Creighton Hale

Creighton Hale

Рождение : 1888-05-24, County Cork, Ireland

Смерть : 1965-08-09


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Creighton Hale (24 May 1888 — 9 August 1965) was an Irish-American theatre, film, and television actor whose career extended more than a half-century, from the early 1900s to the end of the 1950s. Born Patrick Fitzgerald in County Cork, Ireland, he was educated in Dublin and London, and later attended Ardingly College in Sussex. He immigrated to America in his early twenties, traveling with a troupe of actors. While starring in Charles Frohman's Broadway production of Indian Summer, Hale was spotted by a representative of the Pathe Film Company. He eventually became known professionally as Creighton Hale, although the derivation of those names remains unknown. His first movie was The Exploits of Elaine in 1914. He starred in hit films such as Way Down East, Orphans of the Storm, and The Cat and the Canary. When talkies came about, his career declined. He made several appearances in Hal Roach's Our Gang series (School's Out, Big Ears, Free Wheeling), and also played unbilled bits in major talking films such as Larceny, Inc., The Maltese Falcon, and Casablanca. He died in the Los Angeles County city of South Pasadena and was buried at Duncans Mills Cemetery in Northern California.


Creighton Hale


As the Civil War spills our nation’s blood, Capt. John Hayes (Randolph Scott) fights on a vital but little-known battlefront. He aims to ship gold to Union banks through a small Colorado town, defying Southern sympathizers who aim to stop him at any cost.
The Story of Mankind
Heavenly Judge (uncredited)
The devil and the spirit of mankind argue as to whether or not humanity is ultimately good or evil.
Assistant Stage Manager (uncredited)
A wealthy woman discovers a vineyard worker with a beautiful operatic singing voice. She helps make him a star but then breaks his heart. He flees in misery to Mexico where he meets a sweet farm girl.
So You Want to Know Your Relatives
Audience Spectator (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
Take the High Ground!
Army Doctor (uncredited)
Sgt. Thorne Ryan, who once fought bravely in Korea, now serves as a hard-nosed drill instructor to new Army recruits at Fort Bliss, Texas. But is he really the man he is often described as? His fellow instructor, and friend helps him to face the ghosts of his past experiences in Korea. One night in a bar across the border in Juarez, Mexico, Sgt. Ryan meets a lady who begins to turn his life around. Will this be enough to help him deal with the past? Or will he continue to be so hard on his troops?
On Moonlight Bay
The Winfield family moves into a new house in a small town in Indiana. Tomboy Marjorie Winfield begins a romance with William Sherman who lives across the street. Marjorie has to learn how to dance and act like a proper young lady. Unfortunately William Sherman has unconventional ideas for the time. His ideas include not believing in marriage or money, which causes friction with Marjorie's father, who is the local bank vice president
Goodbye, My Fancy
Griswolds' Butler (Uncredited)
Agatha has fond memories of her romance with college president Dr. James Merrill, when she was a student and he was her professor, and wants to see if there is still a spark between them.
The Screen Director
A documentary short film depicting the work of the motion picture director. An anonymous director is shown preparing the various aspects of a film for production, meeting with the writer and producer, approving wardrobe and set design, rehearsing scenes with the actors and camera crew, shooting the scenes, watching dailies, working with the editor and composer, and attending the first preview. Then a number of real directors are shown in archive footage (as well as a predominance of staged 'archive' footage) working with actors and crew.
Сансет бульвар
Creighton Hale (uncredited)
Молоденький писатель Джо Гиллис сидит на полной «мели», его преследуют кредиторы, ему не на что поесть, ему кажется, что жизнь кончилась. Машина, на которой он отправляется бездумно и бесцельно неизвестно куда, вдруг резко виляет в сторону (лопнула шина!) и влетает во двор особняка знаменитой в прошлом, но увядающей в настоящем кинозвезды Нормы Десмонд…
The Great Jewel Robber
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Director Peter Godfrey's 1950 drama, inspired by true events, dramatizes the crime spree of the notorious jewel thief known as "The Hollywood Raffles", whose famous robbery victims included such real-life celebrities as Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith and Dennis Morgan. David Brian stars in the title role, and he's supported by John Archer, Marjorie Reynolds, Jacqueline de Wit, Alix Talton, Ned Glass, Perdita Chandler and columnist Sheilah Graham, playing herself.
За лесом
Townsman with Glasses
Роза Молин устала от размеренной жизни провинциального городка. Внезапно она влюбляется в чикагского бизнесмена Нила Латимера, чей охотничий домик расположился неподалеку. Чтобы отправиться в Чикаго к Нилу, Роза выпрашивает деньги у пациентов мужа, но вскоре тот не выдерживает и кричит Розе, чтобы она убиралась.
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Архитектор Говард Рорк — творец «новой волны» в архитектуре. Он стремится покончить с классическим дизайном зданий и окрылён идеями новых решений. К сожалению, проекты его авангардных домов общество не принимает, заказчики требует традиционных решений. В ответ на это герой сознательно разрушает свою зарождающую карьеру, вступая в противостояние со всем миром, борясь за иллюзорное право на творчество. Говард — самовлюблённый эгоист высшей пробы, общество в его жизни играет второстепенную роль. Процесс созидания ради созидания — вот его личное счастье и благополучие, вся его творческая деятельность направлена на торжество личного Эго…
Night Unto Night
A bleak mansion sits ominously on a cliff above the sea somewhere on Florida's east coast. In its shadows, two people meet: a scientist haunted by incurable illness and a beautiful woman haunted by the voice of her dead husband. Ronald Reagan and Hollywood-debuting Viveca Lindfors star in an eerie drama steeped in religious faith and supernatural fear, in the destructive power of sexual jealousy and the redemptive power of love. In one of his earliest directorial efforts, Don Siegel (Dirty Harry, The Shootist) displays his command of pacing and camerawork, building the action to a climactic hurricane that parallels the tumultuous emotions of characters precariously balanced between now and the hereafter.
