Miguel Schverdfinger


Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave through the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.
Northern Skies Over Empty Space
With a keen sense of how to deploy omens that herald change, Alejandra Márquez Abella portrays a period of epochal change in rural Mexico – as seen by those who are usually restricted to the role of passive supporting actor.
Robe of Gems
Isabel and her family take possession of her mother’s villa in rural Mexico where they reconnect with their long-time domestic worker Mari, whose sister has disappeared.
The Other Tom
Elena is a single mother dependant on Social Services. Her son Tom has behaviour issues and is stigmatised at school as a "problem child". An absent father further complicates their difficult relationship. Tom is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and given psychiatric medication, but a strange accident alerts his mother as to their side effects. When she refuses to continue administering the drugs to him, Social Services threaten to take Tom from her.
Молитвы об украденных
Среди гор и маковых полей Мексики три подруги помогают друг другу восстановить искалеченные наркокартелем жизни.
Throw Everything Into Play
Ismael, a 12 year old boy, dreams to become a professional baseball player but he is asthmatic. One night, while approaching the girl he loves, he witnesses a crime.
История неожиданной дружбы проблемной девушки-подростка Крис и старого наездника быков Эйба, которая меняет их тяжёлые жизни к лучшему и даёт героям надежду на новый старт.
After a ten year absence, El Chato returns to San Ignacio, his hometown, in order to retrieve a shipment of cocaine that was dropped there by a cartel pilot.
Все будет хорошо
Фильм повествует о том, как богатая пара борется с кризисом в отношениях и экономическим кризисом, который поглотил Мексику в 1982 году.
Выйдя из тюрьмы, где она научилась ухаживать за больными, Альма преисполнена решимости найти место в жизни. Она находит работу сиделки, а ее клиентом становится Клемент, страдающий компульсивно-обсессивным расстройством, связанным со страхом внезапной смерти. Их отношения проходят стадии подозрительности, страха, сострадания, нежности и, наконец, любви.
Рамин бежит из Ирана и оказывается вдали от дома, а именно в Веракрузе, портовом городе тропической Мексики.
Twelve-year-old Camila is going through a difficult time. An introverted girl who seldom interacts with her classmates, she finds refuge in art in general and her sketchbook in particular. She is sad, and her inability to explain her sadness will greatly unsettle the adults around her
Перелётные птицы
Во времена «золотых лет» марихуаны, в то самое десятилетие, когда в Колумбии зародилась и расцвела наркоторговля, местные жители Рапайет и его семья оказываются втянутыми в войну за контроль над бизнесом, который в конце концов уничтожит их жизнь и их культуру.
The Eternal Feminine
Rosario Castellanos is an introverted university student who doesn't seem to belong to her time. In the early 1950s in Mexico City, she is fighting to have voice heard in a society run by men. She is about to become one of the biggest female writers in Mexican literature, but her tumultuous love story with Ricardo Guerra will manifest her fragility and contradictions. At the peak of her career and her marriage, she will ignite a discussion that will mark a turning point in her life.
Дон Диего де Зама — чиновник на службе испанского короля где-то в южноамериканской глуши. Семья далеко, ходят слухи о его переводе в город, но время идёт, а положение Замы становится всё более безнадёжным.
Everybody Loves Somebody
On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) suddenly shows up after disappearing from her life completely. Torn, Clara must decide between going back to the past or open her heart to new and unexpected possibilities.
The President of Mexico is in the last period of his term and only counting the days before his retirement. It appears to be a quiet adieu, until an international conflict has him treading murky waters.
She was Dania
Portraits the crude reality a young and troubled teenage mother faces, while searching for her identity. It is the story of a young woman facing the challenge of raising a little girl on her own, while trying to reinvent herself each day in a relentless social environment towards the least mistake.
At 7:19 a.m., on September 19th of 1985, the most destructive earthquake hit Mexico City. Inside what's left of a building, a group of survivors fight for their lives waiting for rescue.
A Monster with a Thousand Heads
When Sonia receives the news that her husband’s cancer has progressed to a critical stage, she races to secure the insurance company’s approval for the care that can help him.
The Chosen Ones
Sofia, 14 years old, is in love with Ulises. Because of him, in spite of him, she is forced into a prostitution network in Mexico. To set her free, Ulises will have to find another girl to replace her. Adapted from Jorge Volpi’s novel, set in the world of juvenile prostitution.
