Nick De Ruiz

Nick De Ruiz

Рождение : 1871-01-01, Santa Barbara - California - USA

Смерть : 1959-06-21


Nick De Ruiz


Мадам Икс
Hotel Porter
Жаклин Флорио, жена дипломата закрутила роман и по этой причине вынуждена оставить мужа и сына. После этого она погружается в пучину разврата, в проституцию, шантаж и, в конечном итоге, становится подозреваемой в убийстве. Её сын Рэймонд, к тому времени уже взрослый мужчина и известный адвокат, призван быть её защитником. Он не знает, что женщина, которую он защищает, — его давно потерянная мать, а Жаклин пытается скрыть своё прошлое от успешного сына.
White Fang
Posse Member
A woman and her weakling brother inherit a mine. When the brother commits suicide the guide is accused of murder.
Робин Гуд из Эльдорадо
В 1848 году на лесопилке Саттера в Калифорнии нашли золото. Началась Золотая Лихорадка. Страну наводнили американские проходимцы, жадные до быстрой наживы. Проживавшим в Калифорнии мексиканцам пришлось несладко. Их сгоняли с родных земель, грабили, убивали. Когда несчастья коснулись Хоакина Мурьеты и его родных, он встал на путь жестокого мщения. Калифорния наполнилась криками умирающих американцев. Золотоискатели волей-неволей объединились, чтобы истребить Хоакина и его мексиканцев.
I Live My Life
Greek Following Kay (Uncredited)
A society girl tries to make a go of her marriage to an archaeologist.
Wings of Adventure
Manuel, Bandito Leader
Dave Kent, a commercial aviator, and his mechanic, Skeets Smith, are forced to make an emergency landing in Mexico and find themselves in the hands of La Panthera, a notorious bandit who wishes to overthrow the government and become president of a new republic. Manuel, his chief henchman, obliges them to collect the booty in a robbery, but Kent manages to meet María Valdez, a prisoner--held for marriage to the insurgent leader--who implores his aid. Kent and Skeets are arrested for the robbery and sentenced to death.
Call of the West
Nightclub entertainer Violet La Tour collapses during a performance in Sagebrush, Texas, and is taken to the ranch of Lon Dixon. They fall in love and are married. Feeling deserted when Lon joins a posse in search of rustlers, she returns to New York. There, she is wooed by her agent, Maurice Kane, but confirms her love for Lon when he comes to claim her.
Isle of Escape
On a South Sea island, Stella operates a hotel for her mother, who is constantly drunk on liquor smuggled by Shane, the principal trader and virtual dictator of the island. Dave Wade, exhausted from the heat, lands on the shore near the hotel and reports having escaped from a nearby cannibal island. Stella has her servants, Manua and Loru, care for him, but Shane, to whom she is married but with whom she has never lived, orders him taken to his house, intent on stealing his gold. In a drunken orgy, Shane takes the gold, provoking a fight in which Stella aids Wade. When Ma Blackney dies and Stella recovers the gold, she suggests they go to another island and establish a trading business; but because of a misunderstanding, Stella is kidnaped by the natives and taken to the cannibal island. Disregarding their differences, Wade and Shane join forces and go to the island; Shane sacrifices himself to stall the cannibals while Stella and Wade flee to the sea.
Antonio Zanzi
Испания, начало XX века. Цыганский бродячий цирк Антонио Занзи даёт представления в провинциальных городах. Главный номер представления — безрукий метатель ножей Алонзо. На самом деле у Алонзо есть руки, но об этом не знает никто, кроме его помощника лилипута Кохо. Притворяясь безруким, Алонзо прячется от полиции — у него тёмное прошлое, на его совести есть и человеческие жизни. Левая рука у него особенно приметная из за частичной полидактилии — на ней два сросшихся больших пальца. Алонзо влюблён в дочь владельца цирка Нанон. У девушки фобия — она не переносит прикосновений мужских рук и поэтому старается держаться возле «безрукого» Алонзо, который вскоре догадывается о её страхах и начинает на них играть.
Old Ironsides
Bashaw (uncredited)
An embellished account of the 1813 expedition by famed frigate U.S.S. Constitution--a.k.a. "Old Ironsides"--against the Barbary pirates then terrorizing American shipping, focusing on the crew and passengers of a fictional merchant ship, The Esther, who fall afoul of the same pirates and thus become involved with the Constitution's mission.
