Julien Josephson

Рождение : 1881-10-24, Roseburg - Oregon - USA

Смерть : 1959-04-14


Happy Land
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
The Great Gildersleeve
A small-town blowhard runs for water commissioner while fighting to win custody of his niece and nephew.
Пришли дожди
Потомственный граф Том Рэнсом — холостяк, ловелас и любитель виски. Уже семь лет он живет в Индии. Однажды со своим другом индийским майором-врачом по имени Рэма он посещает праздничный обед в Американской миссии штата Ранчипур. Там он знакомится с семнадцатилетней Ферн — дочерью руководителя миссии. В приватной беседе герой узнает, что девушка давно мечтает сбежать из чуждого ей дома, и желательно с самим Томом. Их разговор прерывает посланник от махараджи со срочным приглашением во дворец на прием в честь лорда и леди Эскет. Прибыв во дворец Сиш Махал, Том узнает, что леди Эскст ни кто иная как его прошлая любовь Эдвина, которая увидев Тома похоже решила вспомнить молодость. Но в одну воду нельзя вступить дважды, и, поняв это, Эдвина решает увлечься молодым индийским врачом. Начавшийся сезон дождей прерывает складывающуюся идиллию: землетрясение разрушает заградительную дамбу и тысячи тонн воды обрушиваются на город, сметая все на своем пути, разрушая дома и ломая судьбы героев…
Stanley and Livingstone
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Однажды на приеме у короля маг предвещает Фердинанду, что тот большую часть своей жизни посветит рытью большой канавы. Забавное будущее, но никто не верит прорицателю. И все же, через несколько лет Фердинанд действительно задумывает соединить моря, чтобы появились новые возможности для соседних стран. Мысль кажется невозможной, но как раз тогда он вспоминает странного старца, говорившего про какую-то канаву. Фердинанд намерен осуществить задуманное, но непросто пойти против воли короля, для которого подобное возвышение и популярность соперника совсем некстати. И Фердинанд вынужден всю жизнь сражаться не только со стихией воды, но и с королем. А последнее куда сложнее, чем работать над воссоединением земель. Но Фердинанд не отступает.
Восьмилетняя Хейди стала сиротой, ее своенравная и жестокая тетушка Дет забирает девочку и увозит ее в дом деда, расположенный высоко в альпийских горах. Здесь белокурая Хейди знакомится со своим молчаливым дедом Адольфом Крамером, который поначалу не признает внучку, но благодаря ангельскому терпению девочки и ласковым словам сердце старика оттаивает и он понимает, что этот ребенок дорог ему больше всего на свете...
Крошка Вилли Винки
После смерти мужа Джойс Уильямс остается с маленькой дочкой Присциллой без средств к существованию. Поэтому она без колебаний принимает приглашение своего свёкра полковника Уильямса, возглавляющего шотландский полк в Британской Индии, и переезжает к нему — в небольшой гарнизон на границе с территориями, заселёнными воинственными кочевниками. Непоседа Присцилла, пристающая ко всем со своими вопросами, увлекается военной жизнью и вскоре заводит дружбу с суровым сержантом Макдаффом. Последний достаёт ей военную форму, делает из деревяшки «ружьё» и даёт ей прозвище — «рядовой Вилли Винки». Тем временем ситуация на границе обостряется, гарнизону грозит нападение кочевников…
Chance at Heaven
A young woman's ambitious boyfriend falls for a ditzy socialite.
Ярмарка штата
Additional Writing
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
A Successful Calamity
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
The Expert
An elderly gentleman arrives for an extended stay with his grown son in Chicago.
Человек, который играл бога
Пианист Монтгомери Роял теряет слух. Он возвращается с сестрой и своей невестой, Грейс в Нью-Йорк. Монтгомери в отчаянии и пытается отослать от себя свою невесту, которая была его ученицей и взяла с него обещание, что через полгода он на ней женится. Она уезжает к своим друзьям, а Монтгомери запирается от всего мира. Его ничто не может вернуть к жизни, даже обучение читать по губам. Он готов уже свести счеты с опостылевшей жизнью, если бы не горькие обвинения слуги в эгоистичности и трусости. Случайно ему попадается бинокль с 10-ти кратным увеличением, который оставила Грейс. Когда-то она брала его с собой, чтобы следить за игрой его рук на концертах. Взглянув в него, он открывает для себя другой мир. Рядом тоже находятся люди, которые также болеют, страдают и гневаются на Бога, вопрошая: за что на них сваливаются беды, в тот момент, когда им кажется, что их никто не слышит? И ему приходит на ум спасительная мысль — помочь этим людям и сыграть в их судьбе роль Бога.
