B.P. Schulberg

Рождение : 1892-01-19, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Смерть : 1957-02-25


City Without Men
A young woman's husband has been imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. In order to be near him to try to help him get his sentence overturned, she moves into a boardinghouse near the prison whose residents are the wives of inmates.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
Blossoms On Broadway
A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.
She's No Lady
Alden "Bill" Carter III sees a beautiful woman, Jerry, dining alone at the Park Savoy in New York, and after a brief flirtation, introduces himself. After he entreats her to be his "mystery woman" to make his girl friend jealous, Jerry agrees to attend a reception that night with him at the Douglas home. This plays right into Jerry's plans, as she is a jewel thief who intends to steal the Douglas jewels with her cohorts, Uncle John and Jeff...
Her Husband Lies
J. Ward Thomas of Park Avenue leads a double life as an investment broker and as notorious gambler Spade Martin, despite the protests of his beautiful wife Natalie, a nightclub singer who retired when they married. Spade's younger brother "Chick" wires Spade from Seattle that he has quit gambling for a job in real estate and is about to marry a nice girl named Betty. Relieved to find his kid brother is straight, Spade sends him $10,000 cash as a wedding present. When a woman posing as a pregnant wife comes to Spade for a loan, Spade gives it to her. Later, when Steve Burdick, the woman's supposed husband, brags in a bar that he made a fool of Spade, Spade's hit man, Trigger, kills Burdick. Tired of Spade's gambling, Natalie books a return engagement at Cafe Nocturne, telling him that she is a singer rather than a wife now.
John Meade's Woman
"Teddy" Connor, a woman recently orphaned, leaves her uncle's Midwestern farm for Chicago, where she meets "lumber king" John Meade. John takes her in for a hot meal and sends her roses the next day. John is engaged to penniless society beauty Caroline Haig, who is in love with Rodney Bentley and is marrying John for his money. A jovial millionaire without a conscience, John orders his long-time employee, Tim Mathews, to report to Chicago from the lumber mills and announces he is leaving the lumber business for wheat. Although Tim insists they reforest their lumber lands, John ignores his plea. For laughs, John invites Teddy and Tim to his engagement party at Caroline's wealthy friend's estate. Teddy, realizing John is engaged to a woman who does not love him, drowns her tears in liquor and embarrasses Caroline.
Wedding Present
Charlie Mason and Rusty Fleming are star reporters on a Chicago tabloid who are romantically involved as well. Although skilled in ferreting out great stories, they often behave in an unprofessional and immature manner. After their shenanigans cause their frustrated city editor to resign, the publisher promotes Charlie to the job, a decision based on the premise that only a slacker would be able crack down on other shirkers and underachievers. His pomposity soon alienates most of his co-workers and causes Rusty to move to New York. Charlie resigns and along with gangster friend Smiles Benson tries to win Rusty back before she marries a stuffy society author.
Lady of Secrets
Because of a very unhappy affair she had earlier in her life, a woman shuts herself off from the rest of the world.
She Couldn't Take It
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
Kiss and Make-Up
Dr. Maurice Lamar is a noted plastic surgeon who makes his rich clients beautiful, and also makes them. He makes Eve Caron, the wife of Marcel Caron, so satisfied with his skilled hands that she leaves Marcel and marries Maurice. They go on a Mediterranean honeymoon, where he soon finds the effects of his own beauty regulations are more than he can handle. He bids adieu to his new bride, and wings it back to Paris with the intention of giving up his practice and becoming a scientific researcher... after winning back the love of his simple, unadorned secretary, Anne.
Thirty Day Princess
A European princess arrives in New York City to secure a much-needed loan for her country. She contracts the mumps, and an actress who looks exactly like her is hired to impersonate her.
Good Dame
A chorus girl gets stranded in a small midwestern town. Against her better judgement, she hooks up with a smooth-talking con artist who says he can help her get out of town.
Three-Cornered Moon
Elizabeth Rimplegar inhabits a household populated by virtual lunatics. Her mother, Nellie, mishandled the family fortune, and, alas, the stock market crash has depleted their worth. Elizabeth's goofy brothers cannot easily adjust to the life of the average worker. Meanwhile, the family doctor has his eye on Elizabeth, but he will have to compete with her suitor, an ill-informed writer.
