Reidar Ewing


Sisters: The Summer We Found Our Superpowers
When the mother of two little girls is hospitalized for exhaustion, the family's adventurous father takes them on a trip to the Norwegian forests. But while hiking, he falls into a crevice and is unable to free himself. The two girls must make their own journey through the forest to seek help. Meanwhile, they have to face their fears.
Теперь темно
Когда Лена разыскивает своего отчужденного мужа в надежде на примирение, она находит его в постели с новой любовницей. Потрясенная, она покидает место происшествия и отправляется в путешествие ночью, которое приводит ее на экзистенциальную прогулку на американских горках по сновидениям и в очень темные места.
The story of Karl, Christian and Leo will forever change the way you view the relationship between men and women. In a world were women have the power and all the advantages, they've learned that there is only room for one kind of man - the kind that shaves his balls. In a competition to beat Casanova, they fall victim to their own most charming and destructive in a game all men and women are doomed to lose. Pornopung is a dark and entertaining journey through the forefront of modern seduction and sexuality. It will make the most ardent feminist admit that they've won the war of the sexes.
Monster Thursday
Ekspeditør i surfebutikk
A quirky romantic drama set in remote coastal Norway takes the viewer on a tumultuous ride through surfing aspirations, extreme weather and love.
Pia is coming home for Christmas after traveling in England for about 6 months. She wants to catch up with her boyfriend, Kristoffer, who was supposed to have joined her on the trip, but backed out at the last minute. Finding him, however, is turning out to be quite a task. While searching, she meets several more or less disgruntled and dissatisfied people. And when Santa turns up things start happening...