Hell Bound
Lane and Diane are a young married couple living in a coastal town whose lives are about to be torn apart by an old book of magic.
Misbehaving Ladies
Ellen, a young American girl who married a European prince and moved to his country, is preparing to return to the US, after having paid off all the debts left by her now-deceased husband. However, when she returns early, no one recognizes her and even her aunt Kate mistakes her for the princess' dressmaker. Her ex-boyfriend Joe, who recognizes her immediately, suggests that Ellen continue with the charade and have some fun, but a series of misunderstandings causes trouble for her.
Kiss Me Again
An officer of the French Military is in love with a shop girl, but his aristocratic father wants him to marry in his class and convinces the girl that marriage would be a mistake. The officer goes off to war and she becomes an opera star.
The Green Goddess
An airplane carrying three Brits crash lands in the kingdom of Rukh. The Rajah holds them prisoner because the British are about to execute his three half-brothers in neighboring India.
The Climax
Young Italian girl wants to become a great opera singer.
The Climax
Young Italian girl wants to become a great opera singer.
The Climax
Scenario Writer
Young Italian girl wants to become a great opera singer.
Prime Minister of Great Britain Benjamin Disraeli outwits the subterfuge of the Russians and chicanery at home in order to secure the purchase of the Suez Canal.
A Ship Comes In
Film which tells the story of immigrants coming to the United States.
The Whirlwind of Youth
Forever After
A wounded captain recalls his youth, his time at college, and the woman he fell in love with.
The Eagle of the Sea
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
It Must Be Love
Fernie Schmidt (Colleen Moore) lives with her parents in the rear of their delicatessen. The smells of the business - cheeses, sausages, garlic and pickled herrings - repulses Fernie, who dreams of leaving this environment and moving into a life that's more rarified. Her father, Pop Schmidt (Jean Hersholt) has plans for his daughter to marry Peter Halitovsky (Arthur Stone), a sausage salesman, but Fernie is repulsed by the idea. At a dance, Fernie meets Jack Dugan (Malcolm McGregor), who tells her that he is in stocks, a paper-counter, and she falls for him. Because of her rejection of her father's chosen candidate for matrimony, Pop puts Fernie out of the house.
The Bat
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.
Веер леди Уиндермир
Миссис Эрлинн, мать леди Уиндермир, пытается вернуться в высший свет, чтобы выйти замуж за лорда Августина Лортона. Лорд Уиндермир, который помог ей деньгами, приглашает её на празднование дня рождения его жены, однако леди Уиндермир начинает ревновать и решает оставить мужа ради влюбленного в неё лорда Дарлингтона. Миссис Эрлинн узнает об этом и пытается убедить леди не делать такой ошибки, но её дочь оставляет свой веер в доме лорда Дарлингтона…
Rose of the World
In India, Rosamond English learns that her husband Capt. Harry English has been killed in battle. After a time, she marries Sir Arthur Gerardine but is unable to forget her first husband, and gradually her love for him is rekindled, especially when she contrasts him to the pompous and elderly Sir Arthur.
His Majesty, Bunker Bean
His Majesty, Bunker Bean is a 1925 silent film comedy directed by Harry Beaumont and starring Matt Moore. It is based on a 1916 play, His Majesty, Bunker Bean by Lee Wilson Dodd, taken from a novel Bunker Bean by Harry Leon Wilson. It was produced and distributed by Warner Brothers.
My Wife and I
In a wealthy society family, the mother is forced to sit by and watch while her husband and son both compete for the affections of a pretty young temptress.
The Narrow Street
Simon Haldane works in the office of the Faulkner Iron Works, but he has been raised by his two maiden aunts in an extremely sheltered manner and is basically afraid of everyone and everything. One morning he finds a strange girl shivering in his bedroom, and although he's terrified of her, he manages to call a doctor for her. This starts a rumor that Simon is married. Complications ensue.
The Tenth Woman
A ranch owner saves a pretty young woman from committing suicide, and later marries her. They are very happy together until a former girlfriend visits him. Then the trouble begins.