Glorietta Desk Clerk
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Fighter Squadron
Cockney (uncredited)
During World War II, an insubordinate fighter pilot finds the shoe on the other foot when he's promoted.
Джонни Белинда
Bailiff (uncredited)
Островок у северного побережья новой Шотландии - это всего лишь клочок земли, торчащий из вод Атлантики, куда попасть можно только морем, и только с опытным лоцманом, способным провести судно через мели, особенно в летний шторм. Посёлок там совсем небольшой: есть маяк и церковь, которой гордятся все жители, построенной на их сбережения. Их фермы не приносят большого дохода, но в рыбный сезон всё приходит в движение, а гавань заполняется лодками и оживает. Именно сюда «на край земли» прибывает молодой доктор Роберт Ричардсон. Он добр и готов помогать всем, даже тем, у кого нет денег. Однажды он волею судьбы, оказывается на ферме господина Блэка МакДональда, где знакомится с глухонемой с детства дочерью фермера - Белиндой, девушкой милой, но не знающей языка глухих.
So You Want to Be a Gambler
Blackjack Player (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes experiences the pitfalls of gambling.
So You Want an Apartment
Wallpaper Hanger (uncredited)
Joe McDoakes and his wife go apartment hunting.
Always Together
Eric, Turner's Butler (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
Жизнь с отцом
Mr. Wickersham the Father of Twin Boys (uncredited)
Hью-Йорк 1883. Уильям Пауэлл в роли эксцентричного биржевого брокера и главы многодетной семьи. Великолепно показаны нравы и быт Америки конца девятнадцатого века.
Hollywood Wonderland
Man Taking Tour (uncredited)
Two tour guides take visitors on a promotional tour of Warner Bros.' studios.
Злоключения Полин
Marcelled Leading Man
Молодая жизнерадостная Пирл Уайт ни минуты не может прожить без музыки, пения и танцев. Работая с утра до вечера в швейном ателье, она мечтает о театральных подмостках. Однажды ей выпадает неожиданная удача: клиентка ателье, актриса Джулия Гиббс, приводит её в театр, а затем и на съёмки киносериала "Злоключения Полины". Этот сериал приносит Пирл мировую славу.
So You're Going to Be a Father
Psychiatric Ward Doctor (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes goes through the problems and anxieties of becoming a new father.
Love and Learn
Tom - the Wyngate Butler (uncredited)
A wealthy socialite bored with her life meets and falls in love with a struggling songwriter on the verge of leaving New York and quitting the music business.
Две миссис Кэрролл
Second Tout (uncredited)
Во время каникул в Шотландии, Салли Мортон влюбляется в перспективного живописца Джеффри Кэрролл, но узнав, что он женат и имеет взрослую дочь прекращает начавшиеся отношения. Проходят два года, жена художника скоропостижно умирает, Джеффри женится на Салли, их жизнь счастлива и безмятежна. Однако молодая супруга начинает неожиданно болеть, лечащий врач утверждает, что этот недуг на нервной почве, но Салли терзают сомнения. От падчерицы она узнает, что предыдущая жена художника Джеффри Беа была отнюдь не инвалидом и умерла подозрительно быстро, от тех же симптомов, что мучают Салли. Последним фактом, подтвердившим ее подозрения, становится увиденный Салли портрет усопшей первой жены художника, написанный им перед ее смертью и названный «Ангел Смерти». Она понимает, что стала следующей жертвой…
Stan Kenton and His Orchestra
Supper Club Waiter (uncredited)
A brief history of Stan Kenton's musical career from taxi-dance gigs to his successful big band orchestra.
Professor (uncredited)
Фильм о прекрасном юном скрипаче из трущоб, чью карьеру взялась поддержать немолодая, богатая и сексуально неудовлетворенная алкоголичка. Ни возраст, ни неверность, ни ревность не могут прекратить этот запретный роман, лишь страсть к музыке, в конце концов, оказывается сильнее любви, секса и денег.
The Verdict
After an innocent man is executed in a case he was responsible for, a Scotland Yard superintendent finds himself investigating the murder of his key witness.
So You Want to Play the Horses
Cashier (uncredited)
In this outing, Joe loves playing the horses and shows what you can do to improve your odds of winning.
Three Strangers
Man in Pub
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, three strangers, Crystal Shackleford, married to a wealthy philanderer; Jerome Artbutny, an outwardly respectable judge; and Johnny West, a seedy sneak thief, make a pact before a small statue of the Chinese goddess of Destiny. The threesome agree to purchase a sweepstakes ticket and share whatever winnings might accrue.
Crime by Night
Horace Grayson (uncredited)
A private eye and his secretary probe a murder and find an international spy.
Мистер Скеффингтон
Casey (uncredited)
Джоб Скеффингтон информирует Фанни Треллис о том, что ее брат Триппи присвоил себе значительную сумму денег, принадлежащих банку Скеффингтона. Чтобы спасти брата, Фанни выходит замуж за Джоба. Но брат, разозлившись на нее, отправляется на Первую мировую войну, где погибает. Фанни разводится и отсылает свою дочь к Джобу, чтобы та жила с ним в Европе. После этого Фанни постоянно встречается с разными мужчинами. Но с началом Второй мировой войны к ней возвращается дочь. После дифтерии Фанни теряет свою красоту, а ее дочь сбегает с ее последним любовником. В это время в Америку возвращается Джоб, нищий и слепой…
The Crime Doctor’s Strangest Case
Dr. Carter
The Crime Doctor gets involved in the case of the poisoning of a wealthy industrialist.
Благодари судьбу
Engineer (uncredited)
Почти все звезды Голливуда играют в этом фильме-ревю самих себя, и только трое из них являются исполнителями с вымышленными именами. Вокруг них и разворачивается действие картины. Продюсер Барни Джексон желает заполучить в свой новый проект звезду шоу Эдди Кантора — Дайану Шер. Но он прекрасно знает, что Эдди не отпустит ее одну — обязательно попросит, чтобы и он участвовал в проекте…
Война в Северной Атлантике
Sparks (uncredited)
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
The Mysterious Doctor
The citizens of a tiny Cornish village are tormented during World War II by a headless ghost which is haunting the local tin mine.
The Gorilla Man
Constable Fletcher
A wounded soldier discovers his hospital is secretly run by the Nazis.
Customer (uncredited)
Оставивший родину американец Рик Блэйн, владелец игорного клуба в Касабланке, случайно встречается с покинувшей его несколько лет назад возлюбленной, Ильзой, которая приехала в город вместе со своим нынешним мужем, борцом антифашистского сопротивления Виктором Лазло. По их следу идут немцы, и Ильза пытается упросить Рика отдать принадлежащие ему важные документы, которые позволят Виктору бежать из Касабланки, чтобы продолжить свою борьбу.
Джентльмен Джим
Championship Fight Spectator (uncredited)
История Джима Корбетта, прозванного одним из «отцов современного бокса». В новую эру бокса он применил инновационные тренировки и отстаивал соблюдение джентльменских правил во время поединков.
The Hidden Hand
The Coroner (uncredited)
Peter Thorne is a young attorney who works for an eccentric old woman, Lorinda Channing, who uses her insane brother, John Channing, to frighten her other relatives because they are after her money. Further complications arise when another murderer arrives on the scene and plants the blame on John.
You Can't Escape Forever
Newspaper Employee Taking Notes (uncredited)
A demoted reporter (George Brent) and his girlfriend (Brenda Marshall) seek to expose a crime kingpin.
Spy Ship
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
Winning Your Wings
Uncle Ed (uncredited)
Winning Your Wings is a 1942 short American World War II recruitment film produced by Warner Bros. Studios for the US Army Air Forces, starring Jimmy Stewart. It was aimed at young men who were thinking about joining the Air Force.
Мошенничество и Ко
Mr. Carmichael
Герой Эдварда Дж. Робинсона освобождается из тюрьмы и тут же решает вместе с двумя туповатыми помощниками ограбить банк. Они покупают магазин рядом с банком и начинают из подвала магазина рыть под банк подкоп. Всё идет вроде бы хорошо, но тут к ним вламывается старый подельник и заявляет, что теперь он главный в этом подкопе…
Murder in the Big House
Ritter - Warden's Secretary
When a prisoner on Death Row is "accidentally" killed just before his execution, a reporter smells something fishy...
Зверь мужского пола
Reporter (uncredited)
The trustees of Midwestern University have forced three teachers out of their jobs for being suspected communists. Trustee Ed Keller has also threatened mild mannered English Professor Tommy Turner, because he plans to read a controversial piece of prose in class. Tommy is upset that his wife Ellen also suggested he not read the passage. Meanwhile, Ellen's old boyfriend, the football player Joe Ferguson, comes to visit for the homecoming weekend. He takes Ellen out dancing after the football rally, causing Tommy to worry that he will lose her to Joe.
Bullet Scars
Judd, the druggist
Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.
Человек, который пришел к обеду
Radio Man (uncredited)
После того как едкий критик Шеридан Уайтсайд ступает на порог провинциального дома бизнесмена Огайо и ломает ему бедро, он со своей свитой становится полноправным владельцем дома.
Steel Against the Sky
Jim (uncredited)
Steel-worker brothers compete for the same woman.
Одной ногой в раю
Church Usher (uncredited)
Уильям Спенс, студент-медик из Канады, собирается вскоре начать работу врачом. Однажды он, проходя мимо церкви, заходит внутрь, слышит проповедь и ощущает призвание стать священником. Хоуп, его невеста, от всего сердца поддерживает любимого, невзирая на негодование её родителей. В Канаде вакансий не находится, поэтому когда Уильям проходит подготовку, он и Хоуп, ставшая его женой, отправляются в маленький городок в Айове, который встречает их бедностью и бытовой неустроенностью. Так начинается долгое, со своими трудностями и радостями, странствие священника и его семьи от одного прихода к другому...
Мальтийский сокол
Stenographer (uncredited)
Частный детектив Сэм Спэйд начинает смертельную охоту за таинственно исчезнувшей бесценной статуэткой «мальтийского сокола». Эта реликвия пришла в современный мир из глубины веков и символизирует собою возможность управления людьми, народами, странами. Человечеством, в конце концов. Более-менее подкованному человеку известно, что миром правят секретные ордены и организации, а поэтому интерес к этой теме вечен и непререкаем.
Сержант Йорк
Associated Press Man (uncredited)
Этот фильм посвящен истории жизни американца, героя первой мировой войны Элвина С. Йорка, захватившего во время боя в одиночку 132 немецких солдата. Это событие произошло во время наступления Мойзе-Аргонн во Франции. После этого подвига простой солдат стал одним из самых любимых героев Америки.
Highway West
Waiter (uncredited)
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Bad Men of Missouri
Bank Representative
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
Out of the Fog
A Brooklyn pier racketeer bullies boat-owners into paying protection money but two fed-up fishermen decide to eliminate the gangster themselves rather than complain to the police.
Here Comes Happiness
Headline Printer (uncredited)
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
Footsteps in the Dark
Mr. Harlan (uncredited)
A high-society gent has a secret life - he writes murder mysteries and hangs out with the police attempting to solve crimes. This causes him no end of problems when his wife wants to know about his little disappearances and exceptionally late nights out.
Cliff Edwards and His Buckaroos
Rosie's Fiancee (uncredited)
In this musical short, Cliff Edwards and his cowhands run a struggling dude ranch. When a pretty girl arrives, Cliff believes she is an heiress.
The Great Mr. Nobody
Man Buying Newspaper (uncredited)
A publicity man promotes his newspaper, but finds his boss always steals the credit.
Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra
Mr. Barnstorm (uncredited)
Skinnay Ennis leads his orchestra as they play "Three Little Words," "Let's Do It," and "Birth of the Blues". He also sings his composition "A Boy, A Girl and the Lamplight."
Дорога на Санта-Фе
Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
1854 год. Вест-Пойнт, первый Федеральный кадетский кавалерийский корпус. Джеб Стюарт — новый кадет, который с успехом начинает проходить обучение. Молодой человек находится на хорошем счету у командиров, но, тем не менее, наживает себе врага в лице кадета Карла Райдера радикального аболициониста, настроенного изменить классовую и кастовую систему Америки. Этот тайный последователь фанатика Джона Брауна, стремящегося освободить всех рабов при помощи оружия и силы, в казарме завязывает драку со Стюартом, впоследствии чего Райдера исключают из Вест-Пойнта. Самому же Джебу и его друзьям дан приказ следовать на территорию штата Канзас, где они должны прекратить противозаконные действия идеолога Джона Брауна и вооруженных до зубов его приспешников. Здесь, на одной из пыльных дорог ведущих в Санта-Фе, он вновь встретит своего недоброжелателя Райдера.
Lady with Red Hair
Reporter Eddie (uncredited)
An actress hopes to regain her lost son by making it to the top.
Father Is A Prince
Lawrence - Bower's Accountant (uncredited)
Director Noel Smith's comic 1940 morality tale, about a carpet sweeper manufacturer who sacrifices his family's happiness for his business, stars Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, Jan Clayton, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Frank Ferguson, Vera Lewis, Pierre Watkin, Frank Wilcox, John Ridgely and Frank Orth.
East of the River
Casino Floor Man (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
Knute Rockne All American
Callahan's Secretary (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Just a Cute Kid
Desk Clerk
When he has to pay a debt to a fearsome money lender, a man accepts the help of a friend who takes him to a scientist where he can sell his body, but things get worse than expected.
Money and the Woman
Mack, Bank Customer (uncredited)
An embezzler's wife begs his boss for forgiveness, only to fall in love with him.
Все это и небо в придачу
Ship's Officer (uncredited)
В 1846 году Онриэт Деспотс приплывает из Азии во Францию, чтобы стать гувернанткой в доме герцога Дюка де Праслена. Девушка видит, что в доме царит очень нервная обстановка, и виной тому супруга хозяина. Герцогиня Душесс — невротичная собственница, которая должна все контролировать и все, кто окружают ее, должны подчиняться только ей. От этого страдают больше всего четверо детей, которые лишены материнской ласки и любви. Онриэт решает исправить положение и при помощи своего педагогического дара возвращает детям интерес к жизни и приветливое отношение к людям. Она становится им второй матерью, проводя с ними целые дни вместе. Хозяин дома герцог Дюк де Праслен начинает оказывать знаки внимания гувернантке. Жестокая госпожа Душесс, замечая положительные перемены в доме, очень возмущена и готова принять любые меры, чтобы избавиться от милой Онриэт Деспотс…
My Love Came Back
Thompson - Music Co. Clerk (uncredited)
Amelia is a gifted violinist who is in danger of quitting the Brissac Academy of Music. Julius arranges to have a scholarship given to her through his employee Tony so that Julius can escort Amelia to every musical event in the city. The trouble begins when he cannot meet her one night and Tony goes in his place. Tony believes that Julius and Amelia are a couple and then son Paul thinks that Tony and Amelia are a couple as he is sending her the money. The worst part is that Amelia might leave classical music for swing music with classmates Dusty, Joy and the band.
A Fugitive from Justice
Reporter at Train Station (uncredited)
Leslie is being chased by the gangsters, the police and the insurance investigators. He is on the run. Falsely accused of a murder, he embarks upon a life-and-death journey to save his family.
Брат «Орхидея»
Reporter #3 (uncredited)
После очередной переделки «крутой гангстер» Малыш Джон Сарто оказывается в обители Цветочного братства и принимает имя Брат Орхидея. В обители ему открываются истинные ценности этого мира, такие как любовь к ближнему, беззаветное служение обществу и прочее. В сознании Малыша Джона начинают происходить метаморфозы, в итоге превращающие его из гангстера в Человека.
Tear Gas Squad
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
Saturday's Children
Stamp Collecting Mailman (uncredited)
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
King of the Lumberjacks
Cashier (uncredited)
Outdoor drama about a newly-hired lumberjack discovering that his former girlfriend is now his new boss's wife.
Миллион лет до нашей эры
Shell Person
Изгнанный из своего лагеря охотник Тумак находит себе пристанище в более цивилизованном племени, где встречает красотку Лоану, которая начинает учить его хорошим манерам. Однако за учинённую драку Тумака снова прогоняют, и он вместе с Лоаной решает вернуться в родные места.
Calling Philo Vance
Du Bois - Fingerprint Man
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
A Child Is Born
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
Возвращение доктора X
Hotel Manager
Журналист Уолтер, придя к знаменитой актрисе взять интервью, обнаружил ее мертвой и вызвал полицию. Прибыв на место происшествия, полиция не находит труп, а на следующий день актриса заявляется в полицию и Уолтер выглядит чрезвычайно глупо. Решив, что он не смог ошибиться Уолтер начинает следить за актрисой и знакомится с ее доктором. Доктору Фрэнсису Флэгу, специалисту и исследователю в области заболевания крови, оказывает помощь неизвестно откуда взявшийся в последние месяцы сотрудник, по имени Маршалл Квисн. При взгляде на него поражала необычайная бледность лица, прямо-таки безжизненная, и широкая проседь волос. И еще он кого-то смутно напоминает. Но кого? Вскоре выясняется, что помощник является доктором Морисом Ксавье, тем самым Ксавье, которого признали виновным в убийстве ребенка в ходе эксперимента, и который был казнен на электрическом стуле. Но как же он «вернулся» к жизни?
On Dress Parade
Doctor Telling Cadets 'No Visitors' (uncredited)
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
Kid Nightingale
Man Answering Telephone at Lessernan's Gymnasium (uncredited)
A waiter becomes a singing prizefighter.
Ревущие двадцатые, или Судьба солдата в Америке
Customer (uncredited)
Шли «ревущие 20-е» годы, время, когда спор решали пулями, а автоматные очереди все чаще нарушали тишину улиц. Вернувшиеся в Чикаго по окончании Первой мировой войны, Джордж и Эдди начинают сколачивать свои капиталы, торгуя контрабандным спиртным и организовав крупную банду. Их рэкет процветает, пока «здоровая» конкуренция не вмешивается в их дружбу. Выясняется, что уложить всех вокруг себя гораздо проще, чем договориться…
On Your Toes
First Stage Manager
A Russian dance company agrees to stage the new ballet written by a vaudeville hoofer.
Slapsie Maxie's
Reporter (uncredited)
In this comedic short, when a waiter accidentally knocks out boxing champ Tiger Dorsey in Slapsie Maxie's restaurant, Maxie arranges a boxing match between the reluctant waiter and the champ.
Dust Be My Destiny
Nick's Second Customer (uncredited)
Embittered after serving time for a burglary he did not commit, Joe Bell is soon back in jail, on a prison farm. His love for the foreman's daughter leads to a fight between them, leading to the older man's death due to a weak heart. Joe and Mabel go on the run as he thinks no-one would believe a nobody like him.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters.
The Bill of Rights
New York Congressman
This short subject is a lavish costumed color production which dramatizes the birth of the American Bill of Rights. It depicts leading political figures of the American Revolution and the despotic British colonial rule which led to the creation of the Bill of Rights.
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Hotel Desk Clerk
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Indianapolis Speedway
Racetrack Official
A champion auto racer who unhappily learns his kid brother wants to enter the same profession rather than finish school.
The Cowboy Quarterback
Football scout for the Chicago Packers Rusty Walker signs Harry Lynn, a legendary broken-field runner. Harry won't leave his home town without his girlfriend Maizie Williams. He gets tangled up with gamblers and Rusty's girl Evelyn Corey makes a play for him.
Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter
Man in Sheriff's Office
Nancy Drew clears her Uncle Matt of murder charges when she exposes the real murderers. She and Ted find themselves in many dangerous positions such as trying to fly an airplane after the pilot parachuted out and being face-to-face with the murderer.
Признание нацистского шпиона
Draftsman (uncredited)
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
One Wild Night
Bank Teller (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
International Settlement
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
Big Town Girl
Desk Man
When a department store songstress becomes a radio star she keeps her identity secret, as the "Masked Countess", because he estranged husband is a crook.
Шагай веселее, Дживс!
Reporter (uncredited)
Вторую заокеанскую вариацию на темы Пэлема Вудхауса можно объединить с первой в своеобразную дилогию. Артур Тричер в роли хитроумного дворецкого Дживса действует здесь без своего хозяина. Просто сэр Вустер как был, так и остался в Англии, а вот Дживс вдруг взял и уехал в Америку.
Midnight Taxi
A federal agent goes to work for a taxi company believing it to be a front for a gang of counterfeiters.
Голливудский бульвар
Creighton Hale - Actor at Trocadero Bar
With a full Hollywood background and settings but more an expose of scandal-and-gossip magazines of the era, has-been actor John Blakeford agrees to write his memoirs for magazine-publisher Jordan Winston. When Blakeford's daughter, Patricia, ask him to desist for the sake of his ex-wife, Carlotta Blakeford, he attempts to break his contract with Winston.
36 Hours to Kill
Ticket Agent
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
The Millionaire Kid
Thomas Neville
The Millionaire Kid is young Tommy Neville whose wealthy parents, Thomas and Gloria Neville are preparing to fight it out in divorce court.Tommy runs away from home. The private detective assigned to watch him tells Mrs. Neville he has been kidnapped. She immediately suspects her husband. Meanwhile, Tommy is selling newspapers in another city. He is attacked by a bully, and is rescued by gangster Terry Mallon and his daughter Kitty. Unaware of his identity, they take him to their beach home. Reporter Breezy Benson is sent to interview Mrs. Neville about the divorce, and is fired when she won't talk to him. He meets Kitty at the beach and is intrigued by her. He meets her father, who is curious but not suspicious as news of the alleged kidnapping has not been reported.
Custer's Last Stand
Kit Cardigan seeks the killer of his father...among other plot threads leading up to the famous historical incident.
Men Without Names
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Бекки Шарп
British Officer (uncredited)
Бекки и Амелика - подруги еще со школы, первая - из небогатой семьи, вторая - из довольно состоятельной. Для Бекки такая дружба - шанс выбиться в люди, но как бы все ее старания не закончились плохо...
Million Dollar Haul
Curley Chandler
Special Insurance-Investigator Dan Kennedy and his wonder dog, Tarzan the Police Dog, are called in to investigate the persistent robbing of a shipping-and-storage warehouse in Los Angeles.
Life Begins at Forty
Drug Clerk
A small-town newspaper publisher finds himself in opposition to the local banker on the return to town of a lad jailed possibly wrongly for a theft from the bank.
One More Spring
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
Hollywood Trouble
An oil-rich rube who aspires to stardom is bilked by a phony acting school.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Wedding Guest
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Тонкий человек
Reporter (uncredited)
В канун рождества убита секретарша богатого изобретателя Ваната. Все подозрения падают на него потому, что полиция не может найти профессора в городе. Девушка по имени Дороти Винант приходит в дом к сыщику Нику Чарльзу, человеку, который уже четвертый год отошел от дел. Дороти рассказывает, что это она убила секретаршу, но детектив не верит ей. Он понимает, что девушка пробует взять всю вину на себя. Решив помочь несчастной, он, бросив все дела, начинает раскручивать очень запутанный клубок фактов и обстоятельств.
Скандалы Джорджа Уайта
Theatre Treasurer (uncredited)
Reporter Miss Lee is looking for a story and approaches George White as he's assembling the latest edition of his famous revue. As it turns out, she has lots of backstage gossip to choose from
Funeral Attendee (uncredited)
A businesslike syndicate runs all the gambling joints in town; least profitable is honest Mike Lee's. Under pressure to allow cheating, Mike "walks out," leaving tough-minded daughter Lady Lee to earn a living the only way she knows. She soon becomes a success gambling among the rich, but, falling out with the syndicate, she considers the marriage proposal of blueblood Garry Madison. Can such a match work despite snobbery and old associations?
The Masquerader
Bobby Blessington
A drug-addicted member of Parliament needs to take time off and secretly pull his life together, so he gets his lookalike cousin to agree to temporarily assume his identity.
Sensation Hunters
Fred Barrett
Dale Jordan is first accepted by the aristocratic first-cabin passengers on a south-bound Panama-Pacific liner until they discover she is a member of a troupe of cabaret girls led by Trixie Snell en route for the Bull Ring Cabaret in Panama City.
Free Wheeling
Dickie's Father
Stymie takes Dickie for a ride in his runaway car and cures his stiff neck.
Grief Street
Play Co-star
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
Pete Hedges
A young man is torn between his free-thinking lifestyle and the tradition of his wealthy fiancée's family.
The Great Divide
Edgar Blossom
Stephen Ghent, a mineowner, falls in love with Ruth Jordan, an arrogant girl from the East, unaware that she is the daughter of his dead partner. Ruth is vacationing in Arizona and Mexico with a fast set of friends, including her fiancé, Edgar. Manuella, a Spanish halfbreed hopelessly in love with Ghent, causes Ruth to return to her fiancé when she insinuates that Ghent belongs to her. Ghent follows Ruth, kidnaps her, and takes her into the wilderness to endure hardship. There she discovers that she loves Ghent, and she discards Edgar in favor of him.
Seven Footprints to Satan
A young man of society wants to make an expedition to Africa, but his fiancée asks him for help about one of her fathers guests shortly before his planed departure. Her suspects about that guest were serious, this man tries to steal one of her fathers rubin, and she and her fiance are kidnapped and brought to a house, where strange things happen. The whole thing becomes a nightmare under the direction of a mysterious Mr. Satan.
The House of Shame
Harvey Baremore
Harvey Baremore is upset with any perceived extravagance from his demure wife Druid, while he is secretly stealing from his boss John Kimball to ply his mistress Doris with gifts. Yet when he fears that he may be discovered he counts on his wife to entreat his boss for leniency on his behalf. Kimball agrees to overlook Harvey's theft in exchange for Druid's company, but despite this strange arrangement Kimball's intentions may in fact be true.
Sisters of Eve
Riley of the Rainbow Division
Two pals enlist in the army during World War I. Just before they complete training camp and are to be sent overseas, they're scheduled to marry their girlfriends. However, they get in trouble and wind up in the guardhouse. Their girlfriends are determined to get married, however, and in order to accomplish this, they disguise themselves as soldiers and sneak onto the base, where they unwittingly get mixed up with enemy spies trying to gather information.
Etienne Doray
Sergeant Malone of the Mounties and effeminate Etienne Doray are both in love with Rose-Marie, but she doesn't light up until soldier of fortune Jim Kenyon drifts into the post. Soon Jim is accused of murder but he escapes.
Кот и канарейка
Paul Jones
Родственники эксцентричного миллионера Сайруса Веста, умершего двадцать лет назад, собрались в его мрачном поместье, чтобы огласить завещание.
Annie Laurie
The story of the famous battle between the Scots clans of Macdonald and Campbell, and the young woman who comes between them, Annie Laurie.
One Hour Married
A newly-married woman disguises herself as a doughboy in order to stay close to her husband.
Why Girls Say No
Becky's Boyfriend
A short comedy by Leo McCarey about a jewish father who is worried about his daughter.
Should Men Walk Home?
The Gentleman Crook
Mabel plays an out-and-out crook, a "Girl Bandit," no less. And she quickly hooks up with a male partner in crime, in this case a Gentleman Crook played by perpetually grinning Creighton Hale. Mabel seems a little livelier in this film than in some of her other late works. In the very first scene we find her hitch-hiking, and she's forced to make a mad dash for cover when Hale's car nearly hits her. Soon they team up and crash a swanky party in a mansion to steal a jewel from the host's safe.
Oh, Baby!
Billy, a diminutive manager of prizefighters, is priming Jim Stone for the heavyweight championship when Charley Burns (Arthur Graham?) discloses that for the past 8 years he has invented a mythical wife and daughter for the benefit of his Aunt Phoebe, who now requests a visit from them. He finally persuades Billy to pose as his daughter, Evangeline, while Miss Brennan, a magazine writer, consents to take the role of his wife.
The Midnight Message
Billy Dodd
Johnny works as a Western Union messenger, while his mother earns a meager living with an old sewing machine. One day he interrupts a robbery, scares off the thieves, and rescues a beautiful young girl. Later he captures the robbers, and receives a $1,000 reward given him by the girl's father, Johnny happily buys his mother a new sewing machine.
Beverly of Graustark
Prince Oscar
Beverly Calhoun impersonates the Prince of Graustark to claim his birthright while he recovers from a skiing injury. In the meantime, she falls for her bodyguard Dantan.
Exchange of Wives
Victor Moran
Two couples engage in an exchange.
The Circle
Arnold Cheney
A comedic deja vu story of runaway young love.
Seven Days
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson is separated from his wife Bella, so when his maiden Aunt Selina -- who thoroughly disapproves of divorce -- comes to visit, Wilson is compelled to locate a temporary wife. His friend, Kit Eclair, is happy to fill in, but during a party, his home is quarantined for smallpox. To complicate matters, a burglar is hiding from a cop in Wilson's home, and wacky Anne Brown is busy trying to hold a seance.
The Bridge of Sighs
The spoiled, arrogant and slow-witted son of a wealthy businessman falls in love with the daughter of his father's business manager.
This Woman
Bobby Bleedon
This Woman is a 1924 American drama film directed by Phil Rosen, written by Louis D. Lighton and Hope Loring, and starring Irene Rich, Ricardo Cortez, Louise Fazenda, Frank Elliott, Creighton Hale, and Marc McDermott. Based on the 1924 novel This Woman by Howard Rockey, it was released by Warner Bros. on November 2, 1924.
The Mine with the Iron Door
St. Jimmy
This epic Western-melodrama was based on the popular novel by Harold Bell Wright. Two old prospectors, Thad Grove and Bob Hill find an infant in the cabin belonging to Sonora Jack, a notorious bandit. The girl, Marta, grows to womanhood.
Wine of Youth
Richard (1897 prologue
Based on a play be Rachel Crothers, WINE OF YOUTH is a solid drama about "the modern young generation" and how they think they know it all. It's also a play about love and marriage.
How to Educate a Wife
Billy Breese
Business failure Ernest Todd is advised by his friend, Billy Breese, to enlist his wife's charms as a means of winning customers.
The Marriage Circle
Dr. Gustav Mueller
Professor Stock and his wife Mizzi are uhappily married. The professor, suspicious of his wife, hires a detective to spy on her in hopes of obtaining a divorce. Mizzi sets her sights on seducing Dr. Franz Braun, the new husband of her good friend Charlotte. Dr. Braun's colleague, Dr. Mueller, who has his eye on Charlotte, sees this as his opportunity. Through a misunderstanding, Charlotte thinks that her husband is interested in Miss Hofer, and asks Mizzi to keep him occupied... around and around the circle goes in Lubitsch's refined comedy of mistaken infidelity.
Name the Man
Alick Gell
Victor Stowell, son of the deemster of the Isle of Man, is engaged to Fenella Stanley. He becomes involved in an intrigue with local girl Bessie Collister, becomes the deemster on his father's death, and is forced to try Bessie for killing her illegitimate child.
Tea- With a Kick!
Art Binger
The tale of Bonnie Day, a rambunctious young lady who is rankled when she is expelled from college for serving tea in her room. She goes on to open up a tearoom in a fancy hotel, saving all the profits to pay the legal fees for her father who has been unjustly jailed. Mr. Day's rival has embroiled him in a crooked stock deal and made him appear to be the guilty party. Meanwhile, Bonnie is in the midst of a romantic dilemma; her Aunt Pearl wants her to wed Napoleon Dobbings, but Bonnie much prefers helpful young lawyer Art Binger.
Little Billee
Broken Hearts of Broadway
An Outcast
The story of a young actress trying to attain stardom on Broadway.
Mary of the Movies
The Boy
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
Eduardo de Lisa (her father)
Fascination is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring his then wife Mae Murray. The film is based on an original story by Edmund Goulding, soon to be a prolific film director. The story capitalizes on Murray's continuing forays into outlandish costume dramas.
Carlos de Lisa (her brother)
Fascination is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring his then wife Mae Murray. The film is based on an original story by Edmund Goulding, soon to be a prolific film director. The story capitalizes on Murray's continuing forays into outlandish costume dramas.
Сиротки бури
France, on the eve of the French Revolution. Henriette and Louise have been raised together as sisters. When the plague that takes their parents' lives causes Louise's blindness, they decide to travel to Paris in search of a cure, but they separate when a lustful aristocrat crosses their path.
Way Down East
Professor Sterling
A naive country girl is tricked into a sham marriage by a wealthy womanizer, then must rebuild her life despite the taint of having borne a child out of wedlock.
A Child for Sale
Charles Stoddard
Charles Stoddard is a poor artist living with his wife and two children in Greenwich Village. Destitute after his wife dies, he is forced to sell one of his children to a childless rich woman. He soon comes his senses however, and tries to back out of the deal.
The Idol Dancer
Walter Kincaid
A religious zealot and his nephew are thrown together on a South Seas Island with an alcoholic beach comber and a native dancer. A battle to see who will "civilize" whom ensues.
A Damsel in Distress
The Thirteenth Chair
Willy Grosby
Mrs. Philip Mason commits suicide after she has an affair with Stephen Lee, a disreputable stockbroker, and sells her husband's securities so that Lee can buy stocks. When Lee goes bankrupt, he blackmails Helen Trent by threatening to reveal silly love letters she wrote to him before she married. Her brother, Willy Grosby, and his fiancée, Helen O'Neil, who lives with the Grosbys, go to retrieve the letters. While Willy waits outside, Lee is knifed to death as he attacks Helen. Lee's friend, Edward Wales, attempts to pin the murder on Helen by having Madame LaFarge, a clairvoyant, conduct a séance. In the darkened room, Wales, through whom Lee's spirit supposedly speaks, is about to name Helen as the murderer, but Wales, who sits in the thirteenth chair, is himself murdered. After Helen confesses to Inspector Donohue that Madame LaFarge is her mother, LaFarge, while conducting another séance, tricks Philip Mason into confessing to the murders.
Oh Boy!
George Budd
Oh Boy! 1919 film
The Woman the Germans Shot
Frank Brooks
The true story of Edith Cavell, a British nurse who served with the underground in Belgium during the First World War.
Mrs. Slacker
Robert Gibbs
Susie organizes plays to benefit the Red Cross. She marries her hero, Robert, but finds out he did it to avoid the draft. She begs to be taken in his place and is soon captured by the enemy. Will Robert become the hero she believed he was?
The Seven Pearls
Snow White
Prince Florimon
Snow White, a beautiful girl, is despised by a wicked queen who tries to destroy her. With the aid of dwarfs in the woods, Snow White overcomes the queen.
The Iron Claw
Only Episode 7, "The Hooded Helper," of this 20-Episode Serial is known to survive. All other episodes are believed to be lost.
The Romance of Elaine
Walter Jameson
The heroine had little time for romancing newspaper reporter Walter Jameson, what with Doctor X, alias Marcus Del Mar, threatening American democracy in general and master detective Craig Kennedy's designs for a new torpedo in particular. Whenever Doctor X has Elaine or Jameson in his grasp, they are inevitably saved in the nick of time by a mystery figure garbed in black.
The New Exploits of Elaine
Walter Jameson
A silent action movie serial.
A Fool There Was
Minor Role
John Schuyler, a happily married lawyer, is appointed diplomat and sent to England; But, due to an unfortunate accident, his wife and child can not come along with him. On the ship to England, Schuyler meets the notorious Vampire-- A relentless gold-digger who causes the moral degradation of those she seduces, first fascinating and then draining the very life from her victims.
The Exploits of Elaine
Walter Jameson (Ep. 1, 2, 3, 6)
Elaine Dodge is the beautiful young daughter of Taylor Dodge, president of the Consolidated Insurance Company. When Mr Dodge is murdered by a mysterious cloaked figure known only as the Clutching Hand, Elaine enlists the aid of Craig Kennedy to unmask the killer
The Taint
Walter, Madame Bartlett's Son
Vera Knight is hired to assist a biologist, Madame Bartlett. Since Vera is a naive girl from the country, she falls prey to the charms of Madame Bartlett's secretary and bookkeeper, Paul Chilton. The inevitable happens, and she goes home to give birth to a little boy while Chilton makes excuses for not marrying her.
The Stain
Office Clerk
An ambitious bank teller (Edward Jose) steals a large deposit and starts life over under an assumed name. While he is becoming a lawyer and making his way up the ladder of success with the help of a political boss, the wife he left behind (Eleanor Woodruff) remains destitute and is forced to give up her child to an orphanage. The girl is adopted and grows up (played as an adult by Virginia Pearson) to become the secretary to an honest young lawyer. But the girl has the same quirk that her father had, and it causes her to steal a bracelet at a department store. She is arrested and finds herself before her father, who is now a judge.
The Million Dollar Mystery
Gang Member
This twenty-three episode serial told the story of a secret society called The Black Hundred and its attempts to gain control of a lost million dollars.