Rick Singer


Last Days of Coney Island
In the cheap glitter and glow of a fading Coney Island a group of characters live out their sordid, strange lives trying to get somewhere fast - any way they can. Desperately trying to love and be loved. These cops, call girls, mafia hoods, transvestites, fortune-tellers, clowns, and freaks are all intertwined, heading on a crazy roller coaster ride into a black hole they think is life. All of these characters are totally removed from the 60s America that, at the same time, is violently changing its values, fast. It is how hard they try, with the deck stacked against them, that we root for them in amazement. The film is done in funny hand drawn animation which makes their story even more amazing to watch. We invite you to enjoy the show.
Крутые и чокнутые
Майк и Розалинда, Боб и Джеки одновременно справляют свадьбы. Им по восемнадцать. Больше нет мам и пап. Нет запретов. Каждый из них свободен, но каждый забывает об ответственности. Им нужно, как говорится, "нагуляться". Очень быстро появившиеся дети только мешают юным родителям, и их сбагривают кому угодно при любой возможности. Вволю порезвившаяся Розалинда, первой понимает, что действительно любит своего мужа Майка, но это взросление приходит слишком поздно. Уезжая от нее навсегда, Майк кричит во все горло: "Я свободен!".
Imagining America
Neal Cassasdy
An anthology film consisting of four shorts with the central theme being life in the United States.
Imagining America
An anthology film consisting of four shorts with the central theme being life in the United States.
This Ain't Bebop
Jackson Pollock
This Ain't Bebop is Ralph Bakshi's first live action short, starring Harvey Keitel and featuring Ron Thompson as the beatnik poet and Rick Singer as Jackson Pollock.