The Country Kid
Ben Applegate's father dies, leaving him and his brothers Joe and Andy orphans and having to run the family farm. Their Uncle Grimes is their legal guardian, but he's only concerned with getting his hands on the farm. He has Ben declared incompetent and packs off Joe and Andy to an orphanage. When things look darkest for the three boys, help comes from an unexpected source.
Main Street
The arrival of pretty Carol Milford in the staid Midwestern town of Gopher Prairie really shakes up the locals.
All the Brothers Were Valiant
All the Brothers Were Valiant (1923)
Hungry Hearts
A family of Russian Jews living in New York struggles to survive, while the mother strives to better their lives, but she finds that most of her efforts costs more then they are worth.
The Old Homestead
Silent drama film based upon the play of the same name by Denman Thompson.
The Man Unconquerable
A conservative young man inherits his uncle's pearl fishery concession in the South Pacific. Upon his arrival there, he becomes involved with a woman and a mystery.
His Back Against the Wall
Jeremy Dice, a finisher in a New York East Side tailor shop who prides himself on being a smart dresser and dancer, proves to be cowardly when he retreats from a bully who gets fresh with his girl, and his employer discharges him. Deciding to go out west, Jeremy is caught hitching the rails and comes upon two outlaws in the desert disputing over booty; they are both killed in a shoot-out, and Jeremy is proclaimed a hero by the sheriff.....
Head Over Heels
When theatrical agent Sterling, a ladies man known for signing his latest paramours onto his agency's talent roster, returns to New York from a trip to Europe, he tells his more down-to-earth partner, Lawson, that he has hired a beautiful Neopolitan acrobat he saw onstage in Italy. When the acrobat, Tina Bambinetti, arrives in their office, though, Sterling is shocked to find that, offstage, she is plain, unkempt and badly dressed. Crushed by Sterling's dismissive treatment, Tina performs some acrobatics that almost destroy the office...
Watch Your Step
Elmer Slocum has just served a jail sentence for speeding. On his first day of liberty he encounters a physician whose car has broken down and offers to take him to his patient; he is pursued by motorcops for speeding, wrecks his car in a closed street, and knocks down and believes he has killed a policeman. Elmer boards a freight train and makes his way to a small town in Iowa, where he meets Margaret Andrews.....
Dangerous Curve Ahead
Engaged to Harley Jones, fickle Phoebe Mabee flirts with Anson Newton. She and Harley, as a result, break their engagement, but within six months they are reconciled and married. Phoebe becomes a mother, and when Harley is sent abroad by his business firm she and her two children go to a summer resort where she renews her romance with Newton.
The Jailbird
Paris Green
The Egg Crate Wallop
Assistant to freight express agent Dave Haskell in the town of Pitt's Junction, Jim Kelly develops strong biceps lifting egg crates onto the daily train. Jim soon falls in love with Dave's lovely daughter Kitty, who, he worries, is interested in city slicker Perry Woods. When Woods steals $2,000 from the station safe, Jim, thinking that Dave took the money, confesses the crime and leaves for Chicago.
Bill Henry
Bill Henry Jenkins is a country boy on the lookout for a good career. He faces numerous obstacles, including losing his sales job when his bicycle is lost. A bigtime poker game turns out to be the key to Bill Henry's success.
Hay Foot, Straw Foot
Silent military romantic love triangle comedy (based on the story by Julien Josephson), about a soldier named Ulysses S. Grant Briggs, who comes from the south and enlists in the army. He and his best friend, who is from the north, compete for a beautiful stage actress, and risks court-martial to win her.
Greased Lightning
Andy Fletcher is a blacksmith in a country village, but he dreams of racing automobiles. He gets his chance to enter a big race, but winning is complicated by a band of bank robbers.
String Beans
Farmer Toby Watkinsm whose fanciful poetry does not impress his exasperated uncle, leaves the farm to become a subscription solicitor for the "Sawbert Weekly Clarion." In Sawbert, Toby meets Mayor Lot Morris' daughter Jean, and the shy young people fall in love. Crooked stock promoter Kendall Reeves arrives in town and unveils his plan to open a string-bean cannery. - From IMDB
The Midnight Patrol
Officer Terence Shannon is the head man of the Los Angeles Flying Squadron. In this capacity, Shannon does battles with ruthless opium smugglers in LA's Chinatown
Playing the Game
Millionaire Larry Prentiss inherits a ranch. He decides to visit his new property incognito and gets a job as a ranch-hand. He falls in love with the ranch foreman's daughter and complications ensue.