Jennie Gerhardt
This turn-of-the-century tragedy chronicles the sorrowful travails of a woman who endures a series of devastating losses.
The Crime of the Century
A doctor who is also a “mentalist” confesses to a murder. The only problem is that the murder he’s confessed to hasn’t happened yet – although dead bodies are now starting to turn up all over the place. A reporter sets out to solve the “mystery”.
Luxury Liner
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
Madame Butterfly
Pinkerton marries Cho-Cho San in Japan, whilst on shore leave. When he leaves, she keeps his Japanese home as he left it. He returns three years later, having married again in America, and tells Cho-Cho that their affair is over. She has had a child in his absence, who is sent to her family, before she kills herself.
Million Dollar Legs
Executive Producer
A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.
Make Me a Star
A grocery clerk, longing to become a cowboy actor, goes to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, his acting ability is non-existent.
No Limit
Theater usherette Bunny O'Day (Clara Bow) inadvertently becomes hostess of a private gambling den, and gets involved in a romance with a ne'er-do-well gambler.
Дело об убийстве Бенсона
General Manager
Циничный и безжалостный биржевой маклер убит в своём шикарном загородном поместье. Фило Вэнс, случайно оказавшийся на месте преступления, решает выяснить, кто убийца.
Dangerous Paradise
Production Manager
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
В дебрях Вайоминга появляется новый ковбой и предводитель команды гонщиков скота, которого все зовут Вирджинец, помогающий богатому фермеру присматривать за стадом рогатого скота. В городке он встречается со своим старым приятелем Стивом. В салуне, куда они зашли пропустить стаканчик за встречу, происходит стычка с главарём игроков в покер Трампасом. Поставив на место Трампаса, Вирджинец нажил себе смертельного врага, но его это мало беспокоит. Он увлёкся девушкой, только что приехавшей из Новой Англии молоденькой учительницей, и наперегонки с другом ухаживает за ней. Тем временем Трампас склоняет Стива к нечестному делу, а попросту воровству бычков из стада, которым Стив за хорошую мзду ставит тайно чужое клеймо.
The Greene Murder Case
Philo Vance investigates when a murderer preys upon members of a wealthy family on New York's Upper East Side.
The Wild Party
General Manager
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
Пристани Нью-Йорка
General Manager
Один из последних фильмов заканчивающейся эпохи немого кино. Неповоротливый кочегар Билл (Джозеф Бэнкрофт) вытаскивает бродягу Мэй (Бетти Компсон) из воды. Они оказываются в шумном салуне и в спешке обещают друг другу жениться. При этом они почти не осознают, что блефуют, обманывают друг друга и себя. Утренний свет приносит опустошение, разочарование, отрезвление, и Билл уходит, чтобы получить наказание за украденное для Мэй платье.
Abie's Irish Rose
Associate Producer
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.
Red Hair
A free-spirited young girl has three middle-aged admirers, each of whom sees her from a completely different perspective. Unknown to her, they also happen to be the guardians of a wealthy young man to whom she is attracted.
Последний приказ
Офицер русского царя, Великий Князь Сергей Александрович предал революционера Льва Андреева тюрьме, обольщая при этом его жену Наташу. Она планирует убить его, но понимает, что Князь в глубине души человек чести, который любит Россию. И она помогает ему скрыться от большевиков, при этом сама погибает. Много лет спустя Сергей Александрович обеднел и поселился недалеко от Голливуда как разнорабочий. Его директор не кто иной, как давний враг Лев Андреев.
The Woman on Trial
Associate Producer
A story of a woman who committed a murder.
The Rough Riders
Associate Producer
The story of the military unit organized by future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and its adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
Преступный мир
Гангстер Булл Вид, некоронованный король преступного мира, подбирает спившегося и опустившегося адвоката, помогает ему и даёт кличку Роллс-Ройс. Образованный Роллс-Ройс становится мозгом банды Булла. Дело осложняется, когда Роллс-Ройс и девушка Булла по прозвищу Перья влюбляются друг в друга…
Rough House Rosie
A poor but ambitious young girl is determined to crash high society, but isn't prepared for the reception she receives.