Земля и тень
Альфонсо — старый фермер, который присматривает за своим тяжело больным сыном. 17 лет назад Альфонсо ушел от своей жены, которая осталась жить в доме, окруженном плантациями сахарного тростника. Из-за тростника дом постоянно находится в облаке пепла. Альфонсо решает вернуться к жене и спасти их семью…
Las Horas Contigo
Ema finds out she is pregnant with an unplanned child she's not sure she wants to keep, the same week her beloved grandmother becomes gravely ill. Spending her last days at her grandmother's side, Ema is forced to spend time with her estranged, larger than life mother, getting to know her and seeing her with new eyes. As she spends time with the people gathered around her grandmother in her last days; Ema re-evaluates her beliefs, her fears and her set ideas about family, love and parenthood.
Panama Canal Stories
Five shorts spanning a century on lives impacted by the Panama Canal. Men, women and children who are influenced by the existence of the "Canal", the event that changed the history of not only a country but the world.
Сесар Чавес
История жизни известного американского правозащитника, борца за гражданские и социальные права трудящихся Сесара Чавеса.
Open Cage
Editorial Production Assistant
The economy has collapsed. In a universe of moral and economic impoverishment, we find Flavia, a spoiled teenager with artistic aspirations that are somewhat frustrated when she is not accepted at the University. Her neighbor Martin, a mature man with rigid routines, is her antipode. When Flavia meets Martin, there are sparks of friction at all times, and the situation is unlikely to get any better.
Sound Recordist
Alan’s daily life as a driver and assistant to a federal deputy entails enduring the anger and arrogance of his superior; sufering the contempt of the deputy’s bodyguards and, above all, cleaning up all traces of his boss’ misbehaviour. Today, however, Alan has decided that things will be different.
Alan’s daily life as a driver and assistant to a federal deputy entails enduring the anger and arrogance of his superior; sufering the contempt of the deputy’s bodyguards and, above all, cleaning up all traces of his boss’ misbehaviour. Today, however, Alan has decided that things will be different.
The Delay
Agustín forgets things; he is aging and he knows it. María is never alone: she watches over everyone, sleeps very little, and works too much. She’s increasingly overwhelmed. One day, on impulse, María decides to abandon Agustín.
The Towrope
In this poetic, richly allegorical debut by Colombian director William Vega, a teenage girl flees to a rundown inn after being driven from her home in the Andean highlands by civil war, as the violence engulfing the country creeps ever closer to her remote refuge. (TIFF)
When 9-year-old Abel assumes his absent father's role as man of the house, he garners his family's respect, and life resumes a comfortable rhythm -- until a man arrives at the house, claiming he's the long-lost patriarch
One Day Less
Carmen (84) and Emeterio (97) are an elderly couple living out their last years in their house in Acapulco, the same house they built with their own hands. Time seems to have stopped for them; there is no day more special or less special than the one preceding it. All there is left to do is wait. Carmen and Eme survive together as they await the next visit of their family.
Женщина без головы
Женщина средних лет мчится по автостраде. Отвлекшись на минуту от дороги, она кого-то сбивает. Кажется, собаку, но, возможно, ребёнка… После аварии героиня теряет голову, ей не вспомнить чувств, которые связывали её с окружающими. Она решает просто отдаться ежедневным обстоятельствам своей «новой» старой жизни. Однажды она признаётся мужу, что совершила убийство на дороге. Они приезжают на место аварии, но находят лишь труп собаки. Связанные с полицией друзья подтверждают, что серьёзных происшествий в этом районе не было. Всё возвращается к норме, и, кажется, что тяжёлые дни позади, но тут приходит известие о чудовищной находке…
Paraguayan Hammock
Set in 1935, a couple of aged smallholders are waiting for their son, for rain, for better days.
Locos de la bandera
Дневники мотоциклиста
Assistant Editor
Фильм повествует о путешествии по странам Латинской Америки, совершенном в 1952 году Эрнесто Че Геварой и его другом Альберто Гранадосом. Он рассказывает о жизни простых латиноамериканцев и о том, как под воздействием увиденного у Че Гевары зарождаются основы его идеологии.