Svetla Yancheva

Svetla Yancheva

Рождение : 1964-01-31, Burgas, Bulgaria


Svetla Yancheva


Камал, молодой иракский мужчина, пытается дойти пешком до Европы. На турецко-болгарской границе его ловят пограничники, но ему удается сбежать. Так Камал оказывается в лесу, где не действуют правила и законы, а местные наемники охотятся на мигрантов.
Светла – учительница и вдова, недавно потерявшая работу. Деревня, в которой она живет, находится недалеко от границы Болгарии с Турцией, и рядом часто появляются беженцы. Однажды во время охоты в лесу Светла встречает мигранта из Африки. Это приводит к драматическому повороту в ее жизни. Она вынуждена восстать против людей, с которыми жила, поскольку они выгоняют беженцев.
8' 19
8 minutes and 19 seconds – that’s all the time we have until the news about the death of the sun reaches us. That's what it takes for the light to travel from there to here. And then the darkness comes… But the theme of this Apocalypse is not necessarily going to be expressed through a global cataclysm, horsemen of the apocalypse, angels of death, fire and destruction. It will rather be shown as something very personal, intimate and almost silent.
Lift for Patients
In hopes that they can help each other, a psychiatrist arranges for a suicidal young man and a terminally ill woman to meet.
Т2 Трейнспоттинг (На игле 2)
Veronika's Mother
Прошло двадцать лет. Рентон возвращается в единственное место, которое может считать своим домом. Они все ждут его: Кочерыжка, Кайфолом и Бегби. А вместе с ними другие старые знакомые: месть и страх, ненависть и любовь, дружба, сожаление и надежда. Все они выстроились в шеренгу, приветствуя Рентона, и он, кажется, готов к ним присоединиться.
The Boy's mother
A couple and their teenage son eke out a living on a hilltop, doing the laundry for local hotels, despite the intermittent water supply. Their simple life is overturned by the arrival of a father-and-daughter team of diviner and well-digger, who promise to bring an end to this precarious existence by finding a source on their arid hill. But ultimately, these newcomers quench a thirst far greater than than the simple need for water.
The Sinking of Sozopol
This is a film about love, ten bottles of vodka and a town that must sink. Because when hope is gone, Miracle is the last resort.
Manol — a retired general and a loving grandfather — is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day, he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.
Viktor's Mother
While hitchhiking from Sofia to Ruse, Kamen meets Avé, a 17-year-old runaway girl. With each ride they hitch, Avé invents new identities for them, and her compulsive lies get Kamen deeper and deeper into trouble. Reluctantly drawn into this adventure, Kamen begins to fall in love with the fleeting Avé.
The Saint Family
Nina is 12. Her mother, Nazca, who was laid off from the factory, finds work at a remote mountain dairy. Nina cannot continue her studies, but this is the only way to avoid repeating her mother's fate.
An investigator tries to solve a murder, her constant interviews with the main suspect cause the investigation to take many twists and turns as what is said is not always what is meant.
Lost and Found
(segment "Ritual, The")
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
Warming Up Yesterday's Lunch
Starata Katerina
High in the mountains of Macedonia a team of young film makers are making a documentary about Katerina Vandeva - a descendant of an ancient and very famous family. Several former state and party functionaries interfere in the filmmaking in the hopes of manipulating Katerina's confessions for their own purposes. Nikola, the director, and his friends have to make the choice - whether to compromise with their consciences and their art, (as normally happens here in the Balkans), or whether to preserve Katerina's message.
Fate as a Rat
It is a story about a group of friends who live in a small seaport town. Their lifestyle is rigorous, their joys are simple and their sex life is raw. Their concepts of man's dignity, friendship and duty are wrong and primitive. The film helps us to understand and forgive them.
Az grafinyata
A Bulgarian "Drugstore Cowboy." A teenage girl's rebellion through drugs becomes a metaphor for the struggle between individuality and totalitarianism. Amidst the political upheaval of 1968, Sybilla (the "Countess") is sent to a girls' re-education camp when she is caught using drugs. After a failed affair and an abortion, Sybilla's drug use lands her in a mental clinic where she resists efforts to remold her personality. Based on a true story.
Running Dogs
Zhana (as Svetla Yancheva)
This is a film about the fate of a group of students and their wondering to find their true place in life. Of course each of them tries to find his own way.