The Whirlwind of Youth
Associate Producer
The Eagle of the Sea
Associate Producer
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
Капкан на мужчину
Associate Producer
Джо Истер — закоренелый холостяк средних лет, кладовщик магазина в канадской глуши. Устав от уединенного образа жизни, он отправляется развеяться в Миннеаполис, где знакомится с кокетливой маникюршей по имени Алверна и неожиданного для самого себя женится на ней. Вскоре счастье супругов оказывается под угрозой. В их городок приезжает на отдых женоненавистник Ральф Прескотт, нью-йоркский адвокат, специализирующийся на разводах. Джо приглашает Ральфа остановиться в его доме, думая, что общение с новым человеком развлечет его молодую жену.
Пластмассовый век
В колледж Прескотт поступает новичок — прилежный студент и чемпион по бегу Хью Карвер. Он с первого взгляда влюбляется в Синтию Дэй, звезду студенческого городка, которая прославилась своим разгульным образом жизни. Хью и Синтия начинают встречаться. В колледже на Хью возлагают большие надежды, однако затягивающиеся заполночь свидания с Синтией выматывают его настолько, что на спортивные тренировки не остается сил. Родители юноши и тренер Хенли приходят в отчаянье. После одной безумной ночи, когда Хью спасает своего соперника Карла Петерса от преследования полиции, Синтия понимает, что толкает его на кривую дорожку и принимает благородное решение больше с ним не встречаться. Хью быстро восстанавливает спортивную форму, и благодаря ему футбольная команда колледжа побеждает на соревнованиях. Наградой самому Карверу становится любовь Синтии.
Парижская любовь
Мари и Арман, бывшие танцоры парижского кабаре, в паре со своим приятелем-вором нападают ночью на богатого ученого Пьера Марселя. Пока они обирают его карманы, между Арманом и его подельником происходит ссора — помешав вору убить ученого, Арман в драке убивает приятеля, но прежде тот успевает ранить его. Из благодарности Марсель забирает истекающего кровью Армана к себе в дом. Мари удается скрыться до прихода полиции.
My Lady's Lips
A newspaper publisher finds out that his wild daughter has fallen in with a ring of gamblers. A reporter who has infiltrated the gang to get a story falls in love with the gang's female leader, and when the two are caught in a police raid, they find themselves in equal amounts of trouble.
Capital Punishment
This is not a Clara Bow vehicle, and yet it is clearly the aspect/asset of Clara Bow which elevates a fairly serious melodrama to a timeless and profound social statement. Opening the film on death row where the handsome youth awaits the chair, a stirring test of the legal system evolves after two elite types conspire to expose its inadequacies. Elite, jaded society lawyer Gordon Harrington fabricates a murder, implicating an entirely "hired" fall-guy, one Dan O'Connor, while the bored playboy-type hides away on a yacht until the points are proven and the legal system has been disgraced. Naturally, something goes wrong, the playboy really turns up murdered, and O'Connor is now the accused, imprisoned murderer scheduled to be hanged.
April Showers
This silent romantic melodrama is believed to be lost.
Жёны бедняков
Лора Бедфорд выходит замуж за бедного таксиста Джима Маберна, а ее подруга Кларибель — за богача Ричарда Смит-Блантона. Спустя несколько лет судьба вновь сводит женщин вместе. Кларибель приглашает Лору на бал, и та с радостью соглашается. Так как Лора очень бедна, она вынуждена взять бальное платье напрокат. На празднике у Кларибель за ней начинает увиваться Смит-Блантон, но Лора не реагирует на его авансы. После бала дети Лоры нечаянно портят взятое напрокат платье, и женщине приходится возместить убыток, заплатив все скудные сбережения Джима. Узнав об этом, Джим выгоняет ее, однако затем ему приходится защитить жену от навязчивого ухаживания Смит-Блантона, и между супругами вновь воцаряется мир.
Tess of the Storm Country
A young girl, squatting on a wealthy man's land fights for her fellow squatters' right to stay.
In the Bishop's Carriage
A lost film. A successful stage actress with a hidden past as a criminal is kept on the path of righteousness by a benefactor.