The Girl from Montmartre
Don Angel
A Parisian cabaret dancer Emilia finds herself under the scrutiny of aristocratic British military officer Jerome Hautrix, who catches her act while on furlough during WWI. Convinced that Emilia is of noble birth, Hautrix tracks her down after the war, determined to trace her family tree. In the process, the two mismatched souls fall in love.
The Man in Blue
Gregorio Vitti
Tom Conlin, an Irish cop walking a beat in an Italian neighborhood, falls in love with Tita Sartori, the daughter of a florist. Tita returns Tom's affection but keeps him at a distance, believing him to be married; However she is also wooed by an unscrupulous politician of considerable wealth.....
His Supreme Moment
John Douglas, a down-on-his-luck engineer, takes his sweetheart, Sara Deeping, to a play starring Carla King, and he falls in love with the actress.
Mademoiselle Midnight
Don José de Quiros
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.
The Night Hawk
Manuel Valdez
Our Western star begins this actioner rather improbably, as a New York City gangster. But soon enough he heads for the more comfortable expanse of the open spaces.
Forbidden Paradise
The General
Film based on the Lajos Biró play, directed by Ernst Lubitsch.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Mons. Le Torteru
In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her.
An illiterate, uncouth brute rises to power during the Russian Revolution, plots to wreak vengeance on all who cross him, and incites the peasantry to burn the city.
The Altar Stairs
On an island in the South Seas, derelict Tony Heritage is rescued from savage natives by trader and ship captain Rod McLean, but repays him by stealing Rod’s money and fleeing to France. There, Heritage marries a young French woman named Joie Malet, but her father, Captain Jean Malet, having discovered his miscreant past, snatches Joie from the altar stairs and takes her to a South Sea island where he has been posted. Tony Heritage follows, but Capt. Malet keeps him away from Joie by giving him a job on another island, helping Rod McLean build a new trading post.
Another Man's Shoes
To evade a gang conspiring to assassinate him, wealthy businessman Stuart Granger induces his unsuspecting, look-alike cousin, Jack Burton, to impersonate him for a month.
East Is West
Chang Lee
She'd wink till hearts went on the blink. And staid professors couldn't think. And everywhere they'd stop to stare. And say "Some Chink!" when Ming Toy winked.
The Half Breed
Juan Del Rey
Delmar Spavinaw, an educated "half-breed," loves Evelyn Huntington, daughter of a racist judge. Evelyn's other suitor is Ross Kennion, a widower with one child, and owner of a vast tract of land which Spavinaw insists belongs to his Indian mother. Spavinaw seeks revenge when Judge Huntington decides to evict the squaw. Assisted by Juan Del Rey, a cattle rustler, Spavinaw steals the title to the land, wounds Kennion, stages a raid on the judge's cattle, and attempts to kidnap Kennion's son and Evelyn. The arrival of the sheriff forces him into flight across the border without his hostages. En route he meets Doll Pardeau, a school friend of Evelyn's, and together they ride for the Mexican border. Caught between a cattle stampede and a sheriff's posse, the couple catch a passing freight train, leaving calamity behind as the train slowly passes.
(as Nicholas De Ruiz)
Reared in a Turkish harem and threatened with marriage to a man she does not love, Carlotta escapes to London with an English adventurer. When he is killed, she is left destitute and attaches herself to Sir Marcus Ordeyne and begs his protection. He takes her home out of pity, and her charm and innocence cause him to fall in love with her. When he plans to marry her, Judith Mainwaring, who looks upon Carlotta as a rival, tells her he merely pities her and is marrying her to avoid a scandal. Carlotta runs away with Pasquale, a friend of Sir Marcus, though she loves her guardian. Later, Mrs. Mainwaring meets Carlotta in Paris and tells the girl the truth--that Sir Marcus is searching for her. Realizing his love for her, Carlotta is reunited with her benefactor.
Honor Bound
Santos Cordero
Irresponsible Billy Thorpe is sent to South America by his financée Claire's father, George Vincent, the rubber king, in order to reform.