethier)
In this silent film, now considered lost, Doug Caswell falls for Irene, his wealthy father's mistress. It's up to Doug's stepmother Helen to put things right.
The Fighting Eagle
Maj. Oliver
The exploits of Brigadier Gerard who helps expose Foreign Minister Talleyrand as a traitor to Napoleon.
Alias the Lone Wolf
Police Inspector Crone
Michael Lanyard, aka the Lone Wolf, is sailing to America when he meets pretty Eve de Montalais. Eve wants to sneak her valuable necklace through U.S. customs so that she can use the money from its sale to help straighten out her brother. The only problem is that there is a gang of jewel thieves on board who are just as determined to steal the necklace.
The Lone Wolf Returns
The Lone Wolf Returns
The Midnight Flyer
Jeb Slater
The speed of lightning; the roar of thunder; the thrills of an earthquake; it's "The midnight flyer".
The Alaskan
John Graham
An Alaskan defies robber barons intent on corrupting the new state.
A Message from Mars
Sandy Burke of the U-Bar-U
Jim Diggs
Brave and good-natured cowboy Sandy Burke saves young Dolly after her father is killed in the saloon. He entrusts the girl to kindly Widow Mackey, who is having trouble paying her mortgage and decides he is responsible for the pair so he best start earning some money. Soon he is seeking work at the U-Bar-U ranch but who could predict the trouble he will have with the rancher's daughter, Molly, or the surly foreman, Jim Diggs!
I Want to Forget
August Von Grossman
Prior to the declaration of World War I, dancer Varda Deering was a member of the Austrian secret service, but later became a loyal citizen of the United States. In America, she captivates many men but cares for none of them until she meets Lieutenant John Long. At first, he regards Varda as little more than a social butterfly, but gradually comes to recognize her goodness and falls in love with her. While John is away on a war-related diplomatic mission, Varda agrees to aid the U.S. Secret Service in procuring classified documents from August Von Grossman, an agent whom she had known in Austria.
Rough and Ready
Jack Belmont
In New York, Bill Stratton saves a friend's marriage, but Bill's fiancée, Evelyn, misinterprets the situation and believes Bill to be unfaithful to her. She breaks her engagement, and Bill, in remorse, goes to Alaska. In the town of Yellow Gulch, Bill meets "Silver" Jack Belmont, the man responsible for nearly ruining the marriage of Bill's friend.
The Forbidden Path
William Sinclair
Mary Lynde (Theda Bara) is an innocent girl who has grown up in New York's Greenwich Village. One of the artists there, Felix Benavente (Sidney Mason), uses her as model when he paints a portrait of the Madonna for a church. His friend Robert Sinclair (Hugh Thompson) corrupts Mary so that her father (Walter Law) casts her from his home. She goes to live with Sinclair in his mountain lodge, but after the birth of a child, he callously casts her aside. Subsequently, her baby dies and she sinks to the depths of despair.
The Patriot and the Spy
Two young people marry in a Continental village and receive the congratulations of all save the rejected suitor. He bides his time while the couple live happily and are blessed twice with children. War is declared after the husband has suffered an injury for life and the rejected suitor enlists.
She was the first attempt in film to depict the story of H. Rider Haggard's 1886 novel She: A History of Adventure.
Elaborately produced version of the well known George O. Nichols fairy tale interrupted by just a few summarizing intertitles, with Florence LaBadie and Harry Benham.
David Copperfield
Thanhouser Company three-reel silent film based on Charles Dickens’s story of an English lad's tribulation-filled journey to adulthood, Thanhouser released the three films over the course of three weeks beginning on October 17, 1911, one 1,000 foot reel per week.
The Old Curiosity Shop